The Quest For The Diamond Heart

The king is continuing family tradition by sending his sons on a quest for the Diamond Heart. 

Neither of the two sons knew that they shared the same bloodline.

The mother of the one brother is born into servitude while the mother of the other brother is the king’s wife the queen.

She is very jealous and she knows that there is a tradition within the king’s family that any sons born whether they are full royals or not they are all entitled to go on the quest for the diamond heart and to sit on the throne as ruler if they complete the quest.

Prince Epsilon is the heir to the kingdom of Heart and his parents have sent him on the quest for the diamond heart.

This quest is a family tradition on the king’s side of the family.

It is Rune 1 and Prince Epsilon begins his family quest for the diamond heart. 

Twenty-one Runes old Epsilon went into the throne room where his father and mother were waiting for him. 

King Epsilon the first set him the task and gave him instructions one of them was to keep your wits about you and follow the clues.



The prince asked his father, “Where do I begin?”

He said your quest as now begun and you are to start in the library, where you will find your very first challenge and from here on in are on your own and we can give you no more help. 

When Prince Epsilon entered the library, he found in front of him a large chessboard with chess pieces made from ivory. 

He walked over to a small wooden box where he found a luggage tag, which told him to open the box, and inside he found instructions for his first task. 

He read the instructions and when he had finished he noticed that there was a piece missing from the chessboard a white knight and it was the prince’s job to take the place of the knight and play the game of chess to unlock his first clue.

The prince moved like the knight, he moved from B1 to C3, and the black knight moved from B8 to C6.

Prince Epsilon moved himself to E4.

The black knight moved to E7, the prince told the pawn on A2 to move to A4, the black pawn moved itself to B5 and on the prince’s next move, and he took the black pawn off the board.




After theprince had won the chess game he received his first clue which came from a hidden compartment. 

Once he got his clue out of the puzzle box he read it and it said queen to king left.

When the young prince read the clue, he realized that he had to find the old throne room where his great grandfather ruled the kingdom with his queen.

Epsilon the third walked over to the thrones and he saw that he had to move the queen’s throne back to revel the second clue, which read the end is not the end but the beginning. 

Epsilon read this clue he then realized that he had to go to under the palace to the family crypt where he found a burial plot and upon the stone was his name and the date two Runes. 

Once the empty chamber had been opened by prince Epsilon he found the third clue and he opened the envelope and he read the clue it didn’t make any sense so he went up to his royal bedchamber where he fell asleep.

While he was asleep, the brother he did not know he had broke into his chamber and he read his brother’s clue. 

Once he had read the clue he searched the room in the dark for a quill and paper, He found the quill in an inkwell of dark blue ink, which looked almost black, and he wrote the answer to the clue down. 

Prince Epsilon’s half brother Willow Cloud Puddle read the third clue, where the stone steps lead you will find the last but one dragon and under her claw, you will find a red egg which will contain a baby red dragon. 

Willow wrote in large letters the steps you are looking for lead to the dungeon.

Once Willow had finished solving his brother’s third clue, he climbed out of the prince’s bedchamber window and he went down into the dudgeon to investigate the answer he wrote down.

After Prince Epsilon woke up in his bed on the third Rune, he summoned his personal servant Willow to his room to help him get dressed and while he was getting dressed, he wanted to solve his clue for the challenge but when he got to it, there was a solution written down. Epsilon went down the old stone leading to the dungeon where he found a fossilised red dragon’s egg. This dragon’s egg had a luggage tag attached to it which read I am the last one of my kind treat me with kick gloves. 

The egg hatched, a live red dragon was born, and when she came out of the egg, her first words to prince Epsilon were mommy.

Prince Epsilon turned to the baby red dragon who he found out that her name is Diamond Heart and said, “Sorry I am not your mommy she is over there dead!”




Diamond Heart stood up to her full height, and when she got to her full height, she tried to breathe out a ring of fire, but all that she could manage was a tiny puff of smoke.

Prince Epsilon laughed at her which made Diamond Heart angry and as she got angry she grew and the tiny puff of smoke that she managed when she was a baby now became a small ring of fire, which she directed at prince Epsilon. 

When the ball of fire hit him, it started to burn him and then his brother Willow stepped in with an old blanket that he found in the dungeon. 

Then Willow said to Epsilon, “Your highness what are you playing at?”

Prince Epsilon said, “How dare you answer your future king in that manner.”

 Willow turned to prince Epsilon and said, to him look at me do you know who I am?

“What are you talking about?”

Epsilon said, “I know exactly who you and your mother are you servants here at the palace that one day I will rule.”

“You are wrong dear brother because my mother has been with your father so I have just as much right to be here as you do because he is my father too.”

“You lie!”

Sorry Epsilon I do not lie we share the father who is not been honest with either of us.

Prince Epsilon who was five Runes was in bed after he had suffered burns from the dragon and while he was in bed; his father came to see him. 

The king was in prince Epsilon’s bedchamber, when the prince asked his father about Willow, he king told his son prince Epsilon that Willow was indeed telling the truth, about his identity and as the king spoke these words, the queen overheard them.

As the king came out of his son’s bedchamber, he saw the queen who was standing right outside the door and she was angry because what she had suspected about her husband having an affair was true and that he had been sleeping with Willow’s mother who was a servant in the castle.

The queen was angry when she found out what her husband had been up to and while he was with his council in the war room carrying out his royal duties, the queen left the throne room and went to search for Willow’s mother. 

The queen found her love rival who was waiting in the dressing for the king and she demanded to know why she did not tell the identity of Willow’s father.

Willow’s mother was scared to tell the queen about the relationship that she had with the king because they had been in love with each other since they were the same age as prince Epsilon, which the old king and queen disapproved of the relationship, and he had to marry you.

The queen slapped Appleblossom in the face and as she raised her hand to hit Appleblossom, again Willow walked through the door, grabbed her by the wrists, and forced the queen down to the floor where she was left reeling and her royal robe had been torn.

Her robes had been torn when she was getting up and her foot was caught in the hem.

The queen made sure that when she left the accommodation of Willow and his mother that she was seen by the royal guards.  She walked past the tower where the captain of the royal guards was on duty, he saw the state his queen was in, and he said, “Your majesty what happened?”

I was attacked by Willow Cloud Puddle and I want you to arrest him and taken down to the dungeon and thrown into a cell with no food and water.

 I want you and your men to go down to their house and I want Appleblossom Cloud Puddle packed up, escorted from her home and her home to be burnt down.

I want her frog marched to the edge of the dark forest, ordered inside, and told not to ever set foot in the kingdom of Heart again.

I want you to make it clear to her that under no circumstances is to return to the kingdom and I want you to threaten her with either joining her son down in the dungeon in a cell or that she could face death.

Appleblossom came back to the kingdom of Heart despite the threats by the queen of joining her son in the cells in the dungeon or death. 

She returned to the kingdom in disguise and she crept into the palace after climbing up the trellis onto the balcony and into the dressing room where she and her lover the king would meet and where she pleaded to release of their son Willow. 

When the king heard, what his queen had done to his mistress that she had struck her and she was about to strike her again and that their son stepped in to protect his mother and that he had pushed the queen in self-defence, she ripped her own robe, and gave herself a black eye and blamed Willow because the captain of the guards had already assumed Willow had attacked her because he knew Willow as a temper. 

The king went down the worn stone steps to the dungeon where he found his son huddled up in the corner of the cell with no food and water. 

The king ordered his royal guard to open the cell door and he walked over to his son who was sick. 

He ordered the royal guard to unshackle his son and get him out of the cell.

He then had his illegitimate son put into one of the empty royal bedchamber’s where he had him under the care of the royal physician.

As a gesture of good will, the king gave the house back to his mistress but what he did not know was that the queen had ordered the house burnt down.

The captain of the royal guards remained loyal to his queen and he told her that king had released his son Willow and that he gave Appleblossom her house back. 

The queen asked her lover if he had carried out her orders and he said that he had done as she had ordered. 

When the queen heard that his lover had not carried out her orders she was so angry that she had ordered his death.

The queen went down to long corridor into the war chamber where the king met his council to talk strategy and she demanded to know why the king did not stand by her.

The king told his wife that he did not love her and he only married her and made her his queen because he needed her family’s wealth to save his kingdom because he had taken it into bankruptcy because he had enjoyed gambling seeing whores. 

He told the queen that he loved his friend who was the daughter of the servant to his mother the old queen.

When the king’s wife heard this truth come from her husband’s lips she was so angry that she left the kingdom of Heart

reeling from the bomb shell that her husband had dropped on her. She had left the kingdom of Heart with the guards who were loyal to her and because of their loyalty they helped her in her plot to kill Appleblossom the king’s true love.

The queen decided that because she was a woman scorned she wanted revenge and she knew the only way to get back at her husband was to kill his mistress and to prevent his illegitimate son Willow from co ruling and sitting on the throne to the kingdom of Heart.

When it was Willow’s turn she tried everything to make sure that Willow failed and the one thing that she did not expect to happen was for her son prince Epsilon to take the side of his half brother and for them to work together to solve the clues that had been written by their father’s family.

Willow agreed to help his brother in solving the clues and they both went into the old throne room where they found two ancient thrones constructed out of metal and they decided to sit in them.

Once they had both individually sat down on the thrones hidden straps started to come out of the sides and these straps secured both of the brothers each into their own thrones so that they could not move and then from the top of the thrones a crown of thorns came down onto their heads.

Once the crown of thorns was on their heads and strapped down, all control was with the thrones.

The queen and Appleblossom decided to work together and they went looking for their sons and they went down some stone steps to the abandoned part of the palace to a room with two ancient thrones in it where they found their sons trapped on the thrones with no means of escape.

Appleblossom went down the corridor to the old war council chambers where she found the old king’s swords, which she took back to the throne room and gave one to the queen and they both used them to cut through the thorn crowns and the leather straps that bond their son’s to the thrones.

Once the future rulers had been freed they took hold of the swords that their mother’s had used to free them and attacked the thrones and destroyed them and they went back upstairs to the new throne room and sat on the thrones as the new rulers.

The king’s mistress Appleblossom latter married the king after his queen Diamond Heart had died of a broken heart, the king’s illegitimate son Willow who was the eldest son got the title of duke, and he sat on the smaller throne as a co ruler.

During the time of their reign, together King Epsilon got married to his half sister Appleblossom and the Duke’s sister and because of this marriage Willow had to relinquish the small throne to his half brother King Epsilon’s wife Appleblossom his sister who was expecting King Epsilon’s first child. 

When the day came for the birth of King Epsilon’s child there were complications during the birth and king Epsilon’s wife Appleblossom and the child who was a son died.

After the death of queen Appleblossom and their son king Epsilon locked himself away in his royal bedchamber that he shared with his wife and were about to share with their first born child their son who was going to take his father’s name and

their deaths pushed Epsilon right over the edge and he started to smash up the royal bedchamber and the royal cot in his anger and grief.

While king Epsilon was in his royal bedchamber the dressing room which was to the right of his bedchamber there was a female servant who was in their tidying up when king Epsilon walked right behind her and he then dropped his royal robes as part of the clumsy pass at her.  

The female servant who he made a clumsy pass at who was attempting to leave the dressing room where she had been carrying out her royal duties. Before she could leave the king had disrobed himself and he had then disrobed her and pushed her onto his royal bed.

She fought the king off and ran out of the royal bedchamber screaming and straight into the strong manly arms of duke Willow the king’s half brother. 

Once the female servant had finished telling her story to the duke, he decided to enter his half brother’s bedchamber to find out what was going on and as king Epsilon who was still disrobed and lying in the bed grabbed him but as king Epsilon pulled who he thought was the same female who had been carrying out her duties when he pulled the same female servant onto the bed, and he was shocked to discover that it was his half brother Willow. 

Once the king realized that, he had pulled his brother onto the bed that he had just been lying on with one of his female servants and he got the shock of his life and died there and then in his bed.

The duke decided that after his half brother had died he was going to protect his honour as the king and he should be dressed and the facts that he had been sleeping with a female palace servant should kept a secret. 

The female servant who the king had finished having sex with got herself and the king redressed, she dressed the king in his nightwear, and help him get back into his bed, she finished tidying up the king’s bedchamber, and he was still alive when she went looking for Willow. 

Once the female servant had found Willow, he went into his half brother’s bedchamber to discuss his behaviour while the female servant went off to find the royal physician.  

While she was away fetching the royal physician the king died.  The physician and the female servant came back to the royal bedchamber.

After the royal physician had finished examining the king’s body, he went to see the female servant who the king had foolishly made a pass at in his grief after losing his wife and heir during childbirth. 

When she alleged that the king had sex with her without her consent.  

After she had made the allegation she ran off and stole a horse and left the palace.

Willow had the palace and the grounds searched looking for the female servant who had made the allegations about the king when they could not find her they gave up on the search. 

Four Runes later he came back to the king’s chamber with the queen where they found the king dressed and dead in the royal bedchamber. 

Once the queen had calmed down, she realized that Willow had been manipulating the situation because he wanted to be sole ruler of the kingdom even though he had been born into servitude and he was jealous. 

The female servant who had told Willow that king Epsilon had made a clumsy pass at her after leaving the palace she went to see a physician from a small town she was passing through and he informed her that she was with child.  

She rode back to the palace and she walked to the palace door and entered the royal bedchamber to tell the king that his hopes for an heir to sit on the higher throne as ruler were a real possibility because she was with child but when she was told that the old king was dead. 

Twenty Runes after king Epsilon the 2nd‘s  death his son Epsilon the 3rd who was a prince found out that he had to undergo the family quest for the diamond heart which was created by his ancestors before he could take his father’s throne and be crowned as the next rightful heir to the kingdom.

Duke Willow took over the throne for the kingdom of Heart because he thought he was the rightful heir and ruler but he later discovered after all of his greed, blackmail and backstabbing that his half brother the king had a son who was born away from the palace in a brothel run by his uncle. 

King Epsilon the 3rd  grew up into a handsome young man who fell in love with a beautiful young woman of his own and started his a family with her and then Epsilon the 3rd  discovered that he was king Epsilon the 2nd‘s son and that the duke had banished his mother. 

Epsilon the 2nd‘s mother begged him to stay away from the duke because he was sly and he only cared about looking after number one and once the duke heard about the predicament that the female servant was in when she came back to the palace, he took full advantage of the situation and he asked her to marry him. He thought if he married her he would get the throne because if the son was his then Epsilon’s bloodline would be broken.

She later agreed even though she knew she was carrying the king’s son and rightful heir.

While the female servant was in bed with the duke and carrying the king’s child who she pretended was his and when she was with the physician being examined and the dates did not add up Willow asked his wife who is the child’s father and when he found out that, it was his dead half brother’s child and he thought that the Epsilon bloodline had ended with the king’s death the anger and jealously of the duke exploded and he tried to kill his wife and the unborn son.  The duke had being sitting on the throne after the death of his king and half brother and he was holding meetings with the war council who became his war council and with them he was plotting to have his wife and the unborn son that she was carrying murdered because it was his dead brother’s child. 

The queen found a man she could trust, that man she trusted was the captain of the palace guard because she knew he remained loyal to the king and he helped her to escape with one of the palace’s horses and her unborn son.

The captain of the palace guard helped her onto the back of an old grey horse and passed her son to her and then he got onto a dark brown horse the dead of night and they rode away from the palace together into the dark forest and when he had safely got her though the dark forest he left her to carry on her journey alone. 

She rode the horse all night until she had to get of the horse because it had lost a shoe and when she got off she found a field full of horses and she stole one of them to continue her journey and the owner of the horses saw her take one of them and he shot at her. 

She dismounted from the horse and collapsed to the ground and the man ran over to her after he had put his gun down and discovered that she was carrying a small child. 

He gently picked her up and the small child and carried them into his log cabin. 

Once he had settled his guests in he got on his horse and rode as fast as he could to fetch the physician out to his guests to make sure they were OK. 

The physician told the man that she needed complete bed rest and as for the baby there is not a scratch on him, and it had been a seven Runes when the woman woke to find herself in a strange bed and her child in a crib next to her bed.

The woman woke up to see the face of a young handsome male stranger and she asked him what happened?

You had rode onto may land and attempted to steal one of my horses and I shot at you because you are a trespasser and a thief.

She asked where am I?

King Epsilon once owned this farmland and now duke Willow owns it because his men come and collect the very high taxes.

No, tell me this is not so I thought that because I had crossed the dark forest I was out of his reach!

What has happened to you?

My story begins when the king made a clumsy pass at me when he had lost his wife and child during child birth and I came out of his royal bedchamber in floods of tears then I bumped into the king’s half brother the duke who used my situation to his advantage to black mail the king. 

I later went to the king’s bedchamber to talk to him and I found his fully clothed dead body in his bed.

As I was leaving the king’s bedchamber duke Willow and the royal physician were just entering to see the king and when they entered the king was dead and I started to run but the duke had me arrested by the captain of royal guard and taken to the dungeon.

The captain of the palace guards who did not like the new palace regime and the changes in the laws to the kingdom took pity on me and helped me to escape and he rode with on one of the two horses he borrowed and left me with the old grey horse and some food. 

He had left me at the forbidden forest to go it alone and I had ridden for two Runes straight through the forbidden forest and I had stopped for a rest and we got back on my horse and we continued to ride and when we got to your farm as you know my horse had thrown his shoe and I had tried to take one of your horses and I was going to leave my horse in its place so that I could carry on with my journey to get away from my husband in order to keep my son safe because he is the king’s son and rightful heir to this kingdom.

Once my husband the duke found out that I had tricked him about the that I was carrying and that I was carrying his half brother’s child, he had ordered me to be thrown into the dungeon to wait for the royal executioner to carry out my death sentence but the head of the king’s guard saw that I was with child and took pity on me because she was loyal to king Epsilon and she knew that the king’s son should be on the throne even though he is illegitimate because he is the true ruler even though she served the joint rulers.

When the man who shot at her, took her into his home, and heard her story of woe he decided to let her have the horse once she had rested and he would ride with her out of the kingdom.

He got the horses ready, gave her clothes and food and then he accompanied her on her long perilous journey.

They had left the kingdom that duke Willow ruled far behind and booked into a tavern as a married couple with child, she gave birth, and her husband left his wife back at the tavern and rode back to the kingdom to king Willow where he betrayed his wife.

King Willow gave orders for the palace guard to go to the  tavern and to bring her and the child back to the kingdom but she had packed up everything and she wrapped up her son, left the tavern  without paying the bill, took her horse, and rode off into the night.  

The man who was her husband and had betrayed her to duke he rode back to the tavern before the palace guards rode out on the duke’s orders.

The palace guards got to the tavern a Rune’s ride away to apprehend her and she had left.

Her husband secured his horse in the tavern stables and then went up to the room where he had been staying with his wife and son where he discovered that she had left taking everything with her leaving a note say that she knew that he had betrayed her to the palace guards.

He also found that the money pouch she had hidden in the room was gone and the crib was empty.

The man went down the stairs and spoke to the tavern manager to ask where his wife and child had gone just as he was getting his answer the palace guards had arrived. 

The man had settled the bill and he went out to the stable, grabbed his horse, and followed his wife who was just two Runes ahead of him. 

He rode his horse all night and he made it to the brothel that his wife’s father owned.

She was upstairs in the brothel in her old bedroom putting her son into the crib that her father had made for his grandson.

When her dad let her husband into the brothel and told him where his daughter and grandson were sleeping and they were talking when the baby boy started crying.

Then all of a sudden the palace guards arrived at the brothel and started to tear it apart but they did not find whom they were searching for because they were hidden in a secret passage and they went back to the palace empty handed.

The captain of the guards found her the child and husband and again he took pity on her and the child and let them go but he made an example of her husband who had betrayed her and ordered his death.

Once he was dead, the captain left his men and ordered them back to the palace while he spoke; to the woman who he had helped more than once and when he had arrived back at the palace he found out that his men had betrayed him and Willow had order him killed.

After his death his head was stuck on a large pike right outside of the palace gates and the vultures came swooping down and then the former female palace servant came ridding back on her horse with her son sitting behind her.

She told her son to look at the pike as they dismounted from the horse and she walked over to the pike where she saw the head of the man who had saved her life more than once and who was her friend. 

She told her son that this man was loyal to her and that she was not going to let his death go without taking vengeance upon the man who had destroyed her life.


When she saw what had been done to her friend she broke through the security of the castle with her small son.

Then they broke into Willow’s royal bedchamber and in front of her son’s eyes she killed him in his bed.

They made their way to the war council chambers where she declared to the sitting council that this is your king and he is the true heir of king Epsilon.

Then around the room cheers and chants of long live our true king rang out!

The council said we know that this little prince is our future king but he cannot sit on the throne according to Willow’s new laws because of his age so we will need someone who can rule as the guardian of throne until our king is old enough. The war council asked if she was prepared to take the oath and the war council decided that they would be prepared to obey her orders because they were orders that came from the young prince and because she was the mother of the future king and because she was speaking for her son.

Ten Runes later king Epsilon the second took the larger throne but he requested that his mother take the smaller throne next to him and become his wife and queen. 

She accepted her son’s kind and generous offer and they ran the kingdom together like a well-oiled machine.

During their reign, together king Epsilon the 2nd‘s mother became ill and died. 

Poor king Epsilon the 2nd became so broken hearted that he locked himself away in his chamber after his mother’s death.

While king Epsilon the 2nd was in his royal bedchamber next door in the dressing room that belonged to the queen and his mother and one of the female servants was cleaning it after the queen’s death and king Epsilon the 2nd  came up behind her and made a pass at her and they ended up in the royal bed together and then she left the royal chamber with the largest smile on her face.

King Epsilon the 3rd  went to inspect his personal guard and then he inspected the palace guard and then he order his captain of his personal guard to ask the kingdom jeweller to come up to the palace with his rings. 

The king told the captain of the personal guard that once he had collected the royal jeweller that he was to be taken straight to the royal bedchamber where he hid in the dressing room, the king asked that the personal guard bring Appleblossom the servant who was just cleaning the royal dressing to come to his bedchamber, and then she asked the jeweller to come in the room with his trays of rings.

The king sat on his bed talking to the servant and then he said I would like you to be my wife and I have a surprise for you I have asked the kingdom’s jeweller to bring with him a selection of trays of engagement rings.

The king told her to chose the most expensive band and then king Epsilon the 3rd told the royal jeweller that he wanted his bride to design her engagement ring because his philosophy is a jewel for a jewel.

They got the rings ready for the wedding ceremony, king Epsilon the 3rd  ordered a week of holidays to celebrate his wedding, and he found out that, his wife is with child on their wedding day and that he is going to be a dad.

Then during the wedding ceremony, the palace was under attack and the king’s personal guard took the happy couple down to the old throne room where they sat on the thrones and they were strapped up and the guards stood around the thrones to protect their king and queen and they killed the attacking forces as they entered the old throne room.  

On the birth of their son prince Epsilon, the 4th  the king and queen declared week long holidays throughout the kingdom.

Five Runes later tragedy befell while king Epsilon the 3rd was away at war his son prince Epsilon the 4th  fell ill to a mystery illness. 

This illness had kept the young prince in his bed and then seven runes later, he was dead. 

The mystery illness struck the queen fourteen Runes later and she was dead. 

The royal physician examined prince Epsilon the 4th and the queen’s bodies but he was at a lost as to what was causing this mysterious illness so he could not come up with a cure. 

People all over the kingdom were getting this mystery illness and dropping like flies.

Before the queen became ill with the mystery illness and just as her son had died she ordered a member of the royal household guard to lock down the kingdom of Heart and not to let anyone in or out.

Then he went to the pigeon loft, sat at a little wooden table, and wrote a message to his king with the words that the queen told him to write, which said people are dying of a mysterious illness the physician has no idea what it is and has been unable to find a cure.

Prince Epsilon is dead and your queen who sat with your son day and night died fourteen Runes later and the kingdom is in lock down please stay away your majesty we have no idea what this illness is and we don’t know how to eradicate it.  

King Epsilon went back to his kingdom despite the message he received and he rode all night to get back to his kingdom, which was a ride of four Runes.

King Epsilon the 3rd  had made it back to his kingdom within two Runes and as he rode up to the gates he found them to be overgrown with thorns which he cut through with his sword and once through the gates he saw a large dark storm cloud floating over the palace. 

As he looked up at the cloud, it transformed into a person and as soon as she did king Epsilon, the third realized that the woman in front of him was his great-great grandmother the first queen of the kingdom of Heart.  

She was the cause of the people in his kingdom dying. 

Epsilon cut his way through the continuing growing thorns and as she used his sword to hack at the thorns, he attacked his great-great grandmother because she was the thorns that encased the whole kingdom and the palace of Heart. 

Every time king Epsilon the 3rd cut through the thorns they would grow longer in a different direction and Epsilon the 3rd realized that he needed to ignite his sword with flames and as he did so the heat killed the thorns and eradicated the mysterious illness. 

King Epsilon 3rd started up a new relationship with another new servant who was 30 Runes his junior and she gave him six more sons even though he never forgot his wife and his first-born son who he had buried in the royal family crypt below the palace.   King Epsilon walked down the old stone steps and he walked over to the section where his mother and father were buried to tell them about his new wife and their six grandsons and to tell them that he was carrying on the old family tradition that his paternal great-great grandfather had started. 

He was also making sure, that as soon as his sons were old enough that they would take part in the quest for the diamond heart.

King Epsilon the 3rd oldest son from his second wife had just turned 21 Runes and he had come of age to start the family quest. 

He was such a spoilt child and man, that he turned to his father who is now 120 Runes old and told him that he did not respect the 150 Runes of his family history.

He walked away from the family.

King Epsilon the 3rd  made his way to the stables where he order the stable hand to saddle up his horse and then he rode away from the palace at a really fast pace and ended up in the forbidden forest.  

While in the forbidden forest he got off his horse by the swamp and lay under a very old oak tree where he promptly fell asleep and when he awoke from his slumber he was covered with thorns and he was no longer 21 Runes old he had rapidly aged to 120 Runes. 

King Epsilon had freed himself and his horse from the thorns and was about to ride his horse but all he saw when he looked over to his beautiful stallion was his skeleton. 

The 120 Rune king constructed a walking cane and he walked all the way back to the palace and when he got back to the palace he yelled hello to the guard up on the wall and ordered him to open the gate and the guard just stood there and yelled who are you!

The old man yelled up I am your king let me in I want to see my family.

Sir you are mad because your family dynasty as fallen 150 Runes ago. 

The king said to the royal personal guard could you please tell me what you are talking about because I only left the palace 2 Runes ago. 

The guard said I am sorry to tell you that your family declared you dead 100 Runes ago.

What happened to my family?

Your majesty your father, mother and your five brothers killed on the orders of the new king who as put out an edict saying if ever you were to return to palace you were to be killed on sight.

The man who should is king knew that he had to get back into the palace and he knew that the only way to get inside were to use the ancient tunnels if they have not collapsed.

The king found the entrance to the secret tunnels, which the new royal family had thought they had blocked off with an iron grate but they did not rely on the former king’s cunningness to break through and enter the old throne room.

He sat down in the throne and leather straps secured him into the throne.

A crown of thorns came down from the top of the throne and slowly lowered onto his head and declaring him the one true ruler.

The palace guards heard the alarms going off and they walked round to the entrance to the ancient tunnels to discover that the iron grate was gone. 

The Captain order his men to enter the ancient tunnels with torches and to find the intruder. 

The new palace guards entered the ancient tunnels and as they did so, the tunnels started to collapse and the guards that went in, only three made it to the old throne room. 

When the three guards made it to the old throne room they stood there looking at the old throne and the old man in it and they saw the Runes drop off him until he was back to being the young king of 21 Runes that he was the day he disappeared.

When leaving he left his mother the queen heartbroken and his father the king who was very angry, old and sick.

He wanted his son to respect the family traditions and to sit on the throne with his wife and rule the kingdom in the old traditions.

Once the heir apparent got his youthful looks back he changed his whole attitude and decided that he wanted the throne and he realized that he had to draw his sword and fight for his birthright. 

The three palace guards tried to attack the old throne but they were unsuccessful it would not break and the only way the old throne was destroyed was by the rightful king who bust out of the leather straps. 

Once the rightful king bust out of the straps on the throne, the crown of thorns and the throne turned into rumble that covered the stone floor.

The palace guards later found the old stone staircase that led out of the old throne room to the upper level of the palace where the illegitimate ruler sat.

Once the rightful king and the three guards got up the stone stairs and went through the door at the top of the stone stairs, which led into the new throne room.

He went behind the throne where he pulled out his small dagger and stuck it into the throne and it went through the back of the throne and through the illegitimate king’s heart and killed him instantly.

The true king of the kingdom of Heart cleared out the illegitimate king’s body. 

When the true king walked from behind the throne, he saw the man who he just killed and it was his father’s chief council adviser and best friend.

He couldn’t believe that his father’s childhood best friend could murder his father, mother and his five brothers in cold blood because he wanted the throne because he thought it was his right because he believed that he had the same father because of the words that his dying mother told him. 

What the illegitimate council leader did not know was that he did not have any rights and that he was a murderer and that was all he was.

The king who should have been on the throne had his father’s best friends body removed and he married the woman who his predecessor put on the throne next to him. 

He lived happily ever after, his life was long, he too had six children with his wife, and had a mistress who was a servant in the palace.

The king kept a separate room, which had a dressing room where his mistress would hide out of sight.

One day the mistress was hiding in the dressing room which was part of the king’s extra marital bedchamber and the king never came instead he sent someone whom he believed that he could trust to deliver the message. 

The personal guard who he trusted implicitly with delivering the message to his mistress, entered the bedchamber and looked for her.  When she came out of hiding ready to get into the bed with the king and her lover but instead she ended up asking the guard who delivered the message if he would turn round while she went back into the dressing room to get dressed.

The guard gave the servant the message that the king was in the war room with his council and he could not get out of it.

After giving her the message the mistress thought that the guard had left the bedchamber but instead he had followed her into the dressing room while she was getting dressed he came up behind her and put his large hands over her mouth and said to her lets have some fun and then he demanded that she get back undressed.  While the mistress who was slowly getting undressed for a second time he was looking for a way to get her on the bed and keep her on the bed while he got out of his clothes. 

He found some strong rope that he used to tie her to bed with knots that only he could undo and he found a gag, which he stuffed into her mouth, and when he had finished the deed he removed the gag and he removed her tongue him his small dagger and he dressed her and he left her in the bedchamber while he went back on duty. 

The king went into his bedchamber and went into the dressing room where he crept up on his mistress ready for his extra marital passion and she started to walk away from him scared. 

Then he told her to stop and face him and when she did, he saw that she was missing her tongue and that she had marks on her arms and legs from restraints being applied. 

She gave a note to the king where she had written the words the man who you trusted to deliver your message explaining that were meeting with your war council and that you would be late he delivered more than your message he ordered me to get undressed and said, let’s have some fun.

He gagged me then found the strongest rope that he could find tied knots that only he could untie and forced me onto the bed where he tied me down and after he had finished the deed, he cut out my tongue.

When the king read, the note his mistress had written he was very angry that he sent for the guard who was his trusted friend and had him bought before him where he decided that he should face the same punishment and that he should also lose his chance of becoming a father when and if he got married. 

The female servant discovers that she is with child but there is a dark sceptre over paternity because the king’s guard had his way with her as well.

The king’s mistress had given birth to a healthy baby girl when paternity was established, and the king identified as the child’s father he had identity his kept secret from the child and the queen.

Once she had grown up to become a woman of 21 Runes she fell head over heels in love with the king’s son and he proposed marriage.

The prince went to the home of his bride to meet his in-laws and when he asked to met the bride’s father, they told him that he died at war and then he was asked by the bride’s mother to leave the house without his bride.

The prince was outside the door  when her mother sat her down and told her that she could not marry the man that she loved.

She asked her mother why she could not marry the man she loved?

Then they both heard that they were both half brother and sister!

The prince walked away and researched his family history while Appleblossom the 3rd said mom how can you say such a thing!

I can say such a thing because it is true I am the king’s mistress!

You whore!

How dare you!

She then slapped her daughter across the face and her daughter ran up to her bedroom, lay on her bed, and cried her heart out.

The next day the king’s mistress waited in the king’s private dressing room for her secret meeting and while in their bedchamber, she told the king that his son the prince wanted to marry their daughter. 

When he found out to start with, he was angry but he wanted the wedding to go ahead even though his daughter knew the truth and he said this wedding must go ahead it is family tradition.

When the king found out that his mistress had told their daughter who her father was before she had spoken to him and he was angry until she told her lover that she had to act quickly because she wanted to prevent any birth defects to the royal line but when he told her it was to keep the royal bloodline pure. 

The king’s illegitimate daughter wrote a message which she attached to the leg of a currier pigeon that she sent to her lover telling him that she loved him very much but she could not marry him.

He wanted to know why she would not marry him.

She sent her answer back to the prince using the same currier pigeon but it was intercepted by the queen who suspected that her husband had been unfaithful and the queen who had was proved right found out that it was with one of the female servants and that they had a daughter and read these words we have the same father and my mother thinks that it will make the royal bloodline in pure.   

The queen went to see the palace guards and she asked if any of them had been ask by the king to deliver messages to his mistress and then all the guards answered by one and the queen walked over to guard and demanded that he answer but he did not.

The queen stood in front of him and said the cat got your tongue and then she saw he was missing his tongue.

The queen got the guard to write everything down when she read what he had written and a copy of the king’s message to his mistress she was very angry.  

The queen thought that her best revenge was to invite the guard back to the bed chamber that she shared with the king he didn’t spend the night with her and when she told the guard to remove his trousers she than saw what her husband’s other punishment he had received and that made her more angry.

She then asked the guard why he had suffered the double humiliation of losing his manhood as well as his tongue. 

She then decided to talk to the guard and asked him to help in getting revenge against her husband and his mistress. 

The queen said to the guard we can take our revenge and it will be like taking candy from a baby.

The queen said to the guard I will pay you 3.5 pieces of gold for you to get the king and his mistress into the dressing room and I then I want you to get in the marital royal bed with me so that the king will get angry enough to fight for me.

I want you to bring her to my chamber so that I can see her face when I tell her that her that her punishment is banishment from the kingdom. You can do what you like with the servant who caused the loss of friendship with the king.

I want you to go to the house that the king gave to his mistress and his love child, pack up all of their belongings, dragged them out of the house, and burn it to the ground.

The king came out of the palace as she saw the flames from his mistress and daughter’s home when the king saw the flames he ran inside the burning house to rescue his mistress and daughter but the house was empty, the smoke overcame him, and he died outright.

The prince saw his mother and the palace guard standing by the burning house that he had only visited weeks before in order to marry the woman she loved.

When the new king found out about what his mother and the palace guard had been up to he had them followed the laws of the kingdom Heart were that he had to order the death of his own mother as punishment for her revenge on his father.

His father’s mistress had been the cause for him putting his mother to death and his half sister who she still loved and wanted to marry.

His mother and the palace guard had their death sentence carried out he then went looking for the old king’s mistress and the woman whom he loved and wanted to marry.

They had their own family and the family traditions carried on through the generations. 

The new king also was seeing a mistress with the knowledge of his queen.

The death of the king’s wife during the birth of their seventh child due to complications and after their funeral and they were buried in the family crypt, she went back to his young mistress who gave him yet more children and at the birth of the last child, the king keeled over and died.

The king’s wife and all of his children stood round his coffin saying goodbye and she was interned in the family crypt and his oldest son took over the running of the kingdom with older sister who she had married and had his own children with her.

She also had mistress, she was sleeping with the female servants, she disguised himself, and then she took his horse from the stable, slipped the palace personal guards, and went off to the local tavern to see whores and gamble.

The king went to an upstairs room in the tavern where twenty different whores pleasure him and while he is having pleasure from the whores, they realize that he is their king.

He throws down twenty large purses of gold for all the whores and then he goes down stairs to speak to the tavern’s landlord to ask for more whores and the landlord obeys when one the whore’s come down for a drink and tells her boss to do exactly what the stranger says because she is the king.

How do you know because he carries the royal birthmark of a small red dragon called Diamond Heart?

The king goes downstairs in the tavern with the twenty whores who have just given him pleasure and throws down quite a few bags of gold onto the counter for the proprietor.

After throwing the bags down onto the counter the king leaves with his twenty whores, they all go back to the palace with him where they continue to pleasure him in the extra bedroom he has, and they all end up being with child.

They all attended his funeral with babes in their arms and they became very friendly with the king’s wife and all of his children. 

Once they had finished burying the king in the family crypt, they had run out of space when the king’s second wife died so they had to build a second family crypt to hold his second wife and their six children.

The subjects of the kingdom also discovered that their king had mistresses they were palace servants and they also found out that she was a frequent guest at the tavern where she had purchased whores whom she made into mistresses and had children with them as well.

Rumour was that the king was going to marry the palace servants she had affairs with and she was going to marry all of the whores that she had slept with and make them respectable but she died before she got the chance.

The subjects also found out that their king had left the kingdom bankrupt with no coffers in the budget.

The king’s oldest son and daughter who were running the kingdom Heart had to talk to their archenemy from the kingdom of Disheart next door to them to help and the only way that the king would agree to help with money worries was if he could marry the youngest sister.

The sister that the king from the kingdom of Disheart wanted to marry was only 11 Runes old while he was a man of 21 Runes.

The king and queen sat their 11 Runes sister down and explained to her we know that we have been taught by our father the king to hate the king from the neighbouring kingdom of Disheart but we need his help because the coffers for our kingdom are empty because of how our dad spent the money.

After they had spoken to their 11 Runes sister who went to her mother and told her what the king and queen were going to make her do.

The princess’s mother heard that her 11 Rune daughter had to marry the 21 Runes king from the next door to unite the kingdoms which was the only way for the kingdom of Heart to be saved and the mother’s of the other children could not believe what their  king and queen were doing to save the kingdom.

The mother of the 11 Runes princess met with the king from the kingdom next door and she was angry because the king her 11 runes daughter had to marry was 21 Runes old.  The mother of the 11 Runes princess said to the king and queen how you can force your sister to marry 21 Runes man just so that can get coffers back in the kingdoms budget.

Despite the reservations of the mother of the princess, she reluctantly agreed to her 11 Runes daughter marrying the king.

He told the princess’s mother to leave his palace and he ordered his royal guard to take the princess to his royal bedchamber’s.

The guard took the princess to the king’s royal chambers while the king went to a meeting with his war council and while the king was with his council, he left one of his guard to stand outside the royal bedchamber to guard his future wife.

The palace guard who was only 16 Runes decided that she was going to take full advantage of being in his king’s royal bedchamber and she was going to make love to the king’s future wife.

While the princess and the guard were in the royal chamber the king came in to find that, his future wife was in bed with the guard he ordered to guard her so she did not try to escape. 

He had asked the guard to keep her in locked in the room and he gave the guard a key to lock her in while he was conducting his royal business.

After he caught his future wife in bed with his personal guard, he became so angry that he locked her in the dungeon until he was satisfied that she could love him and only him and that she would give him heirs.

After what happened the young princess found out that she was with child and when her future husband over heard about the child he decided that it was all his personal guards fault and he had the guard took down to the dungeon.

The king made her get rid of the child and then the wedding ceremony went ahead without the bride’s family.

The king dismissed all the guests and he took his wife to their marital bed where he slapped her round the face and called her a whore.

He told her to sleep in the dressing room and during the night, while she was sleeping he made love to her and then he asked the royal physician to examine her and check to see if she is with his child. 

During his examination, the physician discovered that she was with child and he also found something that was abnormal as well and he got rid of it and she carried the child to term.

She ended up giving her husband the king quite a few heirs and during the birth of the last child when she turned 21 Runes she died and the king decided that he would send his wife’s body back to her family because she had got want she wanted heirs to rule his kingdom.

The mother of the princess who was only 11 Runes when she left the love of her family so that the kingdom where she came from could get their royal chest refilled with coffers.

When the mother saw her daughter’s dead body she was so angry that she went after her older brother and older sister who were the king, queen and she had a small dagger in her possession, and she killed them.

The mother of the young princess left the palace with her daughter’s body and rode all night to her old family home where she buried her daughter and lived out the rest of her Runes in total isolation.

The kingdom was in total turmoil after its king and queen was murdered.

The other mother’s left the palace with all their children and then they torched the palace, ran away, and went back to working as whores in the tavern.

The young princess’s worked as whores while the young princes worked as their pimps and they were their sister’s husbands.

One day the princes and the princess’s go back to their ancestral home and they saw a dark cloud above the palace.

All of a sudden, the cloud that came over the palace became members of the royal dynasty of Epsilon that had ever lived and told their descendants it is time for you to rule the kingdom because it is your destiny.

When the princes and princesses went back to the palace they discovered that there were enough thrones for them to sit as kings and queens.

They all had their own children and the royal line continued with every one of the children had birth defects.

These kings and queens who married each other also ended up sleeping with their palace guards and servants. The kings did not just only sleep with the female servants they went to the local tavern to sleep with whores.

While the kings were sleeping with every whore in the whole kingdom, the queens were sleeping with all of their palace guards in their extra bedchamber’s and while they were doing that, the kings were bringing the whores back to sleep with them in their extra bedchamber’s.  The queens also made the palace guards dads and because they were queens, they could not keep their children they had to give them to the guards who fathered them or have them killed.  The kings on the other hand could spread their seeds wherever they liked because if a king’s mistress, lover or whore had a son they could rule the kingdom and any daughters born had to marry their brothers because of rights of succession.

After the last of the Epsilon line they decided that the wanted to change the rules of the kingdom so that brothers of the royal line do not have to marry their sisters.

The law changed and a new family now rule the kingdom the king from the kingdom next door and his children that she had from the wife who was only 11 Runes when she married her.

The children went to their mother’s kingdom to see their cousins and then they burned the palace down and they left and went back to their father’s kingdom.

When the children’s mother died, she went back to her family ancestral home to be with her ancestors. 

Their father who ran the kingdom of Drefrol was so angry with his wife and the mother of his children because she had slept with his palace guard as soon as she had arrived at her the palace.

The king went into his royal bedchamber where she found the woman she was about to marry tied to the royal marital bed with his personal guard on top of her.

He had the guard and the woman he was due to marry arrested and flung into the dungeon until the royal physician had examined her and had removed the other man’s child.

Once the child had gone, she left the dungeon and went back to royal bedchamber where she had to sleep with the king before they exchanged vows because he wanted to make sure that she would give him an heir.

The king left the royal bedchamber and went to the throne room to get ready for the wedding ceremony.

While he waited for his bride she didn’t show up so the king sent a servant to go to his queen’s room and bring her to the throne room to say her vows in front of the honoured guests that had gathered to celebrate the wedding.

The female servant found her future queen curled up in a ball on the floor and the servant told her that the king was waiting for in the throne room ready to perform the wedding ceremony.  The servant asked the queen if see wanted to see the royal physician and she said no keep with away from me she killed my child.

The queen managed to get rid of the servant by telling her to tell the king that she would be down shortly and it was her prerogative to be late as she was the bride.

She managed to get her strength back and climbed out of her bedroom window of palace which was right above the armoury where she took a bow and arrows and a sword and she took a suit of armour and protection for the horse which she was about to steal to escape.

She took everything that she had stolen and put the protection on the horse along with a saddle and then she got into the suit of armour, mounted the horse, and rode away from the palace.

The king went to the bedchamber of his queen and unlocked the door to find she was gone.

He had the palace grounds searched and he went to the armoury to discover that a sword, a bow and a quiver of arrows were missing along with a suit of armour and protection for a horse and also he found out he was missing a dark brown stallion called Paperous.

The king ordered the stable hand to saddle up his horse and she rode after the woman she claimed she loved.

She the palace horse because hadn’t got very far she had stopped off at a tavern for the night and because she had no money the landlord took pity on her and took her into his establishment and when she said that she had no money to give him she made her become a whore.

She tried telling the proprietor that she was from the Epsilon royal bloodline.

You lie you are dressed like a whore and that is how I will treat you while you are staying here.

The was very friendly with the landlord who always provided his king with fresh meat and on this new day he had a new whore who appeared to be 11 Runes old and when the king saw her came rushing down the stairs with a bag of gold and said I am taking your latest acquisition with me.

The landlord of the tavern was just about to say what as this whore got to do with you your majesty she is your queen you perpetual imp.

When his children had grown up, he told them that their mother was a whore and if they wanted to visit their mother’s final resting place they had to go to her ancestral home.

He told the children when she arrived to marry him she was in bed with his palace guard and she had to tell his children that she was only 16 Runes when she died during childbirth when she was having the last of their six children.


The king’s children asked if they could visit their mother’s final resting place and she told them that they could have a carriage but they had to go alone because she wouldn’t be welcome by their grandmother because she still hated him for taking her daughter away from her when she only 11 runes.

The children arrived at their mother’s ancestral home and asked if they could visit the family crypt and when they entered, they found their mother’s chamber and cried because they did not get a chance to say goodbye before she went back to her ancestral home to lay with her family.

He had prevented her family from attending the wedding ceremony and he demanded that your grandmother leave without seeing your mother.

Your grandmother never forgave me and when you were born, I did not allow at the palace to see you born and spend time your mother.

I thought it was best that your grandmother organising her funeral and she did ask you for all of us to attend but I refused because I didn’t want to cause any more heartache for your grandmother and I thought it was also best that you didn’t even know your mother’s family. 

I thought I was saving you from too much awkwardness and I know that I should have buried your mom in our family crypt but she is a whore.  The young daughter was getting to know her mother’s family when all of a sudden she decided to ask her brother’s and sister’s what a whore is when her grandmother came up behind her and asked where a young girl of 6 Runes would get a word like that from?

She suddenly realized that the word whore that her six Runes granddaughter used was the word that her father would have used and her older brothers and sister has made her say that she was sorry to their grandmother.

They left the palace in the carriage their father had given them and after they left their grandmother decided that she was going to see their father and demand to know why he told his children that her daughter their mother was a whore.

The king said to his mother in law after you left your daughter here to get ready to become my wife she ended up in bed one of my guards in the royal marital bed chamber we are going to share after our wedding ceremony and then she kept me waiting at the altar. 

She did ask if you could stay while she was settling in and getting ready for our wedding ceremony because she said that she needed to talk to you and she begged me to stop the ceremony because she does not love me.

He knew that your grandmother did not agree with her marriage to me because I am 21 Runes, she is only 11 Runes, she is not ready, and she ended up with being with child very early in our relationship.

She had to go up quickly because this arranged marriage was to save the Epsilon kingdom and to give me healthy stock for heirs to my throne.

When the king’s mother in law heard what happened she became more understanding towards her son in law.

She also said she was sorry for what she did when the kingdoms were reunited and they build a new family crypt that housed her daughter, which she visited every day. 

She spent the time that she had left before she died getting to know her grandchildren.

She even helped give her grandchildren a full history of the Epsilon family and she gave them a family tree, which she had drawn up, and she gave her grandchildren the memento is that she had of her daughter right up until she married her son in law.


The son in law had made up with his wife’s family and the children have to know their grandmother and the rest of their family.

The queen from the kingdom of Heart made many attempts to see her daughter and at every turn, she was blocked.

Her son in law went to where the currier pigeons were kept and wrote a note to his mother in law to tell her she had 6 beautiful grandchildren and that there were complications during the birth of the last grandchild.

She called out for you but I was too late in sending the message and she died in my arms.  I have decided that because I kept you away from our marriage ceremony and the birth of our children that she should come home to buried with her ancestors because the marriage was just convenient for me because it gave me heirs who will be staying here to rule my kingdom.  The king who is now 180 Runes has left the ruling of his kingdom to his older children his sons and daughters to rule.

He sent his youngest daughter who was the same age as her mother was when she got married to him.

He decided that his 11 Runes daughter would be better off his mother in law raised her for him because she needed a mother and he thought that he could make up for the way he treated her daughter.

The young princess was playing in bedroom which used to belong to her mother and her 21 Runes cousin came into her bed chambers locking the door behind him and tying her to her bed where he proceeded to rape her and then he slapped her round the face and gave her a black eye and called her a whore.

He untied her and left her on the bed with her clothes torn, she went into the dressing room to tidy himself up, and then she left the room locking both doors behind him.

She then went to his personal guard, gave him the key to his cousin’s bedchamber, and told him to block of the windows and that she was allowing the guard to whatever she wanted to his cousin and she didn’t want any details.

The king then asked the guard to treat his cousin the princess like a whore.

The guard went into the princess’s chamber where he found her sitting in complete darkness on the bed crying and he found that there was an unlit candle in the dressing room with matches and she picked them up after lighting the candle and putting it on the dressing table. 

The guard sat down on the bed next to the princess and she took out a clean handkerchief and gave it to the princess and told her to dry her tears and she began to feel sorry for her she see that she was not a whore and she wasn’t prepared to treat her like one.

The princess started to feel like that she could trust the guard little did she know that her 21 Runes cousin sent him into the room to also rape her but she didn’t once she heard about the ordeal that she had already been through.

The guard decided that he could not speak to the king he decided to speak to the princesses grandmother.

He told the grandmother what her 21 Runes grandson had done to the princess who was his 11 Runes cousin and what he had order him to do her and she was disgusted with what he had done.

The 11 Runes granddaughter was sitting in her bedroom on bed after her ordeal with her cousin.

One of the guards was walking past her bedchamber when he heard sobbing and he went inside the camber and drew a bath he made sure that he had cleaned up and redressed the princess.

He removed the bars on the windows and unlocked the doors, he got rid of the key, and then he knocked on the grandmother’s chambers door right next door.

She went to her granddaughter’s room and upon entering the room, she saw her 21 Runes grandson inside the room raping his 11 Runes cousin and she asked him to explain himself.

Her 21 Runes grandson could explain himself all he could say in his defence which was not much of a defence was he loved her and he thought because she hadn’t been spoiled by anyone else  that she was ripe for the picking and she could give him more heirs because his wife no longer did it for him.

The 11 Runes grandmother had her check by the royal physician, she sent her back to her father, and she rode back with her. 


While she was riding back to her son in law’s palace she said to her granddaughter that it is best that neither of us mention the behaviour of your 21 Runes cousin because I am going to deal with him and he was going to regret his behaviour.

She left the palace and rode back to the palace of Epsilon where she barged into her grandson’s extra room where she found him in bed with six whores.

The king’s grandmother said to the whores get dressed and get out I need to talk to my grandson who is in big trouble over what he did to his 11 Runes cousin because he raped her and left her on the bed in tatter clothes and crying.

When the whores heard that, he raped his own 11 Runes cousin and that he called her a whore and slapped her in the face.

When the whores heard how nasty the king had been to his cousin and how he treated his wife who had given him six heirs that one day the thrones would be theirs.

They also found out that their line as remained pure due to the traditions in inter marrying.

 Apart from the day when one of the princesses who married outside her family because the kingdom was out of coffers and without outside help the Epsilon dynasty would have disappeared into the history books.

One of king’s who had been foolish gambled and spent money on whores trying to create a surplus of heirs that would make run the kingdom after his death.

This king died at the age of 180 Runes his wife stay alive an extra three Runes after her husband and continued to sit on the throne until her children performed a coup and took all the empty thrones and ruled in her stead.

Once the new king and queen took the throne, they made their 11 Runes sister marry a 21 Runes prince from the Kingdom of Disheart.

He took the throne from his parents to be crowned king and he did this by going into their royal bedchamber and murdering them in their sleep.

He tried to use the excuse that because his parents had reached 180 Runes and that they are too old to rule the kingdom Disheart.

He wanted his turn because she thought that she would never get a chance at the throne.

She had an invention to the palace of Disheart as an honoured guest to beg the prince for his help because the palace chest for Epsilon was empty of coffers.

The 21 Runes king from the other palace asked the kings and queens of Epsilon that all she wanted was a princess who was 11 Runes old and who could him many heirs, stay faithful to him even though she had no intention of giving up sleeping with palace servants, and bring home whores to pleasure him.

While she was staying in a guest room, at Epsilon palace, the kings and queens were talking to the mother of their 11 Runes sister and they told her that she was to marry the 21 Runes king because her lover the old king left no coffers in the palace funds.

They ordered the mother of their six Runes sister to bring her into the throne room where they told her that she was going to marry a king from another kingdom and she had no choice in the matter.

She turned to her mother with tears in her eyes and begged her to stop what her brother and sister the king and queen had got planned for her but all her mother could do no matter how broken hearted she was with the situation she knew that it had to be done.

Then one of the palace guards ripped her from her mother’s arms and dragged her to the kings guest quarters where he threw her onto the bed and raped her and she went to put her clothes back on to leave the room and he torn them off her and raped her again.

He then called for a guard to remove her from his sight.

He ordered to guard to carry her back to her room while she was asleep.

He dressed her into her nightwear and as he was dressing, her, his hands rubbed her skin.

She fell into his arms, he began to kiss her, and while he was kissing her, the visiting king left his guest room and walked to the room of the princess to find her in the arms of one of the palace guards.  When the king saw her in the arms of the palace guard he got the wrong idea, hit her, and killed the guard and she ran out of the room screaming and the palace guards entered the room and found their dead man on the floor and the king had disappeared.

Her brother and sister the king and queen called her into the throne room to find out why one of their guards is lying dead on the floor in the guest quarters.

The other guards tried to talk to the princess but they could not understand a word through all of the loud sobs and sniffles.

The guards left the guest quarters with the dead body of their colleague covered him over and as he was been carried out of the room his arm dropped from under the blanket and the princess servant saw the arm and screamed.

The princess’s servant screamed the whole palace heard her and everyone came running.

Once everyone had finished finding out what all of the commotion was about, their princess who came out of guest quarters partly clothed, she was with another man, and this man was the captain of the palace guard.

The other man that she was with was not the man her brother and sister the king and queen had ordered her to marry.

The man she was supposed to marry was the king from the kingdom of Disheart and she had run away from the man who the king had ordered to marry and left her brother to face the music alone.

The man that she was supposed to marry spread rumours that the 11 Runes princess was a whore and she was sleeping with the palace guard.

The visiting king turned up and said that he went for a walk and when he came back to the guest quarters found his future wife and queen in the arms of the of the palace guard and her dress was torn and on the floor.

When she saw this, she thought that she raped her so she killed him because she had defiled the princess.

She told the king and queen that she killed their palace guard because she had raped their sister and she wanted nothing to do with the marriage.

He left the palace and went down to the stable where he saw a groom and said you their saddle up my horse I am leaving and I want you to tell you king and queen that I will send a man to pick up my belongings.

After the king left, the princess went to the throne room to appear in front of the king and queen and who wanted her to tell them what really happened.

The king that you want me to marry was the man who raped me the reason the guard was in the guest quarters was because he heard me crying.

When the guard came into the room, he did help me to redress after the king left because I could barely move and because the king had dismissed her personal maid.

In a way I am glad that he did that because I didn’t want my maid to see me because I was very badly bruised and all he did was comfort me we never got into the bed together.

The king was just looking for anything he could use to get out of the marriage.

He even tried to get the coffers back that he had paid them in order to marry their 11 Runes sister.

He believed that because of her Runes, she would be pure and would pure and innocent because of her young Runes and he believed that because of Runes he would get many heirs from her.

When the king and queen of the kingdom of Heart were sleeping, they heard their 11 Runes sister screaming in agony.

 When they heard the screams coming from their sister’s room they came, running into the room and when they went running inside they saw that she had just given birth to a baby and she was holding it in her arms.

When the king and queen looked at the baby, they instantly saw that the visiting king had lied to them and indeed the baby boy who was just born in the kingdom of Heart looked a lot like his royal father.

The king went down to the pigeons loft to send a message to the king of the neighbouring kingdom to say that he has a son and that he killed my guard for no reason.

We want you to come to the palace and marry our sister like you were going to and the king and queen got the throne room ready for their sister’s wedding ceremony and the king came in demanded that the stable hand get two horses saddled up because he was leaving with his bride.

The stable hand tried to refuse because the orders did not come from his king and queen and he tried to delay the departure by saying I need to speak to my king.

The king came down from the palace of Heart to stables and told the king that he could not leave with his sister until there was a ring on her finger. 

The king told the princess to get on her horse with their son and then he pulled out a small dagger, which he attacked king Epsilon with and then he got on his and he rode out of the kingdom through the city gates.

The palace guards fired arrows at the visiting king and they missed him.

When they went to see if they had hit the visiting king, they found out that they had missed him and hit their own king Epsilon who they saw lying on the ground bleeding.

Despite bleeding from his wound, he got back on his horse and he rode through the city gates after his 11 Runes sister and her son. 

He had caught up with the man who stabbed him and he bought his sister and nephew back to the palace and he chose a personal guard to look after his sister and nephew and keep them safe and away from the king from Disheart.

The king went back to his palace to get a full army and a carriage to put the princess and their son into to bring them home to his palace.  The army attacked the princess’s personal guard, took them from the palace, and put them into the carriage and he sent the carriage back to his palace with his own guard.

He left a message in the princess’s room, which read I have taken what belongs to me, and by the time you read this the princess will be my wife and queen.

The princess’s mother found the note and she was angry because it also said that her family was to stay away from the two ceremonies.

After the wedding and the christening, she befriends one of her new personal guards who the king assigned to her after she had become his queen and his new property.

Every night he made sure that he had planted his seed and then he would wake her up early everyday to make sure that she always kept her in a state of being with child all through their marriage.

By the time the queen had celebrate her 21 Runes birthday she had already given birth to 12 children and she was expecting her 13th child and there was complications and the royal physician came to his king and queen’s bed chamber and when she delivered the final son he was stillborn and the queen died during the birth.

The king came into the room after the birth was all over and he came face to face with the death of his wife and a stillborn son.

When she heard the news, she had his other children with him, they saw their dead mother and baby brother, and then the king walked out of the room leaving the children with their dead mother and brother saying goodbye.

The dead body of the baby prince carried out of the bedchamber, taken straight down to his family crypt and buried and the king sent his wife’s dead body back to the kingdom of Heart buried with her family.




When the body of the princess of Heart returned to her ancestral home to her family home, they could believe what she had been through because her body had a lot of trauma to it.

When the princess’s mother saw her daughter’s body, she could not believe that she was looking at the body of her 21 Runes daughter.  A message sent to the kingdom where she had become the queen.

The princess’s mother found out that she had grandchildren and she wanted to meet them but the king from the neighbouring king kept her in laws away from her.

On her 21st Rune she was giving birth to her 13th child, she called out for her mother and the personal guard who was looking after her went down to the message pigeons and he sent a message to his queen’s mother whom he had told about her grandchildren.

The queen found out in a message that her 13th grandchild was stillborn and that her daughter was dead and the king was planning to send them her dead body.

The queen’s mother read this note and she went down to the stable and told the stable hand to saddle up a horse for her and she rode to the kingdom of Disheart where her daughter had gone to with her grandson that she had met.  

She arrived at the palace where her daughter and grandson lived and her grandson who told her to leave greeted her at the door.  She refused to leave quietly so her grandson told to wait in the royal stable and keep out of sight but it was too late because the king’s palace guards and spies had already seen her.

Once the king heard that, his son had betrayed him by seeing his grandmother he was very angry.

The young prince went to the stable looked around trying to find his grandmother but what he did not know was that his father had her arrested and locked up in the dungeon.

As soon as he heard he went down to the dungeon and he knocked out the guard and took the keys and unlocked the door to her cell and released her he covered her up in servant robes and got her out of the kingdom by getting on a horse with her and ridding away as fast as possible. 

The prince got his grandmother back to the palace of Heart safely and his grandmother begged him to stay the night and travel in the morning.

The servant went to the guest bedroom to wake the prince up to serve him with breakfast and get him dressed but he was already up and gone.

The prince saw the servant that had dressed his cousin the king and demanded that he dress him and get him some breakfast and have his horse ready so that he could ride back to his father’s kingdom.

He wanted to be the one to explain to his father why he betrayed him even though he did not think that it was a betrayal.

Once the prince rode through the city gates and got back on the road.

He rode up to his father’s palace he saw that the king had a welcome party of his trusted guards who took the prince into custody. They marched him back to the palace took him straight to the throne room where he had to explain to the king and his father why he was seen cavorting with his grandmother behind his father’s back. 

The prince begged his father to listen to him but he refused please give me a chance I did not know that my grandmother was coming and I was trying to get her to leave because I knew that you would be angry your majesty.

Therefore, I agreed to meet her out of sight and away from prying eyes and she showed me the message she had received.

She believed that you had sent the messages because she thought that you had signed them and used the royal seal, which she had broken to read the message. 

The prince told his father what he had told his grandmother that the king had not written the message to her, he had not sealed it with the royal seal, and he had no idea who had written it or how they had hold of the royal.

The king did not believe his son and ordered the guard to take the prince to his bedchamber and he gave the guard the key, which he used to lock the prince into his room.

The king had ordered the guard to stay outside of the door and give the prince all of the meals that he would put on the small table by the door where the prince would collect them and eat them.

He would place the tray back on the table, the guard would collect it, and then a servant from the kitchen would take the tray from the guard and take it back down to the kitchen.

The servant who was delivering the prince’s food bought up an extra tray of food for the guard, which he had drugged with a sleeping drug.

He quietly took the key from the guard once he had fallen asleep and went into the prince’s bed chamber got undressed and swooped his clothes with the prince because he looked a lot like the prince.

The prince had eaten the meal that the servant had bought up before they exchanged clothes.

The prince asked the servant to tell him which way he as to go the kitchen.

The servant said goes down the back stairs and right at the very back of the kitchen is a door that leads into some underground tunnels.

The servant said you must follow the tunnels and they lead you into the stables where you will find a horse already saddled up and ready to go.

Get on your horse Epsilon and ride into the sunset don’t look back I will try to give you as much of a head start as I can but you must not stop ridding.

You must ride through the forest and once out of the forest he stopped at a tavern where he stabled up the horse and paid for bed and breakfast.

 While the prince who was in disguise was at the tavern, the proprietor decided that he would let a complimentary whore into the room where the guest who would not leave his was staying. 

He told the whore to leave his room and then he complained to the proprietor and said how dare you let a whore into my room and he said that he would pay only one Rune because of the whore who was let into his room and he also saw that his small dagger was missing.

He went down to the bar to speak to the proprietor to report the theft of his dagger and when he went down to the bar to get it back he saw that the proprietor had got a message to the palace and there were guards there ready to take him back to palace.  

The prince went back to palace to stand in front of his father in the royal throne room where he saw his father was holding the head of the servant who had helped him to escape the palace.

Despite the prince’s anger, he managed to get a message to his grandmother.

She had spoken to her grandson of Disheart and together they raised an army to attack the palace and bring all the other grandchildren back to the home of their mother. They started to talk about what their father had told them about their mother and he said she was a whore.

When their grandmother heard this she was really angry that she quietly took them to one side and told them that their mother was not a whore and the only reason she married their father was to save the kingdom of Heart and put coffers into the empty chest.

Then she said that your father did not marry my daughter your mother for love she married her because she was only 11 Runes when she met you father and he liked young children.

When they heard this, they wanted to comfort their father and find out if their grandmother was telling the truth.

The children of Disheart had a message sent by the head council of their father’s kingdom who informed them that king is dead. The head of the war council became guardian to the throne after the king had died and the council went to king’s bedchamber where they witnessed their king’s death.

The kingdom needed its rightful heir the king’s older son because he was the rightful heir to the old king’s throne.

The king’s children got back to the palace they did not make it back on time their father had died before they got there.

When they got back to the palace, the guardian of the throne greeted them and he did not want to give up the throne very easily.

The oldest son went back to the kingdom of Heart where he asked for his cousin’s help to take back his throne form the guardian that the old king had appointed because he didn’t want his son to have the throne even though it was a his birthright she still couldn’t forgive his oldest son because of his betrayal.

She turned to the stand in regent on the throne and told him I know that you are my father’s best friend but you do not have any royal blood in your veins.

The new king and the rest of the royal family from the kingdom of Heart took the throne in the war and then they ruled both kingdoms jointly and the old king came back to the kingdom as a ghost and he could not believe how his son was ruling his kingdom with his cousins.

When the old king saw the way his oldest son was running the kingdom, he made a pact with the devil to bring him back for 52 Runes.

He spoke to his oldest son just to tell him that he is not happy with how he has decided to bring the kingdoms together to rule them as one large kingdom. 

The young king turned to his father and said you are dead and the way you rule the kingdom died with you.

I do not want you advice because it is worthless, you lied to us about our mom, and we cannot trust anything that you tell us.

As the king, I have looked at the royal advisor’s and I have replaced them with new advisor’s that.

The old king went to see his other 11 sons and they too shun their father.

 He went back to the kingdom of Heart to speak too his mother in law and the rest of his in laws to say that he was sorry for what he said about his wife.

He just sank through the floor and went back to the devil who took him back before the end of the contracted time because he is pure evil.

The old king’s children went to the throne room to talk to their father after he had finished speaking to his mother in law, brother, and sister in laws.

When the old king’s children got to the throne room so that they could tell their father they were ready to forgive him but not forget how he treated their mother.

They were too late because the devil had broke the pact that he had made with the king calling him back with 51 Runes left to go because he knew if he was going to be forgiven by his family that he could lose the soul he worked so hard in making the old king so evil.

The old king’s children decided that they would make a pact to bring their dad back for good.

 The devil had only one stipulation that if their father stayed on earth longer that he could not perform anymore-bad deeds no matter how much he was tempted.

The devil could reclaim his soul and the souls of his children.

The children and the in laws got behind the old king and he started to atone for all the wrongs he did to his family.

 He even helped his son settle down into married life with his cousin and he became a doting grandfather who embraced the joining of the kingdoms.

 He married a new queen she gave birth to more sons and daughters who later ruled over two kingdoms.

Once the kingdoms became one, again the families made the decision to have larger crypts built.

The chambers were big enough so that husbands and wives could lie together and then they built other chambers around for the children and the grandchildren so they could share their final resting place as one big family.   

The family of the old king helped him by helping him to do well and the old king’s children used their free will to right his wrongs and keep his soul away from the devil. 

The devil realized that he had lost a soul he knew it was over for him.

Once the king got his free will back and his children managed not to take his place he had lost 13 souls.

The devil was very angry because he wanted to win the pact that he had struck because he thought that it was all in his favour.

He thought that he had suppressed their free will enough for them to do what he wanted.

He knew that if they realized that they could break his pact using free will that he had lost.

The devil who sat on his throne lost his throne in power struggle because he had lost 13 souls and the devil tried to take their souls but he failed because they had free will on their side.

Then the old king sat came back to shell because she had lived his 180 Runes and because she was a king from the world above she sat on the throne below and became the new devil king and she cast the old devil out into purgatory.

The old king left the underworld because he had word that the throne now had his great grandson son on it and he went to war with the Epsilon family that ruled that part of the kingdom.

He was just like his great grandfather he killed his parents, he then went on to kill his siblings, aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles who had died by his hand.

He burnt the palace to the ground and he had imprisoned all the servants from both kingdoms because they would not pledge their loyalty to him.

At sunrise there was a large wooden frame constructed in the town square with ropes hanging down where the king hung servants that would not serve him.  The other servants were waiting in the dungeon for their execution and while they were waiting for their executions, they saw one of the male servants hanging and he took ages to die.

The servants also witnessed the deaths of young children by hanging. 

One of the first servants to die under the king was a three Runes child whose neck was broken, he died instantly, and the other servants who were waiting for their turn at the gallows said that we would serve you your majesty.

The servants stayed in the good books of their evil king until they found a way to revolt the head cook managed to get hold of some poison, which she put into the king’s food.

She told the servant that she should not sample any of the food even if the king ordered him to and the servant who would not try the king’s meal because she suspected that his servants wanted to get rid of him.

The king said your majesty there is nothing in your food you are just paranoid I cannot sample it for you because I am allergic to shell fish.

The king took one bite said OK, he clutched she throat and dropped down dead, and all his remaining servants danced around his body.

They celebrated and waited for sundown and then they hung his dead carcase up on the gallows that she had built.

They left his sorry carcase hanging and the vultures picked off the flesh from his bones and then they buried the evil king in an unmarked grave right outside the gates of the city and no one was there to mourn him because they despised him.  

The two kingdoms became one again once the evil king had died  he went to join his great grandfather in hell they both made a pact with the devil to let them both go back up to the world of the living.

They took with them the largest army that they could get to go with them from hell to take on the world of the living. 

The kingdom of Heart and the neighbouring kingdom also ruled by king Epsilon from Heart put up the biggest army that the world as ever seen and the dead ancestors from Heart joined in the battle for the kingdom against hell.

The war fought between the living and the army of the dead as been won by the army from hell and the army that made up from the living died on the battlefield the rest of the army that came from the world of the living as sent the dark army back to hell.

The Epsilon army lost three of their kings while the army of darkness kept self-replicating until the army from the land of the living, which included dead family members, realized that they needed to destroy two evil leaders.

Two hundred and fifty Runes after the war that the world of the living fought against the army of darkness first attacked and he family of Epsilon forced them back to hell and sealed the doorway.

The army of darkness found away to attack the seal on the doorway and re-entered the world of the living to rule the kingdom of the living and to make the living serve the devil and the army of darkness.

The living once again foiled the attack and again they sealed the doorway to hell and nobody ever got though again thanks to the last ruler in a long family line of Epsilon.

The history books talk of the diamond heart quest, which was a red egg, which contained the very last dragon of the kingdom.

The quest for the diamond heart reignited 450 Runes later when unexpected descendants turned up to reclaim the throne of her kingdom.

The heir that turned up 450 Runes later knew nothing of her family history and she walked into the ruins of her ancestral home.

While in her ancestral home, she went straight to the old throne room where she discovered some ancient thrones and she walked over to the first throne that was directly in her path and sat down on it.

As soon as she sat down all of a sudden, leather straps came out around her ankles, legs, waist and neck and secured her to the throne, then a crown of thorns came down and sat upon her head, and then she heard a voice, which told her you are home.

Then she started to have a conversation with no one and she tried to fight her restraints and as she did the throne that she was sitting on was destroyed she did not understand what was happening to her.

Then in a vision, she had someone telling her that she had to rebuild the palace and rule the kingdom as its queen.  

This young woman walked around the town after she had visited her ancestral home and found someone who knew all about her ancestors, she was an old family who knew her family history, and then she went looking for the diamond heart even though she had no idea what was happening.

It was as though I have been dreaming because when I woke I was holding a small baby red dragon wearing dog tags, which had strange letters on it from another language that I did not even know that I could speak an ancient dead language and I can actually read using a small makeup mirror.

When she read the name on the dog tags, the name was Diamond Heart.

This girl also found out that she could have a conversation with Diamond Heart the dragon who decided to talk to her through her dreams.

Diamond Heart went to sleep and entered the dreams of a young girl and this young girl was the only that she could talk to and who understood her in 450 Runes.

The little dragon woke up in the Epsilon family crypt guarding her family and wondering how and why she had entered a young girls dream.

Diamond Heart was trying to communicate with her old masters the Epsilon dynasty that were long dead and buried but she somehow managed to extend her reach for such a small dragon. 

Diamond Heart was sitting on diamond pedestal when her dead master came walking toward her and started speaking to her and telling his little Diamond Heart that she had now connected with her new charge and she had to protect the child because the Epsilon line had to survive and that this child was its legacy.

Diamond Heart’s old master the king told her to go forward into the old jeweller’s shop and transform into a person and she became an old woman.

Before she left the family crypt she said master what do I tell the child.

The child who looked like a street urchin was an orphan who was living in the ruins of the palace of Heart living hand to mouth.

Diamond Heart went to sleep on her pedestal and again she entered the dreams of this child who was scared until the dragon again communicated in ancient tongue and the child’s fears went away like a puff of dark grey smoke.

Diamond Heart left a small piece of her memory behind within the child.  Once the child had hit 21, Runes Diamond Heart’s job of being her protector had finished and she died and returned to where she belonged back with her family. 

The 21 Runes girl who went back to the jeweller’s store to find the old woman she had spoke to when she was a small child was no longer there. 

She walked all the way round the jeweller’s store discovered that she could not get in, she tried to look through the window, and she could not see through the windows were covered in Runes of dust.

The girl walked round the outside to try to find a way in and then she remembered how the old woman had let her inside with a key, which she kept above the back door.

The girl had found the stool which the old lady had put outside the jeweller’s store and used it to stand on while she reached up to the top of the door frame.

She felt around for the key and when she picked it up it was covered with 450+ Runes of rust and when she tried to put it into the lock she couldn’t get it to fit and she just couldn’t understand because it was only a few Runes ago when she celebrated her 21st  Runes birthday.

She eventually managed to get into the old jeweller’s store and when she did, she got a shock because inside she found Runes of dust.

She also found the remains of the old woman propped up against the counter it looked as though she had been dead for many Runes and there was no way that she was the old woman who told her about her family.

The girl went over to the body where she found a set of dog tags round her neck with the name Diamond Heart.

She started to have questions, which she had no answers to, and then she sat down next to Diamond Heart and she started to experience the same dreams that she was having as a child and then she started to speak in the ancient tongue of her ancestors.

The 21 Runes woman discovered a large black box with documents inside written in the ancient language of Heart, which she discovered that she could read as well as speak fluently.

The documents that she found hidden inside the jeweller’s store gave her all the answers she needed and then she went to the family crypt where she found a pedestal with a dragon on it named Diamond Heart and it all was beginning to make sense. 

She was standing in her ancestor’s crypt talking in the ancient tongue when the whole Epsilon family line appeared to her.

The spirits had answers to the remainder of her questions and once she had finished talking with her ancestor’s she went into the throne room and sat in the throne and then all of a sudden the kingdom came back to life and she ruled it as queen.

The palace that was once ruins came back alive with servants and guards and she found out that she was with child and it was the youngest brother of the king who had left her with child and she had to marry him.  

The young woman visited her family crypt and while she was their she fell asleep on the cold stone floor and she started dreaming again and during her dream she saw Diamond Heart appear to her and she told her that because she is born of the Epsilon name she also her mistress of Diamond Heart.

Even though I am dead, I will be here whenever you need me and you can call upon my services by using my dog tags and summoning me by my ancient name in the old tongue.

Diamond Heart placed her dog tags into my hands and told me to put them around my neck and never remove them because that is where the connection is the strongest.

Diamond Heart said the reason why the Epsilon ancestors had died after they went on the quest for the diamond heart was that they only wore my dog tags until they were crowned and then they removed them and buried them with the remains of my mother.

That is how they lost their connection with me and because of that I could not do the job of protector like my mother did and her mother before her did.

Our families are one, they have been for many Runes, and now it is your turn to help me get my family honour back.    

Diamond Heart came out of the family crypt to try to find if there were any future generations of the Epsilon line and the only one that she could find was a three-year-old street urchin who was wearing her dog tags.

She entered the dreams of the street urchin child, she tried to talk to the child in the ancient language, and when she did, she found out that despite the child being three Runes and a street urchin she had the royal blood of the Epsilon line running through her veins.

Diamond Heart as the guardian to the Epsilon family had to protect the street urchin.  She looked after the street in the old jeweller’s store.

 She had been given supplies from the ancestors they had given her enough bamboo which she tied together to make two beds on the wooden floor of the store downstairs.

They lived there together while Diamond Heart carried out her duty which was to look after her until she turned 21 Runes and she became queen and she married one of her male cousin’s and produced heirs.

During her marriage to her cousin she discovered that her husband liked to keep the old traditions alive of sleeping with the palace servants and whores from the tavern.

The street urchin who married her cousin from the Epsilon family line was being watched over by Diamond Heart who saw the queen’s husband entering the tavern and speaking to the landlord to arrange a harem of 20 to 100 whores to go up to his room and she slept with all of them at the same time.

After the king had finished sleeping with his harem of 20 whores in the tavern, he went along the corridor to the bathroom where he had a bath.

He then left the tavern taking with him the whores and he went back to the palace where he kept a private dressing room, which was down the corridor from his queen’s bedroom.

She sneak his whores out of the queen’s dressing room and moved them down the corridor so that once she had spent with his queen he went to everyone of the whore’s bedrooms and slept with them.

The queen’s husband and cousin was making sure that she kept his queen happy and with child and she also made sure that his harem of whores are happy and that they are carrying his heirs.

The queen remained oblivious to what her husband the king was during right under her nose.

The queen also decided that she was going to sleep with the entire  palace guard so not only was the king trying to make sure that she was with his child the queen was doing everything she could to make sure that she was with child to one of the many palace guards and male servants she was sleeping with.

One day the queen went to see her head gardener and she had a key for a garden, which she kept round her neck with the dog tags from Diamond Heart.

She took the head gardener into the locked garden and when they entered, she locked the door behind her and then she ordered the head gardener to remove his clothes and she then ordered him to remove her clothes and they lay in the long grass where she proceeded to make love to her.

As they were getting dressed he grabbed hold of his queen’s dress and it torn and then he flung her back down into the long grass and he made love to her another 6 times which she didn’t agree to.   

She saw the royal physician who told her that she was with child and her husband who was cousin and king was walking past her separate bedchamber when he heard the news. 

She entered his wife’s and queen bedchamber and she ordered the physician to leave while she had a conversation with his wife, which ended with the king hitting her and throwing her onto the bed and leaving the royal marital bedchamber.

The king then went looking for the royal physician and told him to deal with the situation of his wife being with child because he did not believe the child to be his because of dates.

After the physician did as she was ordered to do by, his king he decided to check the DNA of the dead foetus and it matched the king and when the king heard this she was very angry and he was hit with another devastating blow that the foetus was male. 

When the king heard this, he was even angrier that he called the royal physician to the throne room and cut of his hands and he removed the physician’s tongue so that he could not even tell the queen what he had done to her on the king’s orders.

What the king did not bank on was the queen’s servant was listening in when the king gave the order to the physician to end the pregnancy the servant told her queen that she overheard the king give the order.

The king had come into the royal bedchamber and the queen told him to get out because she wanted to be alone to grieve for their son.

The queen turned to husband and said to him that you are not grieving for the child because you gave the orders and I can never forgive you. Then she made the decision to sleep with the palace head gardener because she wanted to get back at her murdering husband for killing their son but after her affair with head gardener, she was carrying his child, which was not part of the plan. Therefore, the queen and head gardener hatched a plan to kill her husband and marry him.

The queen went to talk to Diamond Heart and ask her for help but the only problem is that she was born a dragon that turned into an old lady she was an expert in martial arts and she used her skills to protect her queen.  

Diamond Heart did not know that her charge was capable of murder and have her husband’s dead body taken down the old stone steps to the family crypt and thrown into the empty wall plot and his name along with his date of birth and death carved into the stone and welded shut.

The queen and the head gardener walked back up the stone steps and straight into the throne room where they were married and they sat, side by side on the thrones and the ruled together for many Runes and they had many children and the Epsilon family line continued. 

Diamond Heart the old lady and the dragon realized that her service and honour were served to the Epsilon family so she knew that she had to move on because if she did not she would be dishonouring her mother and her ancestors and bring shame on the Diamond Heart name.

Diamond Heart the 3rd went back to see her charge on her wedding day when her charge was marrying her cousin.

Diamond Heart the 3rd sat at the back of the throne room while the marriage ceremony was happening and she made sure that her former charge did not see or recognise her because she as her done her job and she is no longer needed.

Diamond Heart the 3rd   wore a diamond white kimono with a red dragon on the back and she was wearing a duplicate set of dog tags with the name written in the ancient tongue.

Diamond Heart the 3rd managed to disappear just in time before her charge came within distance of seeing her again.

Diamond Heart knew that she would get in trouble with the family if they found out after she had completed her duties of protecting her and getting her ready for her role as queen to run the kingdom of Heart when she came of age of 21 Runes.

Diamond Heart had got her street urchin ready and sitting on the throne.  

Once the street urchin sat in the throne Diamond Heart knew that she had been communicating with the right person that she was indeed a member of the Epsilon family.

Diamond Heart the 3rd summoned to appear before the ancestors in the family crypt to answer serious questions of why she helped a street urchin to sit on the family throne.

I know that she was dressed like urchin but she just sat down in the ancient throne it recognised that she shared Epsilon DNA and that confirmed my suspicions to be true.

I will work with her to get up to speed and will make sure by the time she turns 11 Runes she is married to her 21 Runes cousin and she starts to get ready to become a mother of princes and princesses.

After 450 Runes, the new queen who was the first to sit on the throne to rule the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart.

The ancestors of Epsilon and the ancestors of Diamond Heart fought in the great battle for the land of the living fought against the army of darkness from hell.

During this epic war which last 450 Runes Diamond Heart lost her life and she became guardian to the Epsilon family crypt.

Diamond Heart the 3rd realized because of her mistake in breaking the seal that she had let the army of darkness break up into the world of the living, kill everyone, and destroy the palace.

The Epsilon ancestors decided that the best way to punish Diamond Heart the 3rd was to turn her from a dragon into an old woman and gave her a key to the old jeweller’s store. They gave her enough bamboo sticks to turn into beds to put on the floor and told her that she could not come back to the family crypt until she had found the families true heir.

Diamond Heart the 3rd had the same ability as her mother and grandmother she could get into people’s dreams and communicate with them.  

Diamond Heart the 3rd who was a dragon one night entered the dreams of a little girl who was a street urchin, she began to talk to the child in the old language, and while the child was sleeping in the ruins of the palace, she was speaking in the old tongue.  The child woke to find she was speaking an ancient language that had died out over 450,000,000 Runes and she could read old documents written in the language of her ancestors.

This child had begun having dreams where she would see a little baby dragon named Diamond Heart and she would talk to it in an ancient language not spoken since the Epsilon family had all died during the battle against the dark army of hell.

Diamond Heart the 3rd ran away from the battle dishonouring her mother and grandmother who were the guardians of the Epsilon family before her.

The ancestors told her that they trusted her with a very important job and told not to fail again because she is being watch by the Epsilon family ancestors and her dragon ancestors.

The dragon statuette of Diamond Heart the third removed from her diamond-encrusted pedestal and as a further dishonour, she became an old woman of 100 Runes.

Diamond Heart 3rd knew that she did wrong and that she had to atone for her wrongs and yet she kept making the same mistakes, which the ancestors decided, for her to learn from her mistakes by becoming an old woman.

Diamond Heart the 3rd was really upset after to leave her post of guarding the Epsilon ancestors and during her punishment other family ancestors who still had their dragon guards left the Epsilon crypt unprotected and vulnerable to attack.

The culture that Diamond Heart the 3rd comes from when they are shunned they face public humiliation of all the other dragons that were still guarding the ancestors of great families and her family she was guarding disowned her.

She went to visit her mother and grandmother in their resting place in the Epsilon family crypt and begged them to forgive her and their spirits turned their backs on her so that they did not face the dishonour.

Diamond Heart the 3rd walked away from her ancestors and moved herself into the old jeweller’s store and she made that her home until she managed to redeem herself by bringing home the latest Epsilon heir.

Diamond Heart called in front of the Epsilon ancestors and her ancestors to answer why she bought a street urchin to the family crypt.

The first to question the street urchin was the first king Epsilon the great who took one look at the dirty child and asked the child how she was able to talk to Diamond Heart in the old family tongue.

The child replied I do not know your majesty.

All I know at the age of three Runes I had been having dreams that seemed so real and then I started to hear voices then I was speaking with a red dragon wearing dog tags.

She asked me if I could tell her what her name is then I read the dog tags her name is Diamond Heart written in an ancient language.

When the child came before the ancestors and asked to explain how she was able to talk to the Epsilon ancestors in their own language and understand what they are saying to her.

She then turned round to face all of the Epsilon ancestors and the ancestors of Diamond Heart the 3rd and spoke up for her and said she is my friend and she helped me when I was in trouble.

I don’t know what she has done to make you so angry but she has helped  me to find out who I am and she has told me everything that I needed to know and helped me to make sure that I didn’t make any mistakes when learning the old language.

When the ancestors on both sides heard the street urchin speak very eloquently about Diamond Heart the third they decided to let her carry on with her lessons for the child. Diamond Heart asked the child to wait outside the family crypt and she was then took to a local clothes store and brought her very first red kimono, a dark wooden hair pin which she put into her lovely long black hair and she bought a dainty pair of small black slippers.

Diamond Heart the third got out a small wooden box with contained a small tube of white face make-up, a red lipstick that she put a small amount on in the middle of the top and bottom lip and they then bound the small child’s feet so that they would comfortably fit into the new slippers.

The Epsilon family along with their dragon protectors from many Runes ago asked the child and Diamond Heart the 3rd to leave the family crypt so that they can decided whether Diamond Heart the 3rd back into the fold and they invited Diamond Heart to come back into the crypt to face her accusers again alone with the child.

Diamond Heart the 3rd asked the child to go back to the old jeweller’s store and wait for her their while she spoke with the ancestors.

The child went back to the old jeweller’s store but on the way back, she bumped into her 21 Runes cousin who told her how beautiful she looks and she decided that she wanted to marry her once she was 11 Runes.

While this discussion was happening, she decided she did not like her cousin and kicked him in the shins and ran away from him.

She knows the streets really well because she lived on them and she knew that she could get back to the old jeweller’s store by walking along the backstreet’s and jumping from roof top to roof top and landing on the material canopies and climbing down the drainpipes.

When she got back to the old jeweller’s store, she got inside by climbing through a window.

The girl’s cousin went looking for her but he had lost her she then went back to the family crypt where the ancestors were still talking to Diamond Heart the 3rd when the male heir walked back to the crypt to tell the ancestors that Diamond Heart the 3rd‘s charge had gone mad and kick him in the shin.

The cousin asked if he could speak to the ancestors alone and the ancestors dismissed Diamond Heart the 3rd while the future king had an audience with the ancestors and then she left after she had finished telling them what the charge of Diamond Heart the third had done.

Diamond Heart the 3rd was summoned back to appear before the ancestors to explain her charges behaviour and she could not so they demanded to know where she went after she had spoken to her ancestors.

Diamond Heart the 3rd told the ancestors where her charge is and the king heard were she is and he went straight round to the old jeweller’s store where he found his cousin lying on her bamboo bed on the dusty floor.

She was on the bed fast asleep and he then got onto the bed with her while she was sleep he left her with a little gift of being with his child.

Diamond Heart the 3rd came back to the old jeweller’s store when she found her charge standing over her 21 Runes cousin with her blooded hairpin in her hand and her protector asking what have you done?

He raped me and I grabbed the nearest thing to defend myself, which was the hairpin and stuck it into his neck.

The reason I had you living with me was to get you ready to marry your cousin and sit on the throne with him as his queen.

What you have done is committed high treason because it is family tradition to marry a close blood relative when you turn 11 Runes you must marry the male relative who has reached his 21 Runes and give him an heir.

The murder of a king and her future husband is punishable by death and the ancestors decide the family protector carries out the punishment and the punishment.

I do not want to carry out the punishment so please leave because when I carry out the punishment I am a dragon.

I am so sorry Diamond Heart for what I have done.

Please just go!

I cannot leave you to face the ancestors alone because what I have done!

You must!

I cannot let you face going in front of the ancestors because you do not deserve to be punished for my mistakes I will speak to the ancestors and explain what I did and why I did it.

The ancestors do not want to hear any excuses they have made judgement and they have sent me to carry out their judgement.

 I don’t want to carry out their punishment because you have their royal blood running through your veins but you did kill one of your own even though I did try to explain to you the customs and traditions even though it was a little too late and you must live by the ancestors old customs.

The spirit male cousin appeared before his ancestors and later said that the girl you wanted me to marry was only defending herself it was that I just could not wait for the union to be legal in the throne room and as it is my fault please call the family punisher back.

The only way that the family punisher can come back to her pedestal to guard the family crypt is to give you your life back and then you must summon Diamond Heart back to you by naming all the family ancestors in the ancient tongue without a single mistake can you do that?

I can do that and I will!

Then you must bring your female cousin back to us so that we can talk to her and you are to wait in the throne room with this gift.

What is it?

It is a family heirloom and we will try to convince you cousin to marry you but you are going to have to grovel and turn on her charm and present her with the gift along with an apology and then we can carry out the marriage ceremony, which will bind you together and create stability for the kingdom.

The ancestors gave the prince his life back after he confessed what he had done and he went to the old jeweller’s store where he stood and summoned Diamond Heart.

He told her to go back to the family crypt just as she was about to carry out the punishment.

She back to the family crypt where she stood before the ancestors who told Diamond Heart we should have listened to you because we nearly made a grave mistake about your charge that is also of the blood of Epsilon.

Before we turn you back to stone how did you know that the street urchin that you were bringing into our family was one of us.

It all started with a vision I had and then we were entering each other’s dreams.

Then we managed to communicate with each other and I recognised the language she spoke which had not been in use since you your majesty king Epsilon the first.

I had asked her what she had know about her ancestors and she knew their full history plus she had a small tattoo which the Epsilon family carry which is a small red dragon with the name Diamond Heart written in the old language and she also knew my family history as well.

When I confronted her she told me that when she was taken in by her father’s best friend who had been given family papers that my father had asked to be given to me when I turned 6 Runes of age.

She took the box that her father had given to his best friend before he died when she was only three Runes.

At the tender age of six Runes, she left the house she went to live at after her parent’s had died because her father’s friend was getting to familiar with her.

When she left, the house she went up a hill to some ancient ruins, which she later discovered, was a palace and her ancestral home and she later moved into the only room that had a roof and that was the old throne room.

The street urchin sat on the throne and the leather straps came up and over and secured her body and then the crown of thorns came down onto her head and did not mark her and then everyone knew she had Epsilon royal blood running through her veins she was indeed a true descendant of the Epsilon line.

Diamond Heart the old woman died once Epsilon descendants again sat upon the throne.

She had done her job, which was to make sure that the Epsilon family line carried on for many Runes, the ancestors called upon Diamond Heart the 3rd as the family protector, and she was there when the future heirs were born and she was their godmother and she taught them the ancient language.

The children that the two cousins had were the last in the line for the interbreeding of the Epsilon bloodline.

The children decided that they wanted to keep the Epsilon family traditions alive so when the brothers turned 21 Runes and they got married they married their 11 Runes sister, they had 12 children, and they kept the Epsilon bloodline pure.

The children visit the family crypt everyday where they spend some alone time with the ancestors and the family protector who looks after them for their masters and mistress and they light a candle every time they have a special celebration.

The mother who became queen after being a street urchin came to the family crypt to thank her ancestors for giving her another chance to marry her male cousin and having a wonderful life.

The cousins died and they left their sons and daughters who had got married in the old throne room before their mom and dad had died and the children went into the family crypt where they buried their mom and dad the king and queen were together in the last vacant chamber.

The children left behind summoned the royal crypt builder because they wanted him to build an extravagant family crypt, which was going to be their final resting place.

The Epsilon’s family dynasty ended after the death of children without getting married and leaving any heirs to continue the family line. Therefore, Diamond Heart the 3rd had to leave the family crypt she was guarding to look for more family members.

In order for her to carry out her duties, the ancestors had to make her a much bigger dragon in order to cover many lands because the family had spread everywhere after the war with hell and during this war the Epsilon family had died on the battlefield.

Diamond Heart the third search everywhere and yet she still could not find any more descendants.

Diamond Heart the 3rd was just about to give up when she was flying home a small child called out to her in an ancient tongue that she recognised.

So she stayed with the first descendant that she found because she was so tired and she is old she is over 450,000,000 Runes.

When Diamond Heart the 3rd fell asleep, she was still searching for descendants and she died with only part of her task complete.

The small child travelled to the kingdom of Heart with the remains of Diamond Heart the third where she bumped into one of the palace guards and asked him to take her to where the burial plot of the ancestors  because she told him that she was bringing Diamond Heart the third home.

The child entered the family crypt and lit a candle and said a pray to the ancestors and the spirit of Diamond Heart came to the child as a vision to the child to thank her for bringing me home and I will be with you always take my dog tags and wear them and never take them off.

Other descendants started to turn up, they had a small tattoo of a red dragon with the name Diamond Heart written by it, and they were all talking with each other in the same ancient dead language.

They decided that they would live in the palace where their ancestors ruled and they carried on the ancient traditions.

The Epsilon family were strong once again when they had to defend the world of the living when it from the attack from hell but this time all the Epsilon’s came together those living and the ancestors and they stood together.

Their red dragon tattoos joined and they created a more powerful Diamond Heart who destroyed the army from the underworld and they destroyed the doorway to hell.

The war is over the Epsilon family triumphed and then because the war was over the whole family lost their red dragon tattoos and they just became ordinary again.  

The decedents of the Epsilon family went back to living ordinary lives in the modern world after they had lost their diamond heart dragon tattoos and they found that they could not do it after going back in time to sit on the throne of the ancient palace of Heart.

The Epsilon decedents were walking round the modern kingdom of Heart still talking to each other in their ancestral language.

The decedents decided that they wanted to rebuild the old palace on top of hill and they wanted a stonemason to visit all of the crypts that remain from their ancestors and have routine              

Maintenance carried out so they can still go inside them for important family ceremonies.

The stone mason examined the family crypts and decided the best cause of action is remove all of the bodies of the ancestors and build a family crypt that houses every ancestor and room for all of the decedents.

The stonemason was also able to repair all of the dragon guardians and put them inside the newly built family crypt.

The stonemason who was also one of the Epsilon decedents and he was in charge of making sure that all of the Epsilon ancestors were interned into their own vaults.

While the stonemason was in the first of the old family crypts built, he started to have visions.  He removed the first vault inside the body of the first king Epsilon and while he was removing, it from the chamber the final resting the stone was starting to crumble in his hands. He carefully removed the old king’s body and put into the new casket. He then re interred the body into another vault and using the old information, he carved a new stone plaque.

The old king and the rest of the ancestors were angry that their final resting places had been disturb, but when they saw the new family crypt they saw that they were each buried in their own more private section. The decedents did not have to worry about how many could visit their ancestors at once and they do their ceremonies as one large family.

The Epsilon decedents rebuilt the palace of Heart and as they the ruins became an inhabitable palace again, the servants and the guards who used to work there many Runes ago returned.

At the palace of Heart, it was as though time had stood still. 

The dungeons showed signs of life with the clanging of keys. A prisoner in one of the cells who was a street urchin who could not have been more than 2-3 Runes arrested for pick pocketing. The child was left languishing in a cell with not enough food and water and getting sicker and sicker.

A young prince ended up walking through the dungeon while he was following the clues for the quest of the diamond heart. He heard the prisoner coughing, he ordered the guard to open the cell door, he walked into the cell, and over to a dimly lit corner of the cell where he saw the small street urchin and he ordered the guard into the cell and ordered him to remove the shackles.

The guard reluctantly came into the cell to remove the prisoner’s restraints I sorry your highness I am not going to go anywhere near the prisoner’s feet because the prisoner kicked me OK I will do it.

The prince opened the shackles from around the ankles of the prisoner and he ordered the guard to take the prisoner to his bedchamber and stay with the prisoner until he had finished his quest.

OK your highness I will do as you command!

See that the urchin as a bath and dressed in warmer clothes and examined by the royal physician and make sure that you keep the urchin in my bedchamber. 

The prince finished his quest and he was making his way back to his bedchamber and once inside his chamber and the guard from the dungeon left the young prince made a shocking discovery about the street urchin.

The prince discovered that the street urchin was a girl of 11 Runes.

The prince who is 21 Runes asked the girl what is your name?

She told the prince OK because you have been so kind and my name is Diamond Heart.  What shall I call you your highness?

You can call me Epsilon!

Diamond Heart slept with her husband prince Epsilon after the marriage ceremony performed in the old throne room and Epsilon called for the royal physician to come to the royal marital chamber because there was something wrong his young bride.

The royal physician came to the royal marital bed chamber as fast as he could get there and he informed prince Epsilon that Diamond Heart is with child and they needed to act really quickly because if he doesn’t they can both die and the doctor asked the prince what he wanted him to do?

OK save them, I want you to save both of them!

The royal physician asked for the help of the servant that looked after the needs of Diamond Heart. They delivered a healthy baby boy who they named Epsilon the second and they also managed to deliver a second baby which was a baby girl who was small than her brother and they named her Diamond Heart the 2nd. They went on to have many more healthy children together until one faithful day after she celebrated her 21 Runes birthday.

Diamond Heart died and she turned into a red dragon upon her death and now she looks after the family as their protector and they buried her in one of the empty vaults and two Runes later Epsilon gave up on life and when he did, they buried him in the second empty vault next door to his wife.

The old king and queen were looking after the children after the deaths of their son and daughter in-law.

The old king and queen died when Epsilon the 2nd turned 21 Runes and Diamond Heart the 2nd his sister turned 11 Runes and they were married after they interned their grandparents into the empty vaults above their parents.

Epsilon the 3rd and Diamond Heart go into the old throne room where they sit upon the old thrones and the crowning ceremony is about to begin.  Willow the son of the old king comes charging into the old throne. He said I should have been king not my half brother because I am the oldest and I completed the family quest for the diamond heart but my stepmother made it look like I failed because she wanted her son who was not very smart on the throne and also he had full Epsilon blood running through his veins.

The queen locked my mother and me in the dungeon after I was born and we became very sick.

When my father the king heard where the queen had us living, he moved us into one of the guest rooms and put his old baby crib in the room for me to sleep in.

The king asked my mother to go and see him in the council room after he had dismissed the council he called the royal builder in to meet us.

The king then took the royal builder to one side and asked him can you build me a house for my mistress and son if I get the royal architect to draw up the plans.

The king left the palace with his royal architect and builder to look for a location that was suitable and not too far away from the palace to build a home for his mistress and son.

While the house was, being built the king kept the queen away from the west wing of the palace where his mistress and son were living.

The queen was looking out the palace window and she could see the building going up.

The day was nice weather and the queen was walking in the garden.

The queen walked over to the royal architect who was overseeing the build to make sure that the royal builder was building to the plans.

The queen asked the royal architect what were they building?

We are building a house your majesty!

Whom are you building the house for?

We are building the house for the king’s mistress Apple Blossom Cloud Puddle and their son Willow.

When the queen heard that, the king was building a house for his mistress and his illegitimate son she ordered them to stop building.

The king had finished his important with his council, he went to see how the house build was going, and when he got there, he discovered building work had stopped and he demanded to know why they were not working to get the house finished so that Apple Blossom and Willow could move in. On the kings orders the royal builder and architect came back to work to get the house finished the queen was angry with the king but she knew that she had no control over any of the servants apart for her personal servants.

The queen had found out that the king had moved Apple Blossom and Willow into the palace while he built them a home of their own.

The queen found out about the king’s mistress, son and she invited the captain of the palace guards into the royal bedchamber and sleep with him, and while she is sleeping with the palace guard, the king walks in on them and is very angry that he orders both of them out of the bed and get dressed.

He then summons the second in command of the royal guard and orders him to arrest the captain of the guards and the queen and take them down to the dungeon and confine them separately in the cells so that they cannot see each other. 

The old captain of the palace guard managed to persuade his second in command whom the king as just promoted to captain of the palace guard to lock the queen in his cell.

While they were in the cell together, they got sick and the old captain of the palace guard died and then three Runes later the queen had died from the same illness.

The king sent word down to the dungeon for the queen and lover to be released and bought up to me in the old throne room.

The new captain of the guard went down to the dungeon and ordered his second in command to open the cell door and when the heavy cell door was open, he told the occupants that they can leave the cell.

The captain of the palace guard walked into the cell and as he entered he was knocked back by a strong stench of death and he left the cell threw up outside of the cell and ordered the guard to lock the heavy door back up.  

He cleaned himself up and then went up the worn stone steps to see the king.

The captain of the palace guard entered the old throne room and walked up to his king and knelled before him and when asked why he came alone?

Your majesty I am sorry that I did not bring the queen and the old captain up to see you but when their cell was open, they were dead in each other’s arms.

What were they doing in the same cell?

The guard said sorry your majesty that I disobeyed your orders but they begged to be together in the same cell. 

You are the captain of my personal guard and you obey my orders and no one else.

The king said to his new captain that I want to go down to the dungeon I want to go to the cells and see their bodies.

They walked slowly down the old stone steps that worn away by  palace guards walking up and down them during their routine change over where they had someone always on duty.

The king had reached the bottom of the stone steps and he followed his captain of the guards into the dungeon and down a long dark damp corridor to the cell where his queen and her lover were he told the guard to unlock the heavy door.

The guard slowly lifted the ring of keys, which he had on his waist and put the key into the rusty lock and jangled it until he had unlocked the heavy cell door. Then the king ordered them to stand back and he walked into the cell alone and he found them in each other’s arms huddled up in damp cold corner with rats climbing all over their bodies.

The king walked out of the cell and he too threw up. He ordered the rats removed from their bodies and then he sent a message to his former captain parents that their son had died in the line of duty and that they were sending their son’s body home to them for burial.

The family of the captain of the former palace guard sent a reply back to the king using the same currier pigeon to ask if he was going to have an honour guard to bring his body home but they got no answer.

The very last time they heard from their son was a message he sent before his arrest for sleeping with his queen and leaving her with child and that he was bringing her to his family home.  

Then the family heard nothing from their son with further details of the dates he promised and the next message they received was king Epsilon who had written the second message, which had only come 14 Runes after they had heard from their son.

King Epsilon sent a currier with a message sorry to have to tell you but your son and my best friend have died in the line of duty and within the next 14-16 Runes, I will be sending his body home to you.  

King Epsilon kept his promise and returned their son’s body.

The day their son’s body returned home, he was not a captain he came home in a rickety cart pulled by an old lame horse and his captain stripes that he was so proud of when he had earned them were missing.

The suit of armour that king Epsilon had his former friend and captain of the royal palace guard was forced into did not fit him.

His father took his son’s dead body from the old rickety cart and moved it into his barn where he had a coffin, which he had built ready for his son’s body after he had read the king’s message.

The captain’s father got his son’s body out of the suit of armour that he was forced into and as he got his son’s body out ready to put into his coffin he noticed injuries to his son’s body that were not consistent with dying in battle.

He had fought for his king, he also held the rank of captain of the royal palace guard, and when he looked at his son’s body, he noticed that chains had shackled his son and he noticed that his son had mutilations to his lower body he also noticed teeth marks on his son’s body.

He did not tell his wife anything about what their son’s body was like when they got him home. 

He did not want his wife to remember the last journey of their son or to see him out of the suit of armour they forced him into so that they did not see what his body was like.

When the father saw his boy, he was angry with his king who was an old family friend.

He decided that he was going to ride to the palace of Heart to see king Epsilon to find out why his boy’s body returned home the way Epsilon had done it with no respect and the mutilations that he had ordered.

The king turned to the old family and told him he did it because he had caught his son in bed with the queen.

Then his friend turned to him and asked if he was up to his old tricks of sleeping with his female servants and if he was, also sleeping with whores and sneaking them back to his extra bedroom.

King Epsilon when he saw his old friend he greeted and said that I resent that implication.

They went to the local tavern together and got drunk and while Sycamore Pridefoot was away, his wife went into the barn and when she entered the barn she saw the coffin that her husband had laid their son.          

Elm decided to open her son’s coffin because the last time she saw him he was leaving home to go to the palace of Heart to take his father’s place as the captain of the royal palace guard.

Ash came back to his family home dead and when Elm saw her son’s mutilated body she cried. 

Sycamore and the king were childhood friends who spent 20 Runes together getting drunk.

Elm was also an old childhood friend of the king she even went out with him for a time when she was 11 Runes.

While Elm was dating Epsilon who at the time was a prince who was 21 Runes, he left her with a little gift of being with his child. 

When Sycamore found out what had happened to Elm he married her and walked away from Epsilon for what he thought was for good.

 A war forced king Epsilon to call on his old friend Sycamore that did not please his wife Elm. Elm had a history with Epsilon, which also left her with a living reminder of those 4.5 Runes with her son Ash.

When Sycamore went to war to fight for his king and best friend against the army of darkness and right on, the eve of battle Sycamore tells him that Ash is his son.

Sycamore walks away from the battle dropping his king’s gold and black banner and gets on his horse leaving his king and best friend in turmoil.

He then writes a message to his wife to tell her that he has told king Epsilon all about Ash and gets one of the currier pigeons to deliver it to his wife and then he starts his long journey home. 

Sycamore is journeying home to be with his wife and shot by the army of darkness and fatally wounded by arrow that hit him from a distance of 1,500 yards in his back.

Sycamore rode home with the arrow in his back and he made home with the help of the Gods that he believed in.

When he arrived at the home, he shared with Elm she helped him down from his stead and called Ash who is a strapping man of 18 Runes to get his father into the house and carefully get him out of his suit of armour so that the royal physician could examine him. 

Spruce the royal physician removed an arrow from Sycamore and then he dressed the wound and he said that I will be back to see you in three Runes time to redress your wound.

After Spruce, the royal physician left Elm with her husband he had shown her how to look after his wound, which took many Runes to heal, and even then, it did not heal properly.

After Sycamore got a bit stronger Elm, asked whom were they fighting?

He told her that they were fighting the army of darkness and that he left the battle after the remark the king and his dear friend made about Elm and his son Ash.

He turned to his best friend Sycamore who was carrying his banner and said to him you can look after the bastard I want nothing to do with him and all Elm is good for is a roll around in the hay and sleeping with any man that will have her.

When Sycamore heard his friend practically called his wife Elm a whore, he hit his king.

Epsilon could not believe his best friend Sycamore hit him over a woman considering that they were all friends together.

Sycamore told Epsilon that he should him marry Elm because he was the one who left her with child.

How do you know that I am responsible because Elm did not just sleep with me?

Sycamore said I would no longer carry your banner and fight for you because you are without honour and you are incapable of love and respect.

Epsilon turned to his friends and said I do have honour I wanted to marry you Elm after I had told my father what I did and he was the one who told me that my duty is to marry my sister and keep the bloodline pure.

Your father and my father are dear old friends, they got drunk together, and he told the king that his son the 21 Runes prince would marry my daughter when she turned 11 Runes of age.

My father honoured the agreement that he had made with the king but the king went back on his word. After he had sobered up, he turned round to his friend told him that the deal he made was nil and void.

The prince had agreed to marry his sister, as you know it is the law of the land and I should never have said that my son would marry your daughter.

The prince is going to marry his sister and when her the queen and when we are gone, they will rule the kingdom of Heart and produce heirs who will also marry each other and take on the responsibility as rulers of the kingdom of Heart.

What about the child I am carrying that is prince Epsilon’s said Elm.

He has no rights to the throne because you are not of the royal blood of Epsilon.

Elm went to see king Epsilon at the palace of Heart because she was very close to giving birth to the prince’s baby and she wanted the king to make his son take responsibility for the child he had given her.

The king called his son into the throne room where he publicly denied that he had been with her.

The king dismissed his son and he ordered Elm to leave his presence and while she was leaving she collapsed the queen got off her throne next to the king and she walked over to her.

The queen begged the king to let Elm be taken to one of the empty rooms in the palace and to be seen by the royal physician.

While the royal physician was examining Elm, he discovered that he had to deliver the baby.  

The king and queen left the throne room they went to the room where Elm delivered her baby and when the queen saw the baby, she instantly fell in love with it and she knew that he was her grandson.

The king asked that the physician take the baby away from his mother so that he can run DNA.

The king wanted the results given to the while the queen was in the bedchamber with Elm.

The physician went to the throne room where the king had summoned his son to hear the results of the DNA test, which showed that Ash was the prince’s son and the grandson of the king and queen.

The king dragged his son into the chamber before his mother and Elm and made him say that he was sorry to Elm.

He told him I know that we said you had to marry your sister to keep the bloodline pure and you decided to sleep with your best friend now you must take her as your first wife and you must honour your commitment to marrying your sister as well.

The prince refused to marry Elm and said I do not care what the DNA says Ash is a bastard and I will never acknowledge him.

The king said I know that you are next in line to my throne but if you are not going to do the honourable thing and marry Elm and acknowledge your son Ash. I am going to give the throne to your 11 Runes sister and have my best friend sit on it as guardian until your sister reaches 21 Runes.

The prince refused again then the king went out hunting with his son and a royal hunting party he fell from his horse after drinking alcohol from his personal hip flask.

The prince bought his father’s body back to the palace slumped over his horse and when the queen saw the hunting party with her husband’s body slumped over the horse she came running down the stone steps and lost her footing and fell down them and broke her neck.

Sycamore took the throne like the king wanted to rule it until the princess came of age but the young prince fought his best friend, took the throne, married his sister, and became king because he was already 21 Runes.

Sycamore decided that he would marry Elm and claim Ash as his son because he knew that Epsilon the 2nd would never say that Ash is his son.

When Ash turned 21 Runes, his mother Elm and the man he believed to be his father all of his life sat him down and tear his world apart.

Son sorry we lied to you about your father but he was not prepared to acknowledge you as his son even though the old king ordered DNA tests that proved your paternity he just thought that you are a bastard and your mother a whore even though she was his friend as I was.

When Ash heard how his father treated his mother and himself he stole his father’s armour, sword, shield, the horses armour and his father’s faithful stead and rode off into the night to get to the palace of Heart.

Ash had rode the horse through the old city gates and stopped off at a tavern where the smell of fresh apple pie came wafting out of the door and as he entered he saw men drinking ale and getting very friendly with the whores.

While Ash was sitting on one of the old stools at the bar, he spoke to the proprietor of the establishment and asked if there were any guest rooms?

Sir there is a room that you can stay in if you like and would you like me to send up any of the girls to keep you company.

While Ash was at the tavern he met Thyme the landlord’s 11 Runes daughter and she went into his room and while in his room she slept with 21 Runes Ash.

Thyme was getting dressed and ready to leave his room but he would not let her go because he did not want Cinnamon the proprietor of the tavern and Thyme’s father.

Ash left the tavern with Thyme on his horse and as they were going up to the palace, they stopped off at a small chapel where he dragged her inside and made her his wife.

They then went up to the palace of Heart together and he told his wife Thyme to wait with the horse and he asked for an audience with the king.

When Ash went into the throne room he walked up to the king and whispered in his ear do you remember when you were younger you knew my mother Elm and my father Sycamore who is not my father because you are your majesty.

Epsilon the 2nd said “boy I wanted nothing to with you when my mother and father was alive and I want nothing to do with you now or your whore of a mother.”

Does you queen know about your sordid past with her best friend and that your illicit affair produced a son? 

Epsilon said no my queen does not know about me sleeping with her 11 Runes best friend when I was not 21 Runes nor does she know about you! 

She wanted your mother to attend our wedding ceremony and I made sure that she did not because I did not want our dirty little secret to come out.

What Epsilon did not know was that his queen Honeyblossom already knew about her best friend Elm and Epsilon’s son. She overheard what her father had said to her brother who he had married as soon as his father had died because he would not be king whether he married his sister or not because he was not prepared to marry Elm and acknowledge his first-born son.

After Ash left the presence of the king and queen to join his wife to ride off away from the palace the queen told them to wait and come back inside the palace and stay because she could see that Thyme was with child.

Queen Honeyblossom took Thyme to one side and asked her what she knew of Ash’s family history.

Thyme said I don’t know that much because he doesn’t talk about his family much and also because we had a shotgun wedding ceremony because he wanted to get me away from my family home as quick as he could so he didn’t have to face my father the landlord of the tavern just down the hill from the palace.        Queen Honeyblossom could see that Thyme was very close to giving birth so she told the palace servants to get one of the empty rooms ready for Thyme and Ash.

The queen was sitting in the guest room that her servants had just finished getting ready talking to Thyme. When she went into labour queen Honeyblossom told the nearest female servant to fetch the royal physician quickly and while she was going to get the physician, she bumped into the king and Ash who were arguing over why the king would not except as his son.

The king asked the female servant “where’s the fire?”

The queen has asked me to get the physician your majesty.


Thyme needs help fast.

The king and Ash put their bickering to one side as Ash ran down the corridor away from his father to be with his wife.

Ash got to the room that the queen had made up for him and Thyme just as the physician was delivering his son he didn’t move or cry and then there were complications with his wife Thyme who died in his arms straight after her baby son and Ash was left a broken man.

King Epsilon wanted Ash to leave the palace straight away after his tragic loss and Epsilon’s wife Honeyblossom was angry with her husband and told him I knew all along who Ash is and you have treated him really badly and now he has lost his wife and son.

Epsilon decided that he would make his son the captain of the guards even though he had guards who had been serving his family for many Runes.

While Ash was serving as the captain of the royal palace guards, he and his father king Epsilon went to the tavern together and the king ordered him to tie up the horses and then follow him inside.

They drank ale together, then king went upstairs to have some fun with his favourite whore, and then he turned to Ash and said to him why not you just have some fun.

Ash followed his father and his favourite whore into the room and then Ash slowly came into the room after his whore tried to drag him in and he ran out screaming and got on his horse.

The king grabbed his favourite whore took her outside the tavern and ordered Ash to get her on his horse. The three of them rode back to the palace.

The king ordered Ash to get her down from his horse and sneak her into the palace and take her to his royal dressing room and then he told Ash to get her naked and lock her in his royal dressing room and bring the key back to him.

King Epsilon entered his dressing room, got naked, and started a rampant night of sex when all of a sudden, he went limp and he started to go blue around the lips and then dropped down dead

The whore screamed and woke up the whole palace and then the whore got dressed, left the dressing room through the large window, climbed down the pipe all the way to the ground, and stole a horse.

The whore went back to the tavern where she told her boss that while she was pleasuring her punter he dropped down dead with a smile on his face.

Queen Honeyblossom invited Ash into the royal bedchamber where she slept with him and he left her with the gift of being with child.

She said being your father and your wife are no longer with us then we should get married and you should take your rightful place on the throne.

King Ash and queen Honeyblossom had 13 children together and Ash bought up his half brother as his stepson.

Ash was out hunting one day with his oldest son when the king of Disheart attacked them.

Ash and Oak had shot at what they thought was a stag and when they went to claim their prize they found out that they had shot the son of the kingdom of Disheart with an arrow and then they got back on their horse and left him where he fell.

The king from the kingdom of Disheart went down to the stable to see if his son had come home yet. While at the stable, the prince’s horse came home without a rider and then the king ordered the stable hand to saddle up the fastest horse and he took two of his personal guard to ride out with him to look for his son.

The king and his two royal guards found the prince who was in a bad way after an arrow attack. He managed to tell his father that king Ash and prince Oak attacked him.

The king from the kingdom of Disheart once he heard who attacked his son the prince he declared war on the kingdom of Heart and the king from the kingdom of Disheart summoned the army of darkness to fight on his side to avenge the attack of his son.

The Epsilon’s and the Diamond Hearts defeated the king and the Dishearts from the kingdom of Disheart.

The Epsilon is their decedents and the Diamond Heart’s and their decedents sent the army of darkness back to hell.

The army of darkness broke the gateway of hell 350,000,000 Runes later because Diamond Heart the 3rd had damaged the gateway and released the evil back into the world of living.

A new leader king Epsilon the 2nd and he had been designing new weapons, which he decided to turn on his illegitimate son Ash after he decided to take Epsilon the 2nd’s queen into bed to get back at his father, led the army of darkness.

The laws of kingdom where the Epsilon’s live is that inter marry to keep the bloodline pure.

The only time that the bloodline did not remain pure was when one of the 11 Runes princesses had to marry one of the 21 Runes princes is from the kingdom of Disheart because Epsilon the 2nd had bankrupted the kingdom.

During Ash’s marriage to Honeyblossom he ended up sleeping with one of the servant’s and she slept with the head gardener who on the orders of king Ash designed the most magnificent garden for Honeyblossom and the head gardener took her inside and they had sex in the long grass while Ash was performing royal duties.

Queen Honeyblossom was getting herself dressed when the head gardener grabbed hold of her arms and forced her back down into the long grass where he proceeded to rape her repeatedly.

She fought her way out of his tight grip by scratching, biting and kicking she ran out of the garden and ran straight into the strong broad arms of captain of the personal royal guards.

The captain removed his jacket to put around the queen’s shoulders to hide her torn purple robe.

The captain of the personal guard took his queen up the back stairs into her dressing room where he was about to leave and get the queen’s personal maid to draw up a bath to clean her up.

The queen turned to the captain of the royal personal guard and said I know what I have asked of you is nothing to do with your duties but I do not want my personal maid to see me in this state.

While the captain of the guard was in his queen’s royal dressing room he had drawn, her bath got her out of her torn royal robe and held a towel round her to preserve her dignity.


While she tried to get into the tub and while the royal personal guard had his hand on the soft olive skin of the queen while he was, helping her into the bathtub the king walked in on them and got the wrong idea.

The guard tried to explain to Ash that his wife begged him for his help and I reluctantly agreed because when I found her she was in a terrible state and she told me that the head gardener had raped her.

She told me that she only went into the garden to be alone to read and the head gardener came up behind her and grabbed hold of her wrists tightly.

He knocked her book from her hands, he used his free hand to rip her royal robe, and then he threw her into the grass after binding her wrists and raped her.

She told me she was able to get away from the head gardener when she kicked and bite him. She ran into me, I took off my jacket and put it around her shoulders, and then I carefully held out my hands to help her up. 

I escorted her up the back stairs away from everyone’s view and got her inside her dressing room and I was about to leave her when she asked me to draw a bath for her and help her to get undressed and into the tub.

Your majesty I did not want to help her I wanted to get her personal maid to come into her room to help her and listen to what she had to say. 

The queen turned to me to help her because she did not wish for her personal maid to ask the awkward questions of what had happened to her and why she had bruises on her beautiful olive skin.

At first when the queen ran out of the garden, she screamed when she bumped into and then I held out my hand to try to help her and she flinched.

I calmly sat on the ground next to her and took off my jacket because I could see she had been attacked and I could see the fear in her hazel eyes as looked up into my face she was like a frightened child and she just wept onto my shoulder as she asked for my help.

I ordered my guard to stand by the gate while I took the queen back to the palace and I ordered the guard to detain the head gardener while I make sure that the queen is OK.

The Palace guard then took the king to one side and told him that the guard had him in custody down in one of the cells in the dungeon.

The king went down to the cells in the dungeon and ordered the guard to unlock the heavy wooden door and to wait outside until he was called to come into the cell.

The head gardener chained to the wall as the king entered his cell and demanded answers from him.  The king walked over to the prisoner and ordered him to his knees before him.

The head gardener refused and the king struck him in the face with his hand, which had a gold signet ring with a red dragon emblem on it, which marked his face and it had the name Diamond Heart engraved in it in the old language.  

King Ash left the cell of his former head gardener and ordered the cell door slammed shut and locked behind him.

He dragged his large feet slowly up the stone steps from the cold dark and damp dungeon and then he walked along the corridor to his wife who was in her dressing sitting in the bath tub with the captain of the personal royal guards standing just out of the line of sight.

Queen Honeyblossom called him over and asked him to help her out of her royal bathtub and he walked over to the tub with his back to the queen holding her royal monogrammed towel.

He carefully wrapped it around her and he then pulled the gold plug from the plughole and he put his hands around her shoulders to help her out of the tub and as he did the towel slipped and the king walked in as the personal guard was trying to get her covered back up.

He touched his queen’s naked olive skin accidentally and when the king saw the words that the head gardener had said to him in his cell started to ring very loudly in his ears.

The king left the queen’s chamber with the captain of his personal royal guard in tow and as they were leaving, they saw the queen’s personal maid and the king ordered her to get the queen dressed.

Yes, your majesty right away sires.

Would you like her dressed to join you at the royal dining table no she is to have her meals bought to her bedchamber.

Yes your majesty!

The king finished his meal left the dining table the servants came into the room cleared off the table the king then back to his queen who was dressed in the royal dressing room and she had finished her meal the king had left the plate outside and he got on the bed after dismissing the queen’s personal maid.

He summoned the second in command to the royal personal guard and ordered him to take the queen down to the cells in the dungeon and keep her away from the former head gardener and the former captain of the guards.

The man who got the promotion to the new captain of the guards begged by his former captain to put him into the cell with her and he did.  The captain of the guard went in the cell to check on the queen, his old captain and he found them dead, he left the cell, and he threw up outside of the door.

After he locked the cell door and he cleaned himself up went up the stone steps to see the king and he said your majesty the queen is dead.

The king told his captain to take him down into the dungeon to the cell where his wife was, the king ordered the door of the cell to be unlocked, and he wanted to go in there alone.

Once he entered the cell, he discovered that the queen was not in their alone and she had died in the arms of another man.

The king went outside the cell, he too cleaned himself up, and he left the cold damp dungeon behind him because he could not afford to get the cold on his chest.

The king went back down to the dungeon and the cell where his wife and her fancy man had died.  The king demanded that his new captain of the guard unlock the cell and the door was flung open the king went inside and he ordered the guard to chain him up just like his wife and best friend were chained up and then lock the door and leave him in there alone and not let him out.

The king told the captain of the guard to clear out all of the guards and leave him with the keys to the chains and all of the cell doors.

The king unchained himself after spending 240 Runes alone in the cell, he had no food or water and he could barely walk.



He had to be carried up the stone steps to his bedchamber where his personal servant drew him a bath got him dressed for bed and got the royal physician out of bed to examine him.

After the kings adventure he discovered that one of his personal royal guards was a woman who had disguised herself as man and she ended up carrying up the stairs to his bedchamber and she fell in love with him and she climbed into his bed and made sure that he had left her with child.

Every night she would make sure that, she slept with him and he made her his wife.

She made sure that the king kept getting her pregnant right up to the day he died and even after, he had died.

Her oldest son when he was 21 Runes married his mother and he managed to make sure that she was with his child and when she died, he married his 11 Runes sister. He made sure that she was always with child and when he had all the children he could get out of her, he moved onto his second sister who had just celebrated her 11 Runes. He married her and he had all of the children he could get from her.

He married his final sister who did not give him any heirs and then he started to look for whores. 

When he found his whores, he would get a harem, which he would make sure that he kept pregnant and then when their usefulness came to an end he killed them and moved onto the next lot of whores and he made sure that he also kept every female servant with child.

Once his female servants were no longer useful he started to look around for new servants and the women he bought into the palace were all 11 Runes and had not been with any males.

The king had his personal royal guard go around the local villages of his kingdom with a royal edict nails and a hammer.

On the orders of king Epsilon, any family that have any daughters who are 11 Runes of age must surrender them to my personal guard. 

They will be rewarded handsomely anyone who does not comply and surrender their 11 Runes daughters will be locked up in the dungeon and will have all daughters removed from their homes and will be raised by your 11 Runes daughters until they come of age.

Once the families saw, the edicts go up around the kingdom they tried to send their girls away who were of the age the king wanted.

The king made sure that he had loyal guards guarding every access point out of the villages.

Some of the guards had sisters who were 11 Runes and they live far away from the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart.

One of the guards who were guarding one of the access points out of the village took the girls to one side and I want to help you but you must listen to me and do everything I tell you and must not tell anyone.

The girls said OK what do we have to do?

The king’s edict is for girls who are 11 Runes because they are pure and they have never been touch by any man. In order for me to protect you from the kings edict even though I am 21 Runes you must all agree to sleep with me because that is the only way that you will escape the king’s edict and you must also become my wives in the eyes of our gods.

When the king heard that one of his guards that he trusted to bring the 11 Runes girls back to the palace had ignored his orders slept with the girls that came his way and made them his wives and they were all carrying his children.

The king asked the other guards to find the girls that his 21 Runes guard had slept with and bring them to the palace and the throne room.

The Guards searched the kingdoms trying to find the girls and the guard who slept with them and made them his wives.

The guards came back to the palace empty handed no girls and no guard.

The other guards entered the throne room and the mad king demanded an explanation as to why he did not have all the girls who were 11 Runes.

We are sorry your majesty but we thought if we split up the guards, we would have a better chance of securing all the girls so that they had nowhere to run and hide.

The guard who helped 20 of the girls avoid going to the palace by using caves and secret tunnels to keep them hidden.

The guard came out of the secret caves and tunnels to buy food and clothing, he managed to avoid the other guards that were after them, and he spoke to the parents of the girls to tell them they are OK and he was looking after them.

Can you please tell us where are daughter’s are because they are still our little girls.

Your girls are no longer little girls the only way that I could save them was for me to sleep with them and I have also married them but we had to do without anyone knowing.

I should also tell you that you are all going to be grandparents.

After the guard had left the homes of all the 11 Runes girls he married the parent’s knew that their daughter’s were safe, happy and starting their own families.

When their parent’s heard that their 11 Runes daughter’s agreed to marry the king’s former guard and to have his children they could not believe their ears they said it is madness.

The former royal guard told all of his in-laws it isn’t madness I know that I am 21 Runes and I should be with girls my own but I have fell in love with your 11 Runes daughter’s.

The parent’s demanded that he bring their daughter’s home to them.

He told his in-laws that their daughter’s are his wives they are carrying my children and they belong to me and we will be raising all of our children together and you are never going to see your daughter’s or your grandchildren in your lifetime.

The parent’s were angry, they wanted their 11 Runes daughter’s home, and when they later made contact with their parent’s they told him that this man saved their lives and they love him.

Their parents tried everything to get their daughter’s away from the man they claimed they loved and they got the palace royal guards involved because the mad king had issued an arrest warrant because his ex guard had deprived him of the extra girls that he himself could marry and forever keep pregnant with his royal children.

The guard had been living with his wives who were carrying his children in secret caves and tunnels that were high up in the mountains and he was away from physicians who could safely deliver his children when his wives went into labour.

The former place guard left the secret caves and tunnels and he went off exploring the mountains to find him and his wives somewhere safe to have their children.

The former palace guard went right up the top of the snow-capped mountains where he found a large abandoned log cabin and while he was at the abandoned log cabin, he instantly recognised it as where he had grown up with his grandmother.

He knew it was a safe place to take his wives because he knew where the key for the front door was because his grandmother always kept it in the same place.

Above the front door is a small porch with a secret alcove, inside the alcove is the front door key.

While he was getting the key, he found a small box made out of bamboo and lacquered with black paint and a small red dragon with the name of Diamond Heart written on a gold plaque in an ancient language.

The ex palace guard opened the front door and stepped inside and saw it was left just like when he was a child expect it was blanketed in many Runes of dust and the first thing that he did was to find where his grandmother had left the cleaning products.

He cleaned the house and then went outside the log cabin to the shed and collect the logs to get a fire going.

He left the log and kept himself hidden in the secret caves and tunnels, which took him to his wives, and he told them to pack up what they had and to follow him through the caves and tunnels up to his surprise.

While he was getting his wives through the secret caves and tunnels there was a cave in after he safely had them through to the log cabin. He gave his first wife the key, which he had taken with him and told his wives to get inside quickly the weather has turned and the clothes they were wearing were very thin.

When the wives got inside the log cabin, they went up the stairs to the bedrooms where they found warm clothing to change into and when their husband came in he lit a fire in the fireplace.

The wives came downstairs to ask their husband how he had known about the log cabin?

I do not know!

His wives said how could you have not known?

I had lost memories of my childhood.

His wives said what do you mean?

I do not know and it is scaring me.

One of the wives remained upstairs still looking around and she went into one of the empty bedrooms where she found photographs of her husband and children’s clothing.

When she went downstairs with the photographs of her husband and asked him why they were in the log cabin and why there were children’s clothes in the wardrobe and he could not explain it.

He left his wives sitting inside the log cabin by the fire while he went outside to the shed for the logs for the fire, he opened the little lacquered black bamboo box, and inside he found a letter address to him in the old language along with a tatty photograph of him as a baby. He found his grandmother’s dog tags with the name Diamond Heart on them.

Then as has he, pick up the dog tags the shed and the house started to phase out of time with its surroundings.

Chestnut had walked out of the shed, he went back inside the cabin, and found that all of his wives were missing and a small rip in time, which linked his past and future together.

Chestnut trip back in time helped him to realize whom he is and who the old woman is that as appeared in all of the photographs that were in the log cabin.

While he was in the past, he saw himself as a small boy and saw himself talking to the old woman and he heard himself say grandmother I love you.   

Chestnut who was a grown man who was talking to his grandmother in the ancient language that he had forgotten that she had taught him as a child.

He also told his grandmother about his wives and begged her to help him keep them safe and away from the mad king.

Diamond Heart told her grandson Chestnut to go through the time distortion and get them ready to travel and he said OK.

Before He left she him how many wives he has and whether they were with children?

He told Diamond Heart that he had 13 wives and they were all expecting children.

She told Chestnut that if they all travel back through the rift holding the dog tags they would be protected everyone including all of your unborn children.

They all got through the time rift safely and then Diamond Heart sealed it up so no one could leave and no one can come through. After that, she settled her 13 granddaughter’s by marriage in the spare rooms that she had and then she ended up delivering her great grandchildren while she told her grandson Chestnut to go downstairs and wait until his child was born.

Diamond Heart delivered all of her great grandchildren without a single complication and all the mother’s survived because they were all young fit and healthy.

Diamond Heart left the log cabin in the middle of the night after she had lit a fire in the fireplace.

She went out into the blizzard and she walked down to the secret caves and tunnels where she turned back into a red dragon and then she flew to the family crypt of the Epsilon’s and returned to her pedestal to continue her guarding duties. 

One of Chestnut’s wives decided to go down to the kitchen because she could not sleep and she went downstairs and when she got down stairs she found that there was a small fire lit in the fireplace because she saw remnants of burning ambers and no sign of Diamond Heart.

Chestnut’s wife runs up the stairs, goes into the bedroom, wakes him up, and tells him the front door is open a fire is lit in the hearth.

Chestnut put on some warm clothing and told his wives to stay in bed and he would go and investigate where his grandmother is and why she left the front door wide open.

Chestnut walked down the stairs grab his winter coat and put it on and he went to the shed where the logs for the fire are and on his way out he picked up an old oil lantern off the workbench and a box of matches to lit it.

The lantern gave Chestnut light as he trudged out into the snow and as he walked, he noticed odd tracks, which started to look a lot like a dragon, and he could not understand why.

While Chestnut was trying to figure out the tracks, he entered some secret caves and taverns and stumbled upon the skeletal remains of a dragon that had died in a cave in.

Chestnut found the dog tags on the floor and he pick them up and when he looked at the name on them he could not believe his eyes because the name staring back at him was his grandmother’s name and the mystery just got deeper and just couldn’t understand what was going on.

He sat down by the skeletal remains and started to talk in the ancient language then all of a sudden, the spirit of Diamond Heart appeared before him.

Diamond Heart’s spirit appeared to Chestnut in a vision and told him it is time that I tell you the truth the skeletal remains that you are sitting by is me before I was an old woman my true form is a red dragon.

Chestnut turned the lantern off and he fell asleep in the arms of the skeletal red dragon who was his grandmother as she sang him to sleep.

He woke up the next morning with his grandmother’s dog tags round his neck and a vision he could not explain and he left the secret caves and taverns and went back up to the shed behind the house and put the lantern away.  

While inside the shed, he collected some logs for the fire and he went inside the house, hung his coat up, put the logs into the fireplace, lit them, and got a fire going to cook breakfast. 

While Chestnut was cooking breakfast, his 13 wives and his children sat at the table ready to eat the breakfast that he had cooked for them.

They ate their breakfast and the children found a lake near the house and went fishing while Chestnut told his wives about his grandmother being a red dragon.

His wives just laugh at him and he stormed out the house and took a boat out on the lake.

He had a gun with him, he went off hunting, and he came back with the evening meal, which he told his oldest son to remove the bullets and take off the head and feet and remove the fur from its skin and take it to his mother to put in the large cooking pot over the fire.

Chestnut came back from the woods in a better mood and he sat down at the dinner table to eat with his family.

The next day Chestnut asked his oldest son to get two riffles from the shed because he was going hunting with his father to feed the family.  

The son found the biggest animal he could find, he shot at it, he completely missed the target, and his father sent him home.

His mother asked her son why he had come home alone without his father and something to put in the cooking pot, which had been heating up in the fireplace.

The son told his mother that he saw a large black bear and took a shot at it and when I did, the bullet grazed the bear and made him very angry father told me to give him my riffle and go home.

Father decided to stay in the woods and go after the bear on his own. 

I followed father and hid behind the trees while he went after the bear and I tried to keep quite but as I walking in the woods when I snapped a twig, which caused father to be distracted, and he took his eyes off the wounded bear and it attacked him.

I grabbed father’s rifle and shot the bear and this time I did not miss, the bear died, and as it was dying, it turned into a young woman.

I made a stretcher which I carefully put father on he wanted me to take him to the log cabin down the hill to see the local physician and I took him to the physician who treated his wounds which were scratch marks which were caused by bear claws that looked like finger nails.

The physician treated the wounds and when he asked Chestnut what happened?

Chestnut told the physician he had no memory of what happened to him all he could remember was leaving the house with oldest son to go hunting and his son seeing a bear shooting at, just nicking the bear, and making it very angry.

After that, I remember nothing until I found myself in your cabin and you asking how I got my wounds.

I have made poultice which I want you to apply twice a Rune to prevent infection and I must be taken to where you have hunted and attacked because I need to see what attacked you.

Chestnut told his son to get the physician and bring him to spot where he had been attacked while he rested.

The son took the physician right to the spot where he killed the bear and when the physician looked at what Chestnut shot, he saw that it was his wife.

The physician turned to the boy and said who shot this beautiful woman?

I did because it was a black bear attacking my father and I was trying to save my father being I was the one who took a shot at it the first time and missed and made it very angry.

The physician turned on Chestnut’s son while they were out looking for what had caused his patients injuries.

Chestnut’s son pulled out his small dagger to defend himself against the physician who transformed into a bear attack him because his mate was dead.

He lunged at Chestnut’s son who still had his small dagger in his hand, which went into the bears heart, and then he died and turned back into the man that he was before he morphed into the bear. 

Chestnut’s son ran back to the log cabin after he removed his dagger from the Bear’s heart to get his father and take him back home.

He got to the cabin to find his father Chestnut asleep on the sofa after the poultice had been applied to his wounds and they had been bandaged up.

Chestnut’s son walked over to his father to wake him up to take him home to be with the rest of the family and he could not wake him.

Chestnut had a fever his son rushed into the kitchen turned on the taps to get some water to bathe his father’s head and as he turned the taps on the pipes made a rattling sound and the water came out like brown sludge.

Then he went outside to the old well that still worked and he lowered the bucket down, got the water, and went back inside to his father.

He bathed his father’s forehead to keep bring down his fever and he removed the bandages that were used to keep the poultice on the wound and when he looked at the poultice and smelt it he noticed that it didn’t look or smell right.

Chestnut’s son washed the poultice away from the wound and saw that an infection had started inside the wound and he searched the cabin for a first aid box to find some antiseptic to clean out the infection.

Once the infection had cleared from Chestnut’s wound and the poultice made from foxglove removed because it was causing an infection within the wound. 

Chestnut’s son went outside to a shed to collect logs so that he could lit a fire in the fireplace to keep his father warm and to cook some food to help him keep up his strength so that they could travel home.

They stayed in the physician’s house while Chestnut recuperated from his injury and the infection that the physician had caused when he dressed the wounds that he recognised straight away as been caused by his wife when she was a black bear.

The physician told Chestnut to rest while he went to look for the creature that had attacked his patient and left part of her claw behind in the wound.

He walked into the woods and once he got further inside he used his nose, he smelt the scent of his dead mate who was lying on the ground, he ran over to her, and he screamed the most deafening primal scream, which Chestnut heard while he was resting in the physician’s log cabin.

After the physician released the primal deafening scream, he laid next to his wife’s body after Chestnut junior’s dagger plunged into his heart and he died.

After her death her body turned from a black bear into a human female and a by the side of her eye was a dried tear that had stopped running down her right cheek.

Her head turned to face her husband and they both had a dried tear on their cheeks.

Chestnut’s son ran out of the woods and all the way back to the physician’s house to collect his father and they ran as fast as they could away from the house and the two dead bodies that they had left in their wake.

Chestnut asked his son while they were going home not to say anything to his mother or the other 12 wives and the rest of the children.

When Chestnut got home with his oldest son after they had been hunting, he had asked his son to help him up the stairs into his bedroom.

He helped his father out of his clothes and cleaned his father’s wound and then he re bandaged it up, got him into his pyjamas, and helped him into bed.

Chestnut asked his son to bring some of the wood from downstairs to build a fire and light one in the bedroom because he is cold after he lit the fire he went back downstairs to join the rest of the family to have the evening meal.

After everybody had finished their evening meal Chestnut’s oldest son went upstairs to get his father’s tea tray and he saw that his father had not touched it and Chestnut became delirious with fever and he was talking to people who were not even there.  

Chestnut’s wife climbed into bed next to her husband and he was cold to the touch and she screamed and the other wives and children came running but no one could do anything he was dead.

The family waited for the weather to warm up, they buried Chestnut behind the house, the rest of the family got on with their lives, and they decided that they wanted a way to reopen the rift to go back to the time they came from.

The wives packed up everyone’s belongings and then they found Fluctuations of where there had once been a time rift.

The wives opened the time rift after they found Diamond Heart’s dog tags that their husband had hid.

The wives opened up the time rift as it opened the two time zones collided while they were inside it.   

The wives and children were protected because they were all holding onto the dog tags as they entered.

The wives and children stepped outside of the rift, which was in the log cabin they were living in, it destroyed the house and they suffered injuries as they exited the time rift.

They all walked out of the log cabin after they came back into the present day and everything around them was gone.

They walked down the hill to take the children to the village where they grew up to see their grandparents. 

They were walking along the streets on the way to the village and they did not see any people who were alive all they saw were skeletal remains.

They found the secret tunnels, cave, and took shelter inside where they found a small lighter that had the name Chestnut engraved into it.

The wives could not understand how their husband Chestnut’s lighter got in the cave.

While they were in the caves, they found a small lacquered black bamboo box, which he had dropped with his lighter. 

After the wives and children of Chestnut came back through the time portal to the current day kingdoms of Heart and Disheart and then they destroyed the time rift for good so no one could ever use it again.  

The wives took their children up to the palace to see if any of the royal family had survived the time rift but when they got to the palace, it was in ruins.  

Within the ruins, there were only skeletal remains of what was once a proud density.  

The portal destroyed, the two warring kingdoms rebuilt, and new leaders were born.

The first new leader to sit in the ancient throne sat next her brother and husband, they abandoned the old edicts of rule, and they created a completely new system of rule.

Willow the third and his sister Apple Blossom the third ruled over the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart with an iron fist.  Willow the third was in the war room while his wife and sister were in the secret garden that their great grandfather designed and built.

She was with the head gardener having sex with him when the head of the personal guard came looking for her. 

He walked into the garden to see his queen getting dressed and he took his small dagger from its sheath and grabbed her round the neck and with his free hand he cut the clothes from his queen’s flesh and he forced her to the ground and raped her.   He carried her from the garden into the secret passages, which he knew about because he had grown up there. 

He kept his queen locked up in the tunnels under palace where he continued to rape her.

He then made threats against his queen, when he had finished with her he took up the back stairs in the palace to a disused wing, and he found a room, which had not had anyone in for two hundred and ninety-nine Runes.

He ran a hot bath after he had thoroughly cleaned it out. 

He picked the queen up and carried her over to the bath and then he put her into the bath and he tied her hands and feet and he put a gag into her mouth because he did not know if anyone visited the disused wing of the palace. 

After he bathed and dried her, he carried her over to the bed still tied up and he sat her on a chair.

The chair was covered over with a dust sheet and he removed the protective sheet from the bed and then picked her back up still tied up and put her onto the bed and he carried on rapping her.  The queen’s head personal guard kept her locked up in the room in the disused wing of the palace while he kept up his normal routine. 

He spent many Runes rapping her and then bathing her and once he had finished rapping her for the last time, he released her and she went back to her brother and husband. 

The king went back to the marital bedchamber where he found his sister and wife laying in the bed as the king thought fast asleep but she was wide-awake crying into the pillow. 

The king turned to his queen, he tried to touch her, she screamed, and she walked out of the room and moved into a separate room which was the queen’s personal dressing room and she would not even sleep with her husband.

The queen’s personal servant began her duties of getting her out of nightwear and dressing her in her day wear. 

She ate her breakfast and then she made her way down to the grand hall to sit in her throne. 

The king was in his war room meeting with his advisor’s planning to attack the neighbouring kingdom.

After he had finished his royal duties with his advisor’s, he called all of his palace guards to the grand hall. 

Two Runes later the queen’s personal servant went to get her up and dressed and she could not wake her up. 

She pulled the blankets back and she saw that the sheets were soaked in blood. 

She ran out of the room screaming, and where she ran into the queen’s personal guard, and asked him to sit with the queen while she went to get the palace’s personal physician to come and examine the queen. 

The queen slowly began to wake as she was begin examined by the physician he told her she was with child and she screamed no!  She was in a much-weakened state, everybody cleared out of the room, and the queen’s rapist sat on her bed after he heard that she was with child because he knew that he was the father and he was very happy.

When the king heard the news, he was happy because he thought he was going to be a dad.

The queen then told him that she had asked for a termination he could not understand why.

He ordered the physician, the servant and the personal guard to leave the room. 

The queen told him that she had been rapped for many Runes by the personal guard and the child was her rapist child and when the king heard he told her that he would take claim of the child and that the rape story and the child’s true father is never to be revealed.

The king left his queen in the marital bedroom and went down to the great hall where he summoned the personal guard to appear before him and he told him that the queen had told him the truth about what he had done. 

The king ordered his guard to arrest him and take him down to the dungeon where he would wait to have his tongue removed and for his death sentence. 

The queen went into premature labour and she ended up giving birth to twelve children and after she gave birth to the twelfth child it was discovered that a thirteenth child had been hiding and while giving birth to the last child there were complications and she and the child died. 

The king was so distraught about the death of his wife and the thirteenth child that he locked himself away in his wife’s personal dressing room and mourned her death. 

He then went down to the dungeon and spat on the corpse of his wife’s rapist.

The personal guards corpse was in the dungeon where he continued to rot and pungent odour drifted through the air vent to the kitchen.

The staff in the kitchen went to see the king to complain about the stench of rotting flesh.

The guard went up to the king and said your majesty sorry to disturb you but you head cook is complaining about a foul odour.  Two of her staff had to be removed from duty because they became ill.  

They left the kitchen and walked past the entrances to the underground dungeon to get to the servants accommodations. 

As they walked past they fell to the ground and were overcome by the odours. 

The end of the day and the rest of kitchen staff were walking past the tunnels to the underground dungeon when they noticed the odour just as strong as it was in the kitchen and they also saw their fellow staff members were lying on the ground.  

The staff quickly picked up the two staff members and carried them back to the servants accommodations. 

The physician came to examine the dead bodies of the kitchen staff and he could not understand why two perfectly healthy kitchen workers died. 

Then two Runes later other kitchen staff were falling ill and dying. 

The Physician went to see the king and queen and told them that the servant accommodations had to be quarantined along with the kitchens the tunnels that lead to the underground dungeon. 

The physician was working really hard to come up with cure but it was in vane because the illness is airborne.

The king left his kingdom with his army to go fight a war and when he came back to the palace and there was a large note attached to the gate warning anyone to stay away. 

The king ordered his men to break the gate down so that they can enter the palace grounds. 

The king and his men rode up the pathway to the stables and put the horses away. 

The soldiers found the horse feed, brushed them down and gave them water. 

The king walked back to the palace past the entrance to the tunnels of the dungeon. 

The king entered the tunnels and walked to the cell in the dungeon and removed the keys off the hook and unlocked the cell door. 

Once inside the cell he picked up the corpse and slung it over his shoulders and carried it to the stone steps and then he dropped it to the ground and grabbed it by the ankles and dragged the dead weight up the stone steps.

As the king dragged the corpse up the stone steps the skull banged against the ground and as it did the brain fell out of the skull and rolled down the steps and crashed into the cell door.

The king further dragged the body to the centre of town where a large bonfire had been built and then he flung the corpse onto it and then he went back down the stone steps and he collected up the smashed up brain and flung that onto the bonfire. 

He then went to look for an accelerate and something to light the fire. 

He found an oil lamp in the tunnels with oil still in it and he also found a lighter which he used to light the bonfire.

The palace guards who rode with the king left the king’s side and went back to the barracks. 

They made entry into the barracks and the site that met them were that all their friends were dead and the flesh had rotted away from the corpses very quickly. 

The smell was very strong and all this happened within two Runes from when they had left to fight a war.

The returning men looked around the barracks and they found that last solider to Sercombe to death wrote a very poignant

diary entry and a final letter to his family which was never sent.

On the long wooden table was the meal they were all going to tuck into and it was not touch because they had died. 

The soldier who had come back to the barracks was so hungry  that he was about to eat the food until he saw that it was riddle with maggots. 

He ran outside and threw up and then he started to walk around the rest of the barracks to see if anyone had survived whatever this dreadful apocalypse is that bought death to the kingdom of Heart. 

After the king burnt corpse of his former captain of the guards he entered the palace and went looking for his wife and children but all he found were their corpses. 

He then looked on his wife’s dressing table where he found her dairy and he sat down on their bed and read the last entry she wrote on the Rune he left and the Rune she had died.

He also a meal that had been left on her dressing table that had not been touched but it to was also riddle with maggots.

The king went down to the food stores in the kitchen and all the food that was down there was also riddled with maggots and he could not understand why. 

As he walked round the dark kitchen he tripped over something and he reached for the light switch and then he saw that he had fallen over a corpse and he put his hand down and it went through the skull and hit the brain. 

He screamed and then he wiped his hand on his trousers to get rid of the trace of brain matter. 

He walked over to the sink and turned the tap on and the water that came out from it was a sludgy brown colour. 

He wanted a drink but he would not touch the water from the tap so he took a glass out of the dirty cupboard and walked to the centre of town to the well to get a drink and when he got there the well was bone dry. 

The king walked through the centre of town to the physicians house and when he entered he found the physicians corpse and when he did further investigations he found the notes that he had written up and he also found clean water. 

He searched the kingdom for food but all the food that he found was riddled with maggots and was inedible. 

The king of Heart told his men to pack up their belongings and any food that they could find that was edible and not riddled with maggots. 

Everywhere they all went there was no food all that there was were corpses from the kingdom who were also riddled with maggots.

The king ordered his soldiers to enter the undertakers premise and take his waggons and to gather up all the corpses and bring them to the centre of town.  

He ordered his soldiers  to throw the corpses onto the bonfire along with all the food because we are going to burn it and make sure that you cover your mouths and when you are done destroy everything put any of your clean clothes you took with you on. We are to ride to the kingdom of Disheart and beg my half brother to take pity on us and welcome us to his kingdom.

The king and his soldiers from the kingdom of Heart rode all night to get to his half brother’s kingdom and he refused to let them come through the gates. 

The half from Disheart told his half brother from Heart that his sister in law had sent him a message right after you left begging me to help her because your subjects were becoming ill and dying with no apparent reason. 

She asked if I could help by sharing some of the food from my kingdom with her and she also asked for medical aid and I said sorry I can’t help you get your husband to help you.  

The queen from the kingdom of Heart wrote a message which she asked her new personal guard to take to the pigeon loft and sent to her husband. 

She wrote stay away there is some mystery illness and our subjects are dropping like flies and within the first three Runes all of our children are dead.

The king got the note from his wife and he turned around with his soldiers to ride home and they rode their horses to exhaustion and yet they didn’t get back on time.

They stole some horses from a nearby field and rode them up and over the hill. 

They put these horses into the palace stables and walked through the eerily quiet town centre.

The day they arrived back in the kingdom was market day and they just understand why they were the only people moving around. 

The king and his soldiers noticed that there were corpses lying in the middle of the town centre who had been there since the last market day.

The fish store was still fully stocked but it was riddled with maggots. 

The fruit and vegetable store was also fully stocked but all the fruit and vegetables were rotten and also affected by maggot activity.

The king and his soldiers were walking though a sea of corpses because there was no one to move them.

The king ordered his soldiers to pick up the corpses so that their bones would not crack under their boots.  

The soldiers began to pick up the corpses and as they did the maggots fell out and they were also affected by the odour.   Once they were overcome with the odour they were breathing in spores and then they started to drop like flies. 

When the king saw his brave soldiers becoming ill and dying in front of him not knowing what is wrong with them. 

He got back on his horse and rode out of the kingdom gates and then he touched his kingdom. 

The fire spread and burnt all of the corpses and destroyed all of the buildings as well.

He rode his horse very hard away from the kingdom and it was just starting to get dark when the horse threw the king from his back.

Then the horse just died the king went over to his horse and all he found was the skeleton riddled with maggots. 

The king started to be overcome with the same symptoms of the mysterious that had killed his whole kingdom. 

He made it to his half brother’s palace in agony and bang on the gate begging for help. 

His half brother looked of his throne room window of his palace to see his half brother collapse and he walks away. 

The queen of Disheart sees her husband walk away from his half brother and she leaves the throne room and walks down to the gates and demands the guards open them at once.

The guards refused and the queen took matters into her own hands and she opened the gates. 

She ordered the guard to help her bring her brother in law inside and still he refused to help her. 

She found the strength to pick him up and place him in a cart that she found next to the gate and had him drove up to the palace. 

They got to the palace door and when they did the queen ordered her personal servants to make up two beds in the west wing for herself and her brother in law.

She didn’t sleep she spent all night at his bedside trying to keep him cool and she also ordered the palace physician to come and see him because he was having trouble breathing.

He then just died and when he arrived he found his queen lying on the floor covered in spores and maggots. 

These symptoms came on really quickly and the physician decided that the next best course of action was to quarantine everyone who came into contact with him and he was to late because the palace and the kingdom had already been over by the same mysterious illness that had over taken the kingdom of Heart. 

The physician from Disheart kept a detailed log from when he examined the king from Heart after his death.

He collected maggots, spore samples and tissue samples from the organs. 

As he was taking the samples he was overcome with the illness and it became airborne. 

The Physician collapsed over his microscope while he was trying to find a cure. 

He had found a cure but he died before he could administer it to himself to check to see if it could work.

He had left his notes on his desk and instructions on how to disperse the cure and what to look for if the cure worked.

The king of Disheart distributed the cure through the water supply because everyone shared it.


The physician left instructions about destroying all of the food, block up all vents and burn all the corpses affected by the illness and anything that they have come into contact with.  The king of Disheart managed to save some of his kingdom and his subjects unfortunately his wife was not so lucky.

The king went to see his wife in the room she had made up next door to her brother in law but she was not there. 

The king entered the room where his half brother was laying dead in the bed and he found his wife lying next to him. 

He walked over to yell at his brother but he was dead and he approached his wife and all he saw of her is a corpse riddled in maggots which happened really quickly.

The king ordered the two rooms which had been made up for his wife and half brother blocked off and burnt to kill the mysterious illness that ended their lives.

The king was angry with his half brother and his wife because he thought that he was sleeping with her even before the night they took him despite the king of Disheart not wanting his half brother in his kingdom because he had heard about the mystery illness that affected the Kingdom of Heart.    

The physician from the kingdom of Disheart was two hundred and fifty Runes old when he found the cure for the mystery illness that killed him the queen and the king’s half brother.


The king administered the cure to everyone and after that he left his palace because he had found a time portal. 

At the time when he found the portal he had no idea what he had just found in his physician’s room. 

The king stepped inside the portal and as he did the room went into a state of flux then disappeared.

The room reappeared and he fell out the portal onto a hard stone floor. 

He was really disorientated because he believed that he was seeing his physician which he could not understand because he had left his corpse slumped over his desk covered in spores and maggots.   

The king had no explanation for what he was seeing because the man he saw was dead. 

He spoke to this man and asked him where am I?

You are in the palace of Disheart.

How did I get here?

You fell out of that portal.

What year it is?

It is two hundred and fifty Runes.

You have travelled back in time.

What are you talking?

You have just come out of my time portal.

That was not my intention it was an accident.

While the king was in the past he bumped into his younger self and started talking to him.

He went back to the time portal and went back to his own time.

When the king arrived back in his own time he noticed that there had been subtle changes made to his timeline.

He got on his horse and rode to his half brother’s kingdom and when he arrived at the kingdom of Heart it was in ruining and his half brother was nowhere to be found.  

He walked through the gates right up to the front door of the palace and he was stopped by the personal guard of the queen.

The queen came running to the palace door and demanded to know who her visitor was.

He said I am the king from the kingdom of Disheart.

The queen grabbed the weapon that her guard was holding and held it to his throat.

You sir are a liar because the ruler of the kingdom of Disheart is a queen who just so happens to be my half sister.

What Rune?

It is two hundred and fifty-nine sir.

It can’t be I have travelled to far forward.

The old king of yester year fell out of the time portal and he ended up breaking his hip.

The two queens turned to him and said you are a decrepit

old man there is no way that you ever ruled over a kingdom.

My name is Epsilon the third and what are your names?

Our names are Appleblossom the third and Diamond Heart the third and when the king heard these names he knew that they were part of his family

He went and told the two queens that he believed that they were related and they refused to believe him.

He eventually managed to work the time portal and get back to his own time which he had changed because of what he had done in the past and future.

The king got back into the time portal and travelled back to the past where he put his first incursion right and made sure that he avoided contact with himself and when he went to the future he made sure that he did not talk to his great granddaughters and change their pasts and futures. 

Epsilon went back into the time portal to travel back to his time and when he arrived back his wife was still dead and his son and daughter were happily ruling the kingdom as husband and wife and their daughter’s were blissfully playing in the nursery. 

As the princess’s grew older the queen had begun to treat the youngest princess a lot different to her old sister. 

It was autumnal equinox ball that the king and queen hosted for their 11 Runes daughters to get them married of to 21 Rune princes. 

The queen picked the husband for her youngest daughter and she chose her youngest brother who was really mean and he had a temper. 

On their wedding night he took her from the palace of Heart before her father could intervene and prevent his wife from marry his daughter off to his brother in law.

Once the king found out it was too late to prevent her marriage he was very angry and then he learned that she was expecting her first child. 

He turned to his queen with anger and hatred in his eyes and said how could you make her marry your violent brother. 

Now she is carrying his child and she can’t walk out on him because she did not want to hurt the woman she thought of her mother. 

The queen of Disheart went down to the stables to get into a carriage she had made ready so that she could go back home to visit her mother and father the king and queen.

The king of Disheart went down to the stables once he heard that his wife had ordered the stable hands to get the carriage ready so that she could go and visit her parents. 

When her husband heard he was very angry and he got down to the stable just as she was leaving through the city gates. 

The king went up to the closest stable hand and ordered him to saddle up his horse and the stable hand obeyed and he quickly saddled him up. 

The king mounted his horse and rode him hard out of the stable and his horse threw a shoe and as the horse threw his shoe the king fell off his back. 

The king was carried to his bed and the physician came to see him and he was told that he would never walk again. 

He was also told that he would not be able to have any more children which made him even angrier. 

He summoned the captain of his personal guard and ordered him to bring the queen back to the palace. 

The captain of the personal guard rode after the queen to bring her home but instead when he found her she had gone into labour in the carriage and the guard was there to see the king’s son born.

 The guard decided that he was going to send the driver back to the palace on his horse and he drove the carriage to the palace of Heart where he took her to the king and told him that he needed to keep her at the palace and away from her husband and he would drive back to the palace of Disheart to face his angry king.  

Before the captain of the personal guard to the king of Disheart left the palace he went to see the queen to tell her about her brother would never walk again.

When the queen heard these words from the king of Disheart’s captain of the personal guard she went looking for her husband.  When she found her husband he was with their youngest daughter and the queen was very angry and she turned to the young queen and yelled at her that you are not my daughter and you are no my brother’s problem so take your child and go home to your husband because he can never walk again and that child may be the only child he will have.

 The young queen turned to the woman she believed to be her mother and said I will not go back to your brother because of his temper.

 I do not love my husband he is a brute and my marriage to him means nothing to me and this made the queen of Heart angry and she turned to her husband and told him that he should ordered her back to her husband and he refused so she ordered her servant to pack her bags because was going back to the palace of Disheart to be with her brother and she got on the back of a horse and rode back to the palace of Disheart with the king’s captain of the personal guards and as they rode back to the palace they stopped off and made love and then they carried on back to her brother’s palace where she was taken to see her brother.

The queen entered the throne room where her brother had organised a religious leader to perform the marriage ceremony and he married his sister and during the ceremony the queen’s step daughter turned round to everyone and told them that she is the king’s wife and she left him because of his abusive behaviour.

The king from the kingdom of Heart arrived at the kingdom of Disheart in his coronation carriage and he was wheeled into the great hall where he witnessed his wife marry her brother he told her that he wanted nothing to do with her. 

The king got his personal servants to go with them to his daughter’s marital bedchamber and dressing room where they packed up all of her belongings and them put into the carriage and then the king asked his personal guard to take him back to the carriage.

He did not trust the king from Disheart so he sent his most trusted guard back to protect her and when he arrived back at their marital bedchamber she saw the king’s daughter in trouble and he barged into the bedchamber and rescued her from the king by knocking him out. 

While she was naked on the marital bed that she shared with the king of Disheart he decided that he was going to do what the king did to her.

The personal guard finished having sex with the twelve Runes princess in the palace of Disheart and he took her into the bathroom where he ran her a bath and he got her into the bath and washed her and he redressed her. 

They went down the back stairs to find the king had left in his the carriage and they left one horse for the trusty guard and the king of Heart’s daughter at the palace of Disheart. 

The trusty guard helped the twelve Runes princess onto his horse and he sat on the saddle behind her and during the ride he kept wanting to see her naked again because he could not stop thinking about touching her naked flesh again.  So he decided that because of how late it is he was going to book them into a tavern as a married couple.

They were in bed together having sex when her father came looking for them. 

He entered the tavern with the captain of his personal guard looking for her and when he saw her in the arms of his personal servant he was angry because he had been waiting at the palace with a priest to perform a wedding ceremony.  

The princess had to tell her father that she loved the trusted guard who saved her life from her abusive husband and she was married to him.

When her father heard this he was upset and he went back to his grand hall in the palace where the princess was born and he dismissed the priest and told all the guests to leave but before Epsilon the 3rd‘s mom left she asked her son who he was marrying and if the lucky bride knew.

When Diamond Heart the 3rd got her answer that it was her youngest granddaughter 12 Runes princess Diamond Heart the 4th she was shocked and then she said did your wife the former princess of Disheart force her to marry her 21 Runes brother the prince of Disheart who became the king of Disheart. 

One other question Epsilon are you not married to the former princess of Disheart?

Yes I am!

Does she know of your plans and where is she?

No she does not know of my plans and she has gone back to her childhood home of Disheart to be with the man who she really loves and who her parent’s would not let her marry because he is her abusive brother. 

My wife who as always treated the youngest daughter differently because she is my daughter and not hers biologically.  

Mom remember when I was growing up I used to see 11 Runes Appleblossom playing and even though I am 21 Runes and she was a servant I fell in love with her and I was about to ask her to marry me with the ring grandma gave me and told me on her deathbed to marry the woman I love. 

Then you and father told me that the kingdom faced bankruptcy and I had to marry a princess who was 11 Runes and who I had never met from the kingdom of Disheart.

We met on our wedding day and neither of us loved the other I did it because I wanted to make you happy and she did it because she could not marry the man she loved her brother and she made the life of my younger daughter and living nightmare and I cannot even treat her like my daughter because of who her mom is  and the queen is jealous of the child. 

When the queen heard who the mom of the younger princess she was angry and she tried to get her moved away from the palace.

Appleblossom crept into the king’s personal dressing room where she told him that she had been blackmailed into leaving the palace by the new queen and the old queen and that she was going to leave with their daughter. 

Appleblossom left the palace of Heart the dead of night with her small daughter under her cloak and a few of her personal belongings that she could carry with such a small child. 

Appleblossom had taken her daughter away from the palace to start a new life then tragedy struck she was struck by a mysterious illness which she later succumb to and died.  Little Appleblossom the 3rd climbed out of the crib and lowered herself to the ground and crawled to her mommy’s room to wake her up and she could not wake her up. 

Little Appleblossom left the house looking for help and she entered the dark forest where she met a wood cutter who was clearing the forest and he saw little and he asked her where is your mommy and daddy?

I do not know where my daddy is and I cannot wake my mommy up and he asked her to tell him where she lived and she told him.  The wood cutter told the little girl to go to his house and to wait with his wife.

He goes to the house where the little girl lives and he can see that her mommy is dead and he cannot do anything and he decides because the little girl’s mommy is covered in spores he sets the house on fire and he goes back to the little girl and tells her he cannot do anything.

He asked the little girl where she lived before the house in the dark forest?

We lived in a palace with the king before mommy and I left when it was still dark.

The wood cutter got on his horse with the little girl sitting in front of him and rode to the palace to see the king.

It was breaking dawn as the wood cutter got to the palace gates and requested an audience with the king.

The wood cutter and the little girl appeared in front and he instantly recognised his daughter and he asked why his little girl was with him?

The wood cutter asked if he and the king could speak privately and the king got his eldest daughter to take her to the nursery.

The wood cutter told the king that his daughter was walking alone in the dark forest and she walked towards me saying I cannot wake  my mommy up.

I asked her where she lived and she told me a old house in the dark forest and I told her I will go and help your mommy you go to my house and stay with my wife.

I went to the house there was nothing I could do for the little girl’s mommy I burnt the house down with her dead body inside because she was covered with spores and I wanted to contain the illness.

I’m sorry I had to do that your majesty but in my former life I was physician in my former life and I have seen this illness before once the patients get the spores then death is not very far behind.

I stopped being a physician because of this illness and because I ended up having to burn quite a few patients and some of those were friends.

It got too much your majesty so I moved my wife out of the town centre once our son was the last person to succumb to the mystery illness and I had the hardest task of all was convincing my wife we had to leave the house and then burn it down with the dead body of our son in it.

 My wife as never forgiven me and she gave me an ultimatum when she finally agreed to let me burn our house down with our son’s body in it that I was to walk away from being a physician and I did and I haven’t practice for 40 Runes since my son died. 

The king thanked the wood cutter and asked he to come and live in the town in the old physician’s house.

He said yes to the king and said goodbye to the little princess and went back into the dark forest to go home to his wife.

When he arrived home to his wife he told her where he had taken the little girl to and that she was a princess.

The king gave me a private audience and thanked me for trying to help his mistress and bringing his daughter home.

I told the king that I had seen this illness before that had taken the mother of his youngest daughter and on the spot he offered me a job and I excepted it and it comes with the physician’s house and surgery.

His wife reluctantly packed up all of their belongings and locked the house up for the last time and took the little key with her.

She said to her husband that she would try it for a 30 Runes provided she did not have to stay at home.

He agreed and said why not pay a visit to the palace to see the little girl we helped to bring home to her father the king and see if he wants anyone to work in the kitchens.

She got a job in the kitchens working as head cook and one day while she was working she noticed a strange smell coming through the vent and all of her staff collapsed to the floor.

She ran out of the kitchen to find her husband because she noticed spores and 2½ Runes the staff members dropped like flies.

She ran out of the kitchen to get her husband and as she ran past the old tunnels she came upon two more dead bodies which also had the spores and she kept running. 

She got to the tower where her husband was working and begged him to go back to the house in the dark forest.

He told her you agreed to try it for 30 Runes and it has not been 30 Runes.

I am going back to the house in the dark forest I am not happy and people are dropping like flies around me and I do not want to succumb to this deadly illness.

Her husband told her that I am staying and I am also going to put the kingdom of Heart under quarantine. 

After  he finished arguing with his wife he went to the war council to ask the king to have the gates into the city locked and a large quarantine notice hung on the outside of the gate.

The notice read this city is in quarantine no one in or out they also hung a notice on the inside of the gate had the same words written upon it.

The new physician’s wife avoided all of the quarantine notices took a horse a found a rear exit out of the city. 

She rode away from the city and she rode all night through the dark forest.  She arrived at the home she loved by dawn and she unlocked the front door and went inside.

She cooked herself a meal and then she went to bed and did not wake up the next morning.

After the physician’s wife walked out on him and left the city he managed to find a cure for the mystery illness which he tested on himself and it forced the spores to stop growing and producing more spores and it eradicated the illness completely.  

The physician went to king with his results and the king ordered the cure to be administered and he took a small vile left the city to go looking for his wife and he went to their house in the dark forest where he found his wife and administered the antidote to her and it did not work because he was too late and she was dead.

Sycamore went over to his wife and mourned her and then he left the house for the very last time and he burnt it down with her still inside.

He started to walk away and then all of a sudden he thought that he had heard screaming and he walked through the flames and re entered the burning house.

Sycamore walked through the flames which engulfed him and he burnt to death and when the house was smoldering the king’s personal guard entered and found the two corpses lying next to each other.

The personal guard left the house and went to join his men outside and they rode back to the palace where he told his men to wash down and feed the horses while he went to see the king to break the news that the physician is dead and his head cook is also dead.

While the personal guard was informing the king the little princess walked in and she cried her little eyes out because they had helped her.

She asked the king if she could visit the kind people who had helped her when she was in trouble.

The king was very honest with his daughter the young princess when he told her it was not a very niece sight for her to lay her young eyes upon and she should remember them how she last saw them.

The king had his men bring them back in a covered over cart and had them taken to the undertakers completely wrapped from head to toe in white linen shrouds that had been wrapped across their bodies in a crisscross pattern. 

Their bodies were placed into separate lined caskets and interned into stone tombs also heavily lined.

Forty-five Runes later the mystery illness came back a stronger strain and the vials that had the cure in were not strong enough to combat the new strain of the mystery illness.

With the physician who found the cure for the original strain long dead and no one who knows his formula to carry on the research to find a cure for the new illness that as ravaged the kingdom of Heart and as also infected the kingdom of Disheart.

The physician at the palace of Disheart had never seen this mysterious illness before and he was trying everything to combat the appearance of the spores and nothing worked.

After the spores appeared the person was dead so the physician had to work quickly to prevent the spread of the illness and to save the kingdom but without help he was at a loss to find a cure without help.

The physician from the kingdom of Disheart rode to the kingdom of Heart after he spoke to the queen who told him where the physician of Heart kept his notes.

The physician from Disheart found a way past the palace guards of Heart and then he managed to get all the way up to the tower and ripped it apart trying to find his counterparts note book with the notes for the cure of the mysterious illness which had already killed the princess.  

The physician from Disheart smuggled the notebook out of the palace of Heart and he took it home with him where he studied every single note that his counterpart had written and he studied the formula and he made the cure so he thought and he did not test it and administered it to one of her patients and that patient died because he did not follow the formula correctly.   

His patient died and he called his physician before him and the ruling war council to pass judgement on his mistake. 

The reason why the king was so angry was because the physician had tested the cure on his daughter and she still died.

The physician told his king that he followed the formula but his daughter was just too far gone and the king did not believe him and demanded to see the notebook he was working from.

The king ordered one of his personal guards to escort the prisoner to the tower where he had been working and to bring the notebook down to him. 

The guard went to the toilet while he left his prisoner unsupervised and when he came back there was no sign of the notebook and no sign of the physician and when the guard walked over to the stain glass window all he saw was a hole where the glass had once been.

The guard looked out of the missing window and he saw his prisoner dead on the stone courtyard floor and he ran down the stone steps all the way down to the courtyard to help his prisoner but he was too late the prisoner was dead clutching the evidence that proved his guilt and the guard pried it from the prisoners dead hands and took it to the king.  

The king ask his guard where is the prisoner I have questions to ask him about the research.

Sorry your majesty I turned my back for a second while I went to the toilet and when I came back I could not find him and I ripped his room apart looking for the notebook and then I went over to the window where the stain glass was missing and looked down and he was lying in the courtyard not moving and I ran down the stone steps but I was too late because he was dead.

I saw the notebook in his hands and pried it from his dead hands that is why it is covered in blood I am so sorry your majesty that I have let you down.

The prisoner may be dead but when I looked closer at the notebook it did not have my physician’s name in it and I could not understand why and then I called for my queen to appear before me and when she did not come he sent the same personal guard who retrieved the notebook to find the queen.

The guard found his queen and before he took her to the king he decided that he was going to rape her and then give her a bath and redress her.

He was just about to perform the act when he saw that she was covered from head to toe in spores and that she was also a corpse infested with maggots. 

He ran out of the bedchamber screaming like a girl and when the king heard the screams he approached the bedchamber where his guard was standing outside and he managed to just about get the words to come out.

The king ordered his guard to stop snivelling and tell him what is wrong.

I went to get the queen and she was lying on the bed in full rigour mortise covered in spores and maggots.

The king said you are lying because I lay next to her all night and I would have noticed.

The king went into the room and walked over to the bed and pulled back the bed clothes and as he did part of the flesh came with the bed clothes and he also screamed like a girl.

Then ran out of the bedchamber and ordered his personal guard down to the palace kitchens to get some matches. 

The guard came back to the bedchamber where he was ordered to throw a match into the room and seal it off and let the whole room burn along with the queen’s corpse.

He turned to his king I am sorry your majesty I cannot do it. The king took the matches from the hands of his personal guard and he lit one and put it onto the bedclothes and then he left the bedchamber and lit further matches which he threw into the bedchamber.

He then locked the door to the bedchamber and cleared the whole west wing of the palace so no one was hurt. 

The west wing which was completely destroyed by fire just to eradicate the mystery illness.

What the king did not know was he was spreading the spores and signing the death warrant of his people.

The kingdoms of Heart and Disheart had been completely wiped out by the mystery illness and both palaces were in ruins. 

Then 250 Runes later a small child who has been made an orphan walks through the ruins of the palace of Heart and she stumbles upon the old throne room where she sits in the ancient throne and all of a sudden the palace comes back to life and she is crowned the new queen and she meets Diamond Heart who tells her all about her family history.

This little street urchin who is only 3 Runes old discovers that she can speak a long dead ancient language and understand what is been said to her.

Diamond Heart to her to one of the old shops in town where she set up a bed on the floor and they slept there.

The morning Diamond Heart had vanished and the store was dusty and looked like it had not been used in awhile.

The child got up and went looking for Diamond Heart because she was hungry.

2½ Runes later she found that Diamond heart had left her with food and she packed up the floor mat that was her bed and she took it to the ruins of the palace where she fell asleep.

While she was sleeping in the palace ruins a young prince walked over to her and he woke her with a kiss and she slapped in the face in her sleep.

The prince walked away nursing his face then he ordered his personal guards to arrest her and she kicked them in the shin and grabbed her personal belongings and ran.

The prince ordered his personal guard to saddle up two horses he was going alone to search for the small female street urchin.

She arrived back at the shop that was owned by Diamond Heart and where she found skeletal remains with dog tags round her neck with her name on and she did not understand. 

She put her mat down next to the skeletal remains of Diamond Heart and fell asleep with tears in her eyes and while she was asleep she was speaking to Diamond Heart in the old tongue and as she awoke from her slumber Diamond Heart was in the room again and she was a red dragon.

The small child found out that she could understand Diamond Heart and in turn she could be understood.

Diamond Heart asked the child her name and where are her parents?

My name is Quilldrondra and my parents are both not of this world.

Who were you living with?

I was living with my poppa’s best friend until one night he came into my room and climbed into my bed the next morning I had got up packed up my belongings and crept out of my room went downstairs took some food from the kitchen and left his house.

I ran to the old palace ruins where you found me and where I have been ever since.

The small child was cleaned up and you can see her family connection to the Epsilon’s.

The prince again tried his luck with the street urchin was cleaned up and this time she reciprocated his advances and their wedding was planned as soon as they found out that the street urchin was of royal blood. 

The king had them married and he then turned the kingdom over to his son because he believed that his son was ready to take the mantle because he is now married.

Diamond Heart the 3rd had now redeemed herself in front of the ancestors and they had her back as the family official protector.

Diamond Heart the 3rd had to leave the pedestal again because the child she helped was having marital problems with her half brother and she was going into the ancient garden where the head gardener crept up behind her and raped her.

She ran out of the garden into the arms of one of the household personal guards and he dragged her to the west wing of the palace into one of the old disused royal bedchamber’s and he undressed her and flung her onto the bed tied her down gagged her and raped her.

He locked her in the bedchamber’s and continued as normal doing his duty and then he went back to the room where he had still got his queen held and continued to rape her and when he was finished he carried her in the bathroom where he ran a bath and undressed her and tied her hands and feet up and then placed her into the bath.

He bathed her put perfume on her and dressed her in one of the old queen’s dresses and he kept the dress she was in.

She then was released and she walked down the corridor from the west wing of the palace to the throne room where she sat on the smallest of the red thrones while she waited for her king to make his way from the war council meeting to sit on the bigger throne.

He walked up the steps to the thrones and he walked over to wife and whispered in her ear where were you during the many long lonely nights because you were not in your bedchamber.

I went for a walk in the old west wing to be on my own because it is the quietest part of the palace and I fell asleep in the old queen’s bedchamber.

They finished their royal duties then they entered the royal bedchamber’s where he had everyone cleared out while he had a private moment with her where he demanded to know the truth because when they first met she was very fiery.

The queen came clean with her king and told him that she was in the garden when the royal head gardener came up behind her and raped her and I left the garden were I met the head of the personal guards and he was the one who took me to the west wing of the palace.

Then what happened?  I want to know everything.

He undressed me forced me onto the bed where he tied me up and then he raped me. 

He left me tied to the bed when he had finished while he ran a bath.

After he ran the bath he untied my wrists and ankles from the bedposts which had carved finials of the old king and queen and  then he carried me to the bathroom. 

Have a look at my wrists and ankles where he kept me tied up you will she rope marks.

He left me tied up while he bathed me and he redressed me in one of the old queen’s royal robes and tied me back to the bed.

He found a small key which locked the suites that were attached to the royal bedchamber’s.

He kept me locked up until he grew tired of me then he released me.

He made threats towards me because I had asked him for help when he walked past and saw me come out and clothes in tatters and he thought because I let the head gardener touch me which I did not he thought that he could get away with it.

He told me that I would not believed because he said I was flirty by nature.

The king her husband listened intently and told me to move out of the royal bedchamber’s to the suite of bedchamber’s in the west wing of the palace and sleep with whoever you like. 

The queen turned to her husband and said do you remember how we met and what I did to you and that you followed me to an old disused shop.

When you asked how I got into this shop owned by Diamond Heart and I told you my story and you believed me then why can you not believe me now.

I did not lie to you everything I told you I was told by Diamond Heart.

So where is she?

I do not know.

She just seems to turn up when I get myself into trouble and she always seems to get me out of it.

Wait a minute where have I heard that name before and he suddenly asked her to follow him to the family crypt.

When they entered the crypt they found a small pedestal with the name Diamond Heart written on it and the queen said I do not understand how could I have been talking to her if she was a dragon who was protector of our family.

They both looked at the back of each other’s necks where they found a red dragon.


After the found the red dragon’s on their necks and a pedestal with the name Diamond Heart they entered the palace library on the lower level of the west wing of the palace and they researched the history of the red dragon.

Once they found the book of the Epsilon family they made the shocking discovery that the family bloodline was bothers marrying sister’s, father marry daughter’s and mother’s marrying son’s.

The king and queen realized that they were carrying on a family traditions and they decided that it was time to break with family traditions because they started to see birth defects.

They decided that the intermarriages would end with them.

They decided that they were going to marry new partners and produce new heirs to rule over the kingdom of Heart.

They decided that they were going to marry kings and queens of Disheart but what they did not was that they also carry a red dragon mark on their necks.

After they left their thrones their children decided that they would honour old family traditions and culture by marrying family members and the females being 11 Runes and the males being 21 Runes.

They were also marrying older women and men and keeping the family bloodline pure.

They also carried on the history of sleeping with servants and bringing a harem of whores back to the palace marrying them and having children with them.

These whores and servants were producing large numbers of heirs like the queen and they were all dying after their thirteenth child because of complications.

The king would get his horse saddled up by the stable hands and he would go ridding off to find more whores, princess and servants whom he could marry and keep each one of them constantly expecting even though some of the women have had problems and have had to be confined to bed rest the king would still go and visit them to have sex with them.

He had just finished with one of the women and he was making his way to the next one when he saw his head palace guard come out of the bedchamber with ripped clothes and scratches.

The king went into the room dragging his head palace guard demanding to know the truth.

The whore responded I thought it was you until a realized that it was your head palace guard and he raped me.

The head palace guard said to his king how long have you known me and you are going to take the word of some whore you picked up.

The king said how dare you talk about your queen like that and he summoned the captain of the guards to take the head palace guard to the dungeons to await punishment.

The king still had sex with her after he had caught her with the head palace guard and then he decided that he was going to take her to the barracks where he ordered the captain of the guards and his men to have sex with her even though she was carrying his child.

He then told the captain and his men that once they had finished having fun with her they were to see her to her bedchamber where she was to go into the bathroom and have a bath and they were to get into the bath with her and keep having fun.

During the guards fun with her she started to haemorrhage  and she slipped under the water the captain saw this happen and ordered his guards to get her out of the water dry her and get her dressed and put her into bed.

he then cleared the bedchamber ordered one of his men to fetch the physician and the king.

When they got to the bedchamber they were too late the baby and the mother were both dead and the bed sheets were soaked right through with blood.

The king had the room cleared once he heard his wife and child were dead and he mourned their loss and he felt really guilty because he had ordered his guard to rape her and then bath her and get her into bed where she died.

he learnt a very valuable lesson not to make his pregnant wife have sex with his palace staff just because he had acquired her from a whore house.

He though he had a harem of whores he still frequented whore houses where he asked for a large number of whores to come to his room where he had sex with each one of them.

While he was having sex with these women after he finished they all got dressed and the king threw a large money purse at their pimp and he took them out of the tavern and rode with all of them back to the palace where he added them to his growing harem.

Once he had done that he spoke to the royal high priest about having a wedding ceremony with all the women he bought back but what he neglected to tell the royal high priest was that the women did not go to church and he bought them from a whore house.

The royal priest was just about to start the ceremony when all of a sudden a man turned up from out of town and said wait before you start the ceremony do you not think you should ask your king where he got these women from?

The king ordered the large throne room cleared of guests then the royal high priest repeated the question once the room was cleared.

The king told the royal high priest that he rescued the women from a whore house.

The royal priest turned to his king and said your majesty do you know how that sounds and I am assuming that the man who turned up owned them.

Yes he did but I gave him all the old I had plus an old family heirloom to acquire their freedom and to make all of them my wives.

The royal high priest asked his king the leave the throne room and accompany him to the great library of the Epsilon family where he found the book of the laws of the kingdom of Heart and put them in front of his king and then he took out the book of religious laws and also placed them before his king.

Once the royal high priest showed his king the two books he ordered an emergency meeting before the council where they requested their kings presents to discuss the changes he wanted for his people and the kingdom.

His council including the royal high priest turned against him in the men and then the king summoned his palace guards to arrest the entire council and lock them in the dungeon.

While the king’s council waiting on the decision of the king as to what punishment that they will face for high treason.

The king who had read all the laws which had been written by his ancestors and he found a law on high treason which he read further into the clauses and discovered that what his council  had indeed done was high treason and the punishment was death.

As the king read further into the law of high treason he discovered a list of punishments and while he is looking over the punishment he decides to find his council guilty of high treason.

The king did it without even holding trail but what he did not realize and missed in the very small print in the clauses to that law was the king could not pass sentence without holding a trail so that the council could at least try and defend themselves.

The king also did not realize because he was charging his whole council with high treason he would need to have a whole new council in order to hold a trail.

The king went down to the dungeon to tell his prisoners that he had decided on their punishment and then the royal high priest said your majesty how closely did you read the law and did you read all of the clauses and all of the sub clauses before you decided on our punishment?

No why?

I suggest that you go back and read the law again with all of the clauses and sub clauses and speak to legal counsel.

Then his royal high priest turned to his king and said you cannot consult your royal law council because you have charged us all with high treason.

Let me tell you what it says in order for you to convict us of high treason you have to have a whole new council and you have to have a trail in the old great law hall in the west wing of the palace where you have to sit with your royal council.

If you do not convene a trail within 24 Runes of our arrest in the old law hall in front of all your ancestors with a new council then the charges become nil and void.

We get a jobs back and you lose your throne but your queens get to stay and their children get to sit on your throne.

As for you your majesty it is over for you and you have two choices so that you do not disgrace your family anymore then you have and they are go into hiding or face the same death that you were going to give us.

The king left his kingdom far behind and went into exile in the nearby kingdom of Disheart as a dishevelled tramp.

One Rune he was walking through the town square a small child decided to throw a piece of rotten fruit at him and then the child ran off and the dishevelled tramp ran after the child and smacked him.

The child ran to his parents crying with the dishevelled tramp hot on his heels.

The child ran inside his house crying and scared and when his parents asked what happened when the dishevelled tramp was banging on the door.

The father of the boy went to the front door where he was greeted by the dishevelled tramp and quite a few unpleasant pleasantries were exchanged and the dishevelled tramp hit the boy’s father and he ran off.

The boy’s mother came to the front door to see her husband lying on the floor with a bloody nose and the dishevelled tramp climbed over him to find the child who had thrown the rotten fruit and laughed.

By the time that the dishevelled tramp had finished with the boy he was laying dead on the floor of his bedroom.

The dishevelled tramp left the wife who had shut the front door cradling her husband and once he came round he said where’s our boy?

He ran up to his bedroom before you opened the front door did the dishevelled tramp come into our house I do not know because I hide until I thought he had left and I did not see where he went.

No I did not!

Go check on our boy!

She ran upstairs to their son’s room and she saw their son’s lifeless body and screamed no!

Her husband came running up the stairs where he saw his wife cradling their son’s lifeless body and he was so overcome by grief that he went after the dishevelled tramp for revenge for his bloody nose and killing his son.

He went to his gun cabinet where he took out his hunting rifle and ran through the centre of town on adrenaline searching for his son’s killer and when he found him he fired a shot that missed and then palace guards arrested both men.

The men were taken to the palace and the old law room where they faced the king his council for justice and they found the father innocent because all he wanted was justice for his boy.  His wife spoke for her husband and no one spoke up for the dishevelled tramp.

The king ordered the dishevelled tramp to death because of his actions and also because he did not have anyone to stand up for him because to everyone in the kingdom he was an outsider.

The guard took the dishevelled tramp out of his cell in the dungeon and walked him up the steps with a bag over his head to face his punishment.

The captain of the guard asked his guard to wait and as soon as the captain of the guards from the palace of Disheart cleaned up the dishevelled tramp he made a shocking discovery and he ran all the way to his king to stop the punishment because the dishevelled tramp is the king of Heart.

The king ordered the dishevelled tramp to be taken to one of the royal guest bedchamber’s and to be bathed and dressed in nicer clothes and to be bought to him in the throne room and the room to be cleared.

The king asked the king from Heart to explain why he had killed the son of one of his subjects?

The king of Heart’s response was because the boy saw a  dishevelled tramp he threw rotten fruit at me and the people in the town square just stood by and let it happen.

I saw red and chased the little boy back to his home banged on the front of his home to speak to his parents to discipline him and they laughed in my face so I punched the father in the face and broke his nose and then I went upstairs to discipline the boy and killed him which I did not mean to do and I am sorry.

I just wanted to teach him respect.

The king of Disheart requested the presents of the boy’s parents to be bought before him and when they were bought before their king they saw the man who attacked their son and took his life.

The dishevelled tramp spoke very softly to the boy’s parents with remorse and told them how sorry he is and he said he knew how it felt because he had lost his family along with his royal title and that he was a very angry man which I know is not an excuse for what I have done.

I would like a chance to try and put right what I have done which I know that I will never be able to do.

The parents of the little boy started to understand the dishevelled tramp and they also learned of his identity that he was their king’s half brother and that he was also the king of the neighbouring kingdom and that he had been exiled because he had gone mad and ordered his council to be stoned for committing high treason against him.

His half brother decided that they should rule the kingdom together and while the king of Disheart was with council his half brother was in the royal bedchamber with hi half brother’s 11 Rune daughter raping her.

After he had finished with the princess he gave her a bath and told her to keep her mouth shut and if she did not he would remove her tongue with his family dagger.

She agreed and he left her bedchamber and one of the palace guards saw him come out and he knocked on the door to check that she was OK and he found her in tears and he comforted her and after he heard what her uncle had done he wanted to tell his king but the princess ordered him not to.

He thought if she was going to protect her uncle she would not tell the king if he tried it on and when he did she screamed and her father and uncle came running into her bedchamber.

The king said to his daughter are you sure that you are OK?

Yes papa I am OK.

While you are upset I want your uncle to sit with you until you go to sleep.

OK papa and with that he left the room and she was alone again with her uncle.

The little princess was all tucked up in her bed and he locked the bedchamber doors while he was still in her room and he undressed himself climb under the covers with her and gagged her while he raped her.

The princess thought that she would take it in her stride and then he said to her how would you feel about becoming my wife if I broached the subject with your poppa?

OK uncle ask poppa and let’s see what poppa as to say about our really big age gap and if he agrees I will marry you so that I can produce heirs to sit on the throne after she and her husband had died.

He went to see his brother and the sister in law in their bedchamber to request the hand of his 11 Runes niece in marriage.

The king who was very tired agreed to his brother’s request because of keeping the royal bloodline pure.

The king and queen woke up the next morning was wondering what they had just agreed to the next morning when they agreed to let their 11 Runes daughter to a 60 Runes old man who had got the young princess pregnant.

The king and queen had got the great hall ready for a wedding and a banquet.

Just as the king and the princess were walking down the aisle she collapsed the king called for the royal physician to examine the princess. 

The king carried his daughter back to her bedchamber to be examined by the physician who told her and her family that she is with child.

The princess screamed no because she hated being touched by her 60 Runes uncle.

When everyone left the room apart from the queen the princess told her mother what had been happening and when she heard she was disgusted and she did not want her daughter to marry her brother in law.

Once the queen had finished talking with the princess she ordered armed palace guards stationed outside the princess’s bedchamber doors.

The told the guards not to let her brother in law anywhere near the princess.

The queen had a private audience with her husband and she told him what the princess had said to her and the king was really angry and could not believe what his brother had done.

The king ordered the palace guard to fetch the princess so that he could hear the accusations from her lips.

She made the same accusations to her father in closed court with just her mother present and when the king saw the look of terror in her eyes he knew  that she was speaking the truth.

He ordered the guards to take her back to her bedchamber and that they were to be her with at all times until he had finished his investigations.

The king ordered the guards to bring his brother before him and the queen and he asked him if the princess is lying and his brother said that the princess is not lying and he called his guards back and told them to take him back down to the dungeon.

While the king of Heart was down in the dungeon waiting for his brother who he betrayed to come up with a suitable punishment for what he has done.

While he was in the dungeon and because of his age of 60 Runes he became very sick and died.

The king after he heard what his brother had done he spent all of his time going through the legal documents with his council to see whether there was precedence for the king to prosecute his brother under the law statute of the king of Disheart because his brother was also king. 

The king’s council found a very ancient clause which allowed a king to face prosecution if he raped his 11 Runes bride before he spoke to the king about making her his wife.

The punishment for this crime is down to the king to determine but the recommended punishment is stoning.

The king decided that as the princess was the victim she could decide how she wanted her uncle punished and all she wanted was him to apologize to her and admit he went about what he did the wrong way and she was granting him leniency.

The princess ordered her personal guard to take her down to the dungeon so that she could tell her 60 Runes uncle that he was not going to face the punishment of death all she wanted was an apology and she was even going to carry on with the wedding.

The princess went into the great hall where the wedding decorations were being removed and told the servants that the wedding was still going ahead and then she went to her parents the king and queen and told them that she was still going ahead with the wedding because of family traditions and she still loved her uncle romantically and she was after all carrying his child.

The princess guards to her to the steps of the dungeon where she ordered them to wait and she went down into the dark damp dungeon and ordered the cell of her uncle to be opened and when she got inside she found a very sick old man and she ordered the jailer to fetch the physician and he did he examined the prisoner and the princess had him taken back to his bedchamber and she ordered the high priest to come to the ailing king’s bedchamber and ordered him to perform the wedding ceremony.

They were married and he died a happy and guilt free man because he had apologised to his niece she had expected the apology and married him.

The physician who was there as a witness delivered the princess and her uncle’s child and he was named Epsilon the 6th in honour of his father.

Epsilon heard his son cry and he smiled as a tear trickled down his cheek.

The princess turned to her husband and said meet your son and he did not move and the physician rushed round to examine Epsilon the 5th but he was too late he was gone and the princess asked for everyone to clear the room.

She said her goodbyes to her uncle and her husband and then she let her son see his father’s face even though he was only a baby so he could in his own way say goodbye to his father.

The princess carried out her kingdom burial rituals and once she finished she went to the great hall where everything was ready for the banquet and all of the guests were waiting to celebrate with the happy couple and then the princess announced the birth of her son.

Then her mother and father came over to her because she was crying on what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life and her parents though that she was crying tears of joy but her tears of joy were tainted with tears of sorrow because her husband and her uncle had just died making her a widow.

The princess told her father and mother that her husband was dead and she had carried out the first part of her kingdoms burial rights and she also had word sent to the kingdom of Heart to tell them that their king had died in exile on his wedding day to his niece and that he had a son.

When all of the king Epsilon the 5th wives heard that his council had exiled him and his half brother had welcomed him into his kingdom and let their 60 Runes king marry his 11 Runes niece and had a son with him.

All of the king’s wives and all of his children from the palace of Heart turned up and demanded to see the king and queen.

These women and children showed up in really bright royal robes while everyone in the palace was wearing really dark royal robes.

After the service was over Epsilon the 5th‘s body had his organs removed and placed into burial boxes which were placed into the library under his portrait which he sat for before he had asked the king if he could marry his niece while the rest of his body  was burnt and the ashes placed into a sealed box which the high priest gave to the princess of Disheart.

The wives and children of king Epsilon the 5th tried to get the boxes of the remains from his wife of Disheart but they were unsuccessful because the princess took the added precaution of having her own personal guard protect her and what was left of her husband.

The princess’s father the king because he was also a fairly elderly man who was also very ill with a genetic complaint and died after his brother’s funeral.

The other wives and children caused a lot of trouble at king Epsilon the 5th‘s funeral and that bought on the death of the king.  

The queen after seeing her husband die in front of her she died as well also from the same genetic complaint.

The princess had a very hasty coronation and she took the title of queen and then she ordered her guards to escort the rest of her family from the palace of Heart from her palace.

They left her palace and as they were leaving they declared war on their neighbours and family.

The queen of Disheart who is a expert horsewoman rode out with her army to meet her family on the field of battle.

She gave the order to charge down the gully and she lead the way with her sword drawn and fully protected with her specially made suit of armour which also bore the crest of the red dragon.

Then all of a sudden the battlefield fell silent and as the dust settled there was a red dragon on the field who had turned into an old lady who wanted to know why her family was fighting and then she said to them look at your family crest because you are one family end this war.

As Diamond Heart the 4th spoke these words one of the palace guards from the kingdom of Heart without orders fired a arrow that hit the breast plate of the queen of Disheart’s armour. 

The tip of the arrow put a tiny hole into the breast plate of the armour and lodged in one of the queen’s ribs.

Diamond Heart asked if there was anyone who had any medical training and there was no one on the battlefield. 

Diamond Heart turned back into a dragon and she had the queen of Disheart on her back and she flew her back up the gully and then she found members of the queen’s personal guard in the tent.

They carefully lifted their queen of the back of Diamond Heart who turned back into an old lady and she asked the men to help her carefully get her out of her armour without dislodging the arrowhead.

The queen’s body armour was removed and so was the arrow successfully removed and Diamond Heart had applied a poultice and bandaged the area and the queen rested up in her tent and then Diamond Heart the dragon flew her back to her palace.

Dragon Heart landed on the balcony of the royal bedchamber of the queen where the queen’s son was fast asleep and Diamond Heart turned into an old lady and got the queen undressed and into her nightgown and into bed and drew the curtains around.

Diamond Heart sat back in the rocking chair next to the crib of Epsilon the 5th while he peacefully slept unaware that his mother had been wounded.

He had started to cry and Diamond Heart gently rocked the crib with prince Epsilon the 5th lying in and sang an ancient lullaby which was sang to her when she was a baby and he drifted off back to sleep. 

The next morning when the queen and prince Epsilon the 5th woke up Diamond Heart was gone and the only trace that the queen found that she was ever in her room was some dog tags and a small medallion with the red dragon crest.

Diamond Heart had saved the ancestors of the family and she got them to meet on neutral ground where they had signed a treaty of peace and they bought the two kingdoms together and ruled over them as one.

The kingdoms of Heart and Disheart turned into ruins again after another deadly virus and the palaces were overgrown with vines and when the vines were cut back the ancient tunnels were revealed.

The gates that covered the entrance and exit to the tunnels then once the gates had been removed a musty smell was released and further inside was the smell of corpses.

Then as you inched yourself along the walls there is a steep drop with steps leading down.

Once down the steps and further into the caves there was an old throne room with ancient thrones inside and once the thrones were occupied by a member of the Epsilon family then straps would come out from the sides and crowns of thorns would descend onto their heads.

By the ancient thrones is a stone tablet with ancient words chiselled into the stone.

The ancestors of the Epsilon family all gathered by the stone tablet after Diamond Heart had talked the rulers from going to war and she joined the two kingdoms in harmony and the Epsilon continued to rule both kingdoms.

The ancestors of the Epsilon family along the ancestors of the Hearts who have been on the king’s and queen’s council and are also the protectors of the Epsilon’s family burial crypts.

Prince Epsilon the 6th  grew up and married and had a son of his own prince Epsilon the 7th who grew up away from the two kingdoms that his ancestors ruled because the two kingdoms had been wiped away by a deadly virus.

Epsilon the 7th was drawn to two towns and he did not know why.

He visited the town of Heart on market day but it was eerily silent and the streets were littered with corpses and rotten food.

Epsilon the 7th walked along the harbour wall where he had come across fishing boats that had docked into the harbour and the fisherman had started to unload the fish ready for market and they did not get very far because the fisherman suddenly started to drop down dead and the fresh fish was no longer fresh it had gone rotten.

The bread was rotten and any fresh food that was bought into the town square of Heart was no longer fresh.

Epsilon the 7th walked past the blacksmith’s shop and the fire was lit and there was metal ready to be made into horse shoes and weapons but there was no sign of the blacksmith. 

He walked past where they were making glass there was a lit fire but no glass maker anywhere.

Epsilon the 7th walked past a tailors that he went inside of and found the most beautiful suit hanging up that he took down to put on and as he did he discovered it was full of moth balls.

He was just about to leave the shop when he spotted something on the floor which shone.

What he saw on the floor was dog tags and as he bent down to pick them up his hand touched the skeletal remains which crumbled under his touch.

He ran out of the tailor and went back to the harbour to catch the ship back but it was gone and he was stranded all alone with no flesh food because it had all gone rotten.

Epsilon the 7th found a fishing boat and left the island and he went back to the main lane and he went up to his room in the tavern where he was staying and fell asleep.

The tavern owner’s wife went upstairs the next morning to take breakfast up to Epsilon the 7th room and when she entered she called out his name and he did not answer.

She walked over to the window and opened the curtains and then she opened the curtains around the bed and screamed.

Her husband came running up the stairs and said what is the matter?

Epsilon the 7th is dead!

What do you mean he is dead?

He is not breathing!

The tavern owner walked over to Epsilon the 7th and all he saw was skeletal remains and spores.

They left the room and sealed the door behind them and they sent their son to fetch the physician.

He went running off to get the physician and when the physician arrived he asked to be taken to the patient so that he could examine him.

The Physician entered room and asked what the smell was and then examined Epsilon the 7th closer and said I cannot do anything he is dead and it looks like he has been dead for some time.

The couple of the tavern begged the physician not to say anything and they bribed him with a free meal for two.

He agreed and then he discreetly had the body moved from the tavern.

The physician talks to his friend who is a corner and partner and asks him to perform a postmortem discretely on the body.

He agreed to do the postmortem and when he did the postmortem he asked his partner how long he thought the victim had been dead?

I thought 72 Runes!

Sorry to tell you that he has only been dead 24 Runes.

The corner who performed the postmortem noticed some very odd issues like birth defects caused by relatives who marry each other, some odd looking spores and bones that crumble at the slight touch.

The corner became sick after he had finished examining the body and he could not understand why.

He went home to the house that he shared with his partner and he had a bath and went to bed.

When his partner came home he asked do you know if this man took any trips.

He told his partner that Epsilon the 7th took a boat trip because he wanted to know more about his family.

Do you know where he went to an island and two kingdoms which were Heart and Disheart.

While Epsilon was out visiting the ancestral home of his family he bought back with him a medical journal that he had found, a set of dog tags and some family momentums from the palace ruins.

The physician took the travel bag from Epsilon the 7th room and he went through the belongings and he found Epsilon the 7th‘s diary and well written medical journal.

The physician took the medical journal to his partner the corner to have a look at and when he got home with the medical journal his partner was dead.

The physician decided because he had bought Epsilon the 7th‘s body to him and now he had to find out what had killed his partner.

The medical journal came with detailed diagrams of what to look for along with a list of symptoms and there was also detailed notes on an antidote.

The physician looked at his partner’s extensive notes that he got from the autopsy on Epsilon the 7th‘s body.

The one thing that the physician noticed between his partner’s  notes of a physician from Heart was that they were both looking at a disease which the physician of Heart had cured with the antidote.

As the physician looked at the notes by his counterpart from Heart he discovered that the bodies needed to be burnt along with all of their belongings and anywhere that they had been.

He went back to the tavern to speak to the owner and his wife and when he got there he was too late they too were dead.

The physician followed the advice of his counterpart and he burnt Epsilon the 7th‘s body and then he burnt his partner’s body their home that they shared for 10 Runes and he also burnt the tavern down.

He was too late in burning his house and the tavern down because what he was combating had mutated.

He had a look over his partners notes where he found out that a mystery illness that had attacked Heart and Disheart was back again but now it is attacking other people that have been near to the victims.

The physician who unfortunately thought he had under control cost him quiet a lot including his life and with him the illness was eradicated.

Four hundred and fifty Runes later Diamond Heart again left her pedestal in the family crept to again go looking for descendants of the Epsilon family to rule over the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart.

She did a lot of flying and had no luck until one day again while she was sleeping she reached out with her mind and speaking in an ancient language calling out for anyone that is related to the Epsilon’s and as she was about to give up she ended up reaching a very small child her ran down to speak to her parents and they could not understand a word the child was saying.

The parents of the child were really worried that their child was speaking a language that they could not understand how she learnt.

They took the child to many physicians who could not help her until the very last physician who told them of a friend from his college days who was studying an ancient island and dead languages.

The island that he believed to have existed was known to have two kingdoms one called Heart and the other called Disheart.

This man asked if he could speak with the child separately the parents agreed but before he sat down with the child they asked the parents what they knew of their family history and then he called in his researcher who was a genealogist.

All we know about our families is that there is royal blood in our families and that they all died out and there was talk of the kingdoms that they ruled over and that they were killed off by a mysterious illness.

He asked them if he and his genealogist could see all of the records they had on their families.

They told the genealogist to go and help himself they are in the attic sealed since we cleared the boxes for our parents houses and we have not opened them so we have no idea what you will find.

After the parents had finished talking to the historian and linguist he went to talk to their three old child who he had a very detailed conversation with because he instantly recognised the language and he took detailed notes, along with audio and visual recordings.

Once he finished with the child he joined his genealogist and went through all the boxes with him that he had bought down from the attic.

He asked the family he was with if they would join him at their dining table because they had some really interesting family heirlooms.

The family asked the historian what he was holding and told that the two swords that he was holding came from 1st dynasty Epsilon how can you tell?

I can tell because it carries the red dragon crest and because that is my family crest too.

He said that he had also visited the ancestral home after meeting the family protector and her name is Diamond Heart and she also showed me where I could find where my family ruled.

She took me to the palace of Heart where he found some old thrones and he sat down in one of them.

As I sat down in the throne I was instantly recognised as a Epsilon and I read the tablet and got a very interesting translation. 

I sat on the throne and part of the process started but it would not complete because he did not have another pure blooded 11 Runes family member as my wife.

Diamond Heart our family protector spent a lot of her time trying to reach out to family members so I do not why you did not respond?

We wanted to run our own lives without having to honour family customs and learn a dead language that no one spoke anymore.

Well if you decided to block that out after you grew up how come your child speaks it very fluently and she can also write in it?

We do not know how that is possible but our child kept saying that she was visited by a red dragon that became an old lady.

What did she tell you that this old lady who was also a dragon say to her?

That I am related to the greatest royal family that ever lived and that one day I will rule over the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart.

She said the kingdoms need you and I need you to make a mends for my past mistakes.

She said my name is Diamond Heart and I am your family protector and I want to bring you back into the family fold.

Diamond Heart could see that I was behind on my education and she was coming to me every night to make sure that learned the ancient language and that I also knew all of the laws and customs of the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart.

After Diamond Heart had finished giving the child the lessons she went away and the child cried and cried and when her parents asked her what was wrong she spoke to them in a language that they had long forgotten and was not spoken any longer by anyone because it had died out when the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart were wiped off the map by a mysterious illness.

Diamond Heart guilt that she had not made her mother and grandmother proud before they died.

What Diamond Heart did not know was that her mother and grandmother are proud of her.

The day that Diamond Heart tried to stop the war the queen was having with her half sibling and the queen was shot by one of her half sibling’s men. 

He decided that he was going to shot at the queen without orders.

Diamond Heart flew onto the battlefield to collect the injured queen to fly her to medical attention.

The queen got her medical treatment and she waited in the tent for Diamond Heart to bring up her half sibling to talk peace treaty because they both ruled over the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart and they need to get along.

The young child that Diamond Heart had secretly been seeing and she also bought another male family member into the fold and when he saw the girl he instantly fell in love with her and he knew that the next time he went back to their ancestral home he had to take the 11 Runes child with him as his wife because it was their destiny to rule together and bring the kingdoms back to life and give him children to keep the bloodline alive.

The person who came to help the 11 Runes girl he told her to pack her belongings and hide them under the bed because he had been talking to Diamond Heart and she was going to come and get them.

They packed light and they flew on the back of Diamond and when they got to their final destination they went to the old throne room and sat on the thrones and were recognised as descendants of Epsilon and they went along to the great hall for their wedding ceremony.

The wedding ceremony was performed by the royal high priest and as part of the wedding ceremony rituals they were fertility dolls then they were taken to one of the royal bedchamber’s to have sex in front of the royal high priest because he had to make sure that they could produce healthy heirs.

After they had finished having sex the royal physician was on hand to make sure that she had indeed being impregnated and then the wedding ceremony continued and was concluded with dancing and then the royal couple went back to the bedchamber for more sex and then they were then told that she was to sleep in the adjoining room and she was to keep her fertility doll with her all the time and the king had to make many visits to her during her most fertile periods and he also had to make sure that he kept her constantly pregnant with no breaks between the birth of the children.

One Rune the queen was in the garden of her great-great-great grandfather where she was raped by the head gardener and then she ran out of the garden into one of the personal guards who also rape her.

When he finished raping her he took back into the palace by the secret tunnels he gives her a bath and then takes her back to the royal chambers where redresses her and waits with her until the king comes back.

The personal guard left the bedchamber once he saw his king and then the queen sat down on the royal bed and told the king what had happened and he ordered the death of the head gardener and the personal guard.

The new king decided that his head gardener and personal guard whom they both trusted were going to face severe punishment that the law carried for rape because these two men were not pure royal blood.

So the new king was so familiar with the law that he found that he could bring to justice the two men that raped his wife and the law also stated that if the queen as a crime done to her then she as the right to chose the punishment.

The king had his queen come into the library where he showed her a lists of punishments that were written into law for raping their queen.

The queen very carefully read the lists of punishment she was not a cruel lady but being raped by the head gardener and a personal guard took their toll out on her and she picked the most harshest punishment and as she was the victim she was given a basket of stones which she threw at the head gardener and the personal guard until they were dead and then she took the sword form the captain of the guards and took away their hands and then she went back inside the palace to lie down on the royal bed where she went into labour and the royal physician came running to her aid.

The queen’s maid was in the royal bedchamber performing her duties as midwife at the royal birth.

While she was trying to deliver the king and queen’s baby there were complications and the baby was breached and she could not leave the mother’s bedside so she told her assistant to fetch the physician now we are going to need him and fetch the king as well because he should be here to witness the birth of his child.

The king came running and he could not believe that after all he went through taking her away from her family and having a wedding ceremony in their ancestral home that she was going to die giving birth to her 13th child.

The physician came and managed to correct the breach birth and the queen gave birth to a healthy son and then she saw her boy and then Haemorrhaged and died.

The put his son back into his crib and went to over to see his wife and he saw the midwife and the physician cover her face over with his sheet and then he screamed in anguish and ordered the royal bedchamber cleared and he gave orders to the midwife to fetch the other children from the palace nanny.

The midwife went down to the royal nursery to fetch the king and queen’s children.

Before she took the children to see their father she spoke to the royal nanny and told her the queen was dead and the king wanted his children bought to him in the royal bedchamber.

The king sat his children on the bed and told them that their mom had died.

He told his children to say goodbye to their mom and then he asked them all to leave apart from their eldest daughter who was 11 Runes.

He asked his daughter to help him get the queen’s body ready for burial.

The princess helped her father the king with doing the royal shroud and then she was moved into the great hall in her glass coffin while the people filed past her to say goodbye.

The royal high priest performed all of the last right burial rites and then she was interned in one of the empty alcoves with her name carved into the stone.

The family left the crypt went to great hall which had been dressed in sombre dark colours and they had the wake.

Then 72 Runes after the queen’s funeral the king planed a wedding ceremony where he married his 11 Runes daughter and she gave her father many heirs and when he turned 60 Runes he died in the bed that he shared with his new queen.

After her husband and father died she married her 21 Runes brother and had yet more children with him.

The royal Epsilon lie continued a prospered and then the kingdoms were struck by yet another mystery illness which was spread from person to person.

The symptoms ranged from breathing problems, spores that are air borne and the final symptoms are death with the flesh dropping off the bones and them becoming really brittle and the fast onset of rigour mortise.

The physician was kept really busy with this new strain mystery illness because it did not distinguish between royalty or the common man.

The physician ended up performing quite a few autopsies and youngest was a small baby.

He kept detailed notes and he removed organs from a crumbling skeleton examined them returned them back to the dead bodies and then burned them.

After that any houses that had been touch again by yet another mystery illness killed families.

The job of the soldiers now is to paint a symbol on the houses where people had died and they were sealed off and then burnt to the ground.

Once the houses were burnt down what was left of them was removed and taken into the dark forest and buried.

The king and queen order the destruction of both of the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart to prevent the spread of the illness and then with the remains of the subjects who survived they rebuilt the two kingdoms and they had fresh food delivered but they started to notice that it was going rotten really quickly and was riddled with maggots.

The kitchen staff at the palace destroyed the rotten food and they went to the town centre for market day and the only food there was also rotten and riddled with maggots.

Fresh food was coming into the town centre from the harbour and by the time the ships docked the food was rotten and infested with maggots and had to be destroyed.

Captain Fairious Epsilon relinquished his claim to the throne and he bought himself a small fishing boat which he used to bring in food supplies, weapons and tourists.

The harbour was closed off so no ships in or out and there were  also restrictions on any movement of people or animals.

The king ordered a complete shutdown of the town and any food destroyed.

Those people who survived the mystery illness were dying from starvation and the lack of clean drinking water.

The physician had again eradicated the illness and they were trying to rebuild the population and Diamond Heart was again sent out to keep looking for more ancestors of the Epsilon family.

Diamond Heart the dragon was so exhausted but she would not give up until she had got all the Epsilon’s back to where they belong.

She bought them all back to where they belonged and they were standing on the harbour looking at what was left of their ancestral home when they all made the decision to rebuild and they moved in and they carried on the ancient customs and they also rehung their family crest.

Once the family crest had been rehung the ancestors of the Epsilon family decided that Diamond Heart should rejoin the ancestors with a title and a holiday in her honour and the key to the kingdom.

The whole Epsilon family were together again and captain Fairious Epsilon decided he wanted to come back into the fold because after all he was a member of the royal family and he was also entitled to sit on the throne and rule over the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart.

The Epsilon family ruled for many eons and then they were wiped out and a new family dynasty ruled over the two kingdoms and they destroyed the red dragon family crest of the Epsilon family and they hung up a green dragon crest.

The new ruling family destroyed all the portraits of the old rulers.

The new queen destroyed everything that was in the library because she wanted everything of the original ruling family gone.

The new ruling family also vandalised the crypts that were built for the Epsilon family and they also banished Diamond Heart from the city and took her key away from her and the national holiday that she was given by the family who she remained loyal to and she defended right to the end.

The new ruling family destroyed all the laws that were written by the old ruling family.

Diamond Heart went in search of ancestors of the Epsilon family and she found decedents of the harem of whores that Epsilon bought into the family and they were the next rightful heirs and so they came back to the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart and went to war and they regained the thrones and they again stayed within the Epsilon bloodline.

The people of the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart turned against their new king and queen and rebelled against them and then they got the Epsilon line back where they belonged. 

They had many Runes of the Drefrol family rule even though they were not the rightful heirs they had taken the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart in a coup in a bloody battle.

Diamond Heart fought the bloody coup and she killed Emerald Heart the green dragon from the Drefrol family.

Once the battle was over there was still members of the Drefrol family who had survived and they were a married brother and sister and she was carrying her brother’s heirs.

The people of the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart had to get used to brand new laws which were implemented in the kingdom of Drefrol.

The old palace guards who served the Epsilon family managed to get most of the artefact’s out of the library and the bedrooms and boxed up. 


The guards got them through the secret underground tunnels that the new royal family knew nothing about and then they got them to the boat of the oldest Epsilon brother and he got them away from the island.

He was coming back for a second trip when the new king and queen ordered the harbour to be lined with archers who were ordered to shoot burning arrows at the boat but they deliberately missed and he managed to get more of the Epsilon family heirlooms out.

Once the family heirlooms were smuggled out they were distributed amongst the family.

Then the descendants made the decision that they wanted to go back to their ancestral home to reclaim it from the Drefrol family and fill it again with the true royal family the Epsilon’s and all of their descendants.

Some descendants of the Epsilon family had changed their names because of what happened many Runes ago.

The Drefrol family were the ones who had created the mystery illness and infected the Epsilon dynasty because they wanted control of the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart.

The physician of Heart and Disheart suspected that the mystery illness was man made and he knew who was responsible because he and a fellow med student had made it when they were at med school together.

The man he worked with a med school on the mystery illness is  now a physician at the palace of Disharmony. 

The physician of Heart and Disheart spoke to his king while he was hiding them in his home and he told them that he knew where the mystery illness had come from because he made it when he was at med school with man who is now a physician at the palace of Disharmony.

I believed that it was destroyed in an accident in the lab and then we graduated and it was never spoke of again.

While we were experimenting with this mystery illness we created an antidote to cure it if it every got out of the lab.

We did manage to test the mystery illness and the cure before the lab was destroyed in an explosion.

I thought that the mystery illness along with the cure had been destroyed in the explosion because my partner had told me it had little did I know that he had got the mystery illness, the cure  and all of our notes out of the lab before the explosion.

He gave me all the notes of our work as I thought but he also kept a back up.

I believe that he has decided to re engineer the mystery illness that we both worked on many Runes ago.

He came across his old med student partner and he confronted him about their research and what had happened to the mystery illness and all of the research along with the cure that they had made after the explosion in the lab of the med school.

Like I told you back then nothing survived the explosion!

You lie because the mystery illness that as effected the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart is the same strain that we were working on back in med school.

OK I saved our research project before the explosion because I knew one day that it may come in handy and give me some leverage.

When my king and queen heard about my research and they ordered me to deploy it on the kingdoms of Heart and Disheart I was only too happy for our research work to be used and they asked for me to make the antidote as well as the mystery illness and I was to give it to them along with all of our research material no questions asked. 

I did as I was ordered and I watched my king and queen destroy the antidote along with all of our research material.

It was like when the med school to destroy our research long ago.

I was working in the research lab during the explosion I packed up all of our research and I was just about to leave when our valid Victorian was trapped by a cupboard after the first explosion and I could not leave her I helped her get out and then there was a second explosion and I was badly burned.

Since that day I vowed revenge and the fellow med student I helped was a member of the Epsilon family.

I came away from that explosion having to wear a leather mask over part of my face because of how hideous I looked and the person who I saved did not have a scratch on her and she did not visit me once while I was undergoing my treatment.

I came to the hospital and while I was there she did come to visit you but your parents turned her away when they heard that she was the reason that were caught up in the explosion and they were very hard on her so she walked away.

Mom and dad I have some questions for you did I have any visitors from med school?

Yes you did the partner you worked with on your research project and some girl who wanted to know if you were OK.

What happened to the girl we told her to leave.

Why did you do that?

When she told us that she was the girl that was the course of your injuries and that she walked away from the explosion without a scratch we got angry. 

When his parents told him that the girl he helped tried to come every day to see him this made him very angry and bitter towards his parents.

He left home for good after graduating from his med school with a first and he went on to get a job as royal physician to the Drefrol family and he worked for six successful kings and queens and he was on the battlefield when his family went up against the Epsilon’s.

He saw the woman he helped at med school he did not know that she was a princess and now she is a queen and the enemy of his king and queen.

When he saw her face his anger came to the surface and he released the mystery illness near the Epsilon encampment and infected all of the Epsilon family.

Diamond Heart was also infected by the mystery illness but she used her ability to create very hot fire which eradicated the symptoms and saved the Epsilon family.

The Epsilon family were riding back to their two palaces and as they approached they found that they could not get back into the city gates and their old guard who was guarding the palaces were all dead.











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